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Failed attempts at living simple lives are what keep me coming back to you
so who remembers me

my name is ghost op and it's been....2 or 3 years or so since i first realized that you could come up with a completely contrived backstory for yourself and nobody can tell because it's THE INTERNET

i was never in the army, i don't live anywhere near new york, and i'm definitely not 29 or whatever i said (come to think of it, that's actually mad creepy)

i'm actually 17 and from north carolina. i got my name from some guy i met playing battlefield 2 in like 2005. probably should have been a little more original there, but oh well

my life has improved since i stopped posting here. a lot. i was pretty content racking up like 1000 posts or whatever it was, but when i stopped posting and started, you know, going outside and having friends, i feel better at the end of the day. i started taking care of myself, started to check those retarded impulses to say stupid things and made sure to get out of the house at least once every weekend.

because of those changes, i've got lots of good friends, and i can honestly say i'm friendly with most people i meet. i've dated girls and gone to parties, which isn't much an accomplishment in and of itself but it's leagues better than sitting at my computer, fapping to furry and posting here.

please don't think for a second that i think i'm better than anyone here. i remember that even through my mind-numbingly obvious lies about my life (HURR HURR YEAH GUYS I'M THE GUITARIST FROM RAMMSTEIN, LEGIT), people here still took me seriously and would respond kindly to my questions and stuff. i think that, fundamentally, you can divide people into two categories; nice, and assholes. i can definitely say i've never met an asshole on here (not wise, either, you don't strike me as a dick). roran, misty, epsilon, guilmonW.A.S., unknown, dmx, shadowknight, the vancrimsons (oh boy was that weird), all people that were legitimately good at heart. and that's the most important thing i can think of.


*i remember a random picture of an asian boy drinking tea or something. if you're reading this, you're cute :d
*the guitar sounds good, i'd add something if my double bass pedal wasn't totally trashed.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Failed attempts at living simple lives are what keep me coming back to you - by niggerspickikefaggot - 12-22-2008, 05:22 PM