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Screwed Over
I'm pretty certain that I was screwed over at the time I was most vulnerable.

I am currently attending Westwood College in Upland, CA, and a few weeks ago, I stumbled upon news that is starting to reveal its true colors.

I was enrolled in Westwood back around the same time in 2006, not even two months after I was nearly arrested for shooting scare rumors spread around about me. Back then, I didn't know anything about the world, literally. Due to the fear that I was more dangerous than the shooters of Columbine *Caused by years of being the victim of countless beatings and isolation, which also caused the shooting scare rumors* I wasn't even allowed to use a computer. Right after the incident, I was practically forced to look around at different schools, something I wasn't ready for at the time. The only College that would accept me was Westwood. None of the others would accept me due to my hellish school history and my less than average score in Algebra *Despite the fact that I scored in the exceptional range in every other category.*

I was naive at the time, and despite the fact that I was always focused in the schoolwork and that I was a straight A student *Graduated high school despite all the countless beatings with a GPA of 3.8*, most of the teachers were just not teaching. When it came to my algebra classes, I was supposed to get tutoring for that, but the staff didn't bother to arrange it until nearly 20 weeks after I had requested it *And near daily pestering*. Even then, the tutoring was less than dismal; even though I asked for help, the teacher didn't do anything but give me a ticker tape response.

It went downhill from there. Most of the teachers didn't even teach; one in particular only showed us cheap powerpoint presentations and barely had the drive to enunciate half of the words. Another teacher gave me shit because I didn't bother to remember her name, as if her name was more important than the class itself *And it is a fact that I do have problems with remembering people's names*

my major at this school is Game Art, and yet, with the high price tag on this school *$72,000*, they refuse to supply us with anything actually useful. No Adobe programs, no drawing tablets, no nothing. Even the books are useless. most of them I've never even used once.

I've even spent the last year and a half trying to find a job, yet no one is accepting my applications. I've gone to their career development several times a day for help, and every time I step in, it's like I'm meeting them for the first time. Every time I try to get help, I'm about halfway through with filling out the paperwork when suddenly the person I'm with has to step out for a minute and never comes back.

It pains me at the same time to have to say this. Some of the teachers shouldn't even be working there; why aren't they at a better school? So far I've had two teachers at this school who validate the 72K my parents are sacrificing and then some. one of them even fought the system for however long we've been there on trying to get them to supply us with some of the programs like 3DS Max or Maya or Adobe, and from both of them I've learned a ton from just one class session.

Now that I can see some of the truer colors of this school, I've been looking around to try and find reviews or certifications about this school, yet anything professional is nonexistant, and almost all of the student reviews are horrible.

I really want to hear from other people about this. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place right now; on one hand I could risk wasting the next 2 years of my life on this crap school and waste my parents money even more, or I can quit, risk my past coming back, save the money, and learn what I need to by myself.
[Image: WalkingEye-1.jpg]

No super-villain can resist the temptation of a Walking Eye.

Messages In This Thread
Screwed Over - by Lost - 12-02-2008, 09:37 AM
RE: Screwed Over - by Kundral - 12-02-2008, 11:25 AM
RE: Screwed Over - by The Reclaimer - 12-02-2008, 03:43 PM
RE: Screwed Over - by Lost - 12-04-2008, 06:26 AM
RE: Screwed Over - by Wisemon - 12-04-2008, 11:07 AM
RE: Screwed Over - by Kundral - 12-04-2008, 11:27 AM
RE: Screwed Over - by Khorne - 12-21-2008, 04:53 PM
RE: Screwed Over - by MagusKnight - 12-22-2008, 01:17 AM