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Adventures of the Blue Maiden
Hey, happy Turkey Day everybody! I know it's been a while since I've posted anything so here's a little something for you...okay, a long something. Hope you all like it. Oh, Aquaveemon and her evolutions are still the creation of Marika, whoever that is.

Warning: Contains Yuri, Crossbreeding, and Milking

Adventures with the Blue Maiden by Crimson Fox

“How could anyone be so cruel?” The mirror reflected the image of a sobbing girl, mired in misery. Beneath her spiky mop of hair, one Jun Motomiya let out her inner torment.

The door suddenly cracked open with a young man barging in. “Hey sis, have you seen my soccer b…um, never mind.” Davis started to edge back upon realizing his sister wasn’t in the most pleasant of moods.

Escape wasn’t an option though for the shaggy haired teen, his sister unexpectedly turning to hug him tight, her teary eyes planted at about his shoulder. “Jim…he…he…”

Part of Davis wanted to feel sympathetic for Jun until he recalled this same scenario playing out before. “Aw, c’mon sis. There are plenty of guys out there, like…”

“But Jim was the only one for me!” she nearly shrieked, her tears quickly soaking the sleeve of Davis’s shirt.

“Didn’t you say that about Matt, and the guy before that,” he blurted out, regretting it instantly upon seeing the fiery spark in Jun’s eyes.

“This is different!” She suddenly shoved him off, her watery eyes opening for a stern glare. “Just leave me alone, Davis!”

“Hey, I’m sorry…ow!” Upon receiving a firm door to the face, Davis rubbed his nose and started to walk away, giving a brief sigh.


Following another few rounds of crying and a good pummeling of her pillow, the young lady started to calm down. She lounged on the bed and stared up towards her ceiling in an attempt to empty her mind.

She barely heard the door open before a cheery voice asked her, “Hey Jun, wha’cha doing?” Veemon grinned up towards her, the blue dragon bouncing a soccer ball on his head.

She arose with a light yawn, her weary eyes looking towards him before she offered a light smile. “Nothing you need to worry about.”

“Nothing? Well that doesn’t sound like a lot of fun.” He set the soccer ball down before he climbed up and sat beside the teenaged girl. “It’s summer! You ought to go outside. It’s really nice out there today.”

Jun’s smiled grew a little before she giggled a bit, her arms wrapping around him for a light hug. “Thanks Vee, but a little sun can’t solve every problem.”

Almost as if it were a challenge, he answered back, “Sure it can! …Well, okay, I guess not every problem, but I bet it will make you feel better.”

It was hard for her to resist the endearing look in Veemon’s ruby eyes, her arms releasing the small dragon before asking him, “Alright, I guess it’s worth a shot. Know any good places to go?”

Thinking for a moment, a light bulb quickly went off in Veemon’s head. “Well, the most fun out there is the Digital World. There’s always something new to see, money back guaranteed!”

“The Digital World, eh…” A curious look overtook Jun’s eyes.


“No way! The Digital World is a dangerous place! I don’t need my sister running around there.” Davis folded his arms and raised a defiant look.

“It can’t be that dangerous! I thought you guys beat that bad guy…um, MaliceMitosismon or something.” Jun wasn’t about to let up, a determined look reflected in her brown irises.

“That’s not his name, it’s… Okay, look. Do you want to be some wild digimon’s next lunch?” The same determination rose in Davis’s eyes, fueling another classic argument between the two siblings.

“Ha, like they’d want to hurt me.” Jun gave a cute pose before she added, “Besides, the only chewing toy around here is you.” With that she stuck her tongue out at Davis in a rather childish manner.

Sensing the anger starting to cloud the room, Veemon spoke up and told them, “Ah, it will be okay, Davish. I’ll watch over her like a guardian angel…um, dragon…angedragon?”

“Well there, problem solved! Now open that Digidoor!” She pointed towards the computer screen in Davis’s room, eagerly awaiting the portal.

“Digigate…fine, if it will get you to shut up.” In a half hearted tone, he held up his digivice and uttered, “Digigate open.”

After a flash of bright light, the three were gone with only the hum of the computer holding off the sudden silence.


The sun rose to high noon above the Digital World, shining directly above a grassy cliff slide. Hidden amongst some thick bushes, a beat up television flicked on and glowed. A moment later, the dusty machine spat up the three travelers and sent them on a one way trip to the grassy floor.

“Hey, it wasn’t so bad this time,” declared Veemon, dusting off his scales.

Jun nodded in agreement while taking a second to fix her hair. “Yeah, I thought that was going to hurt.”

“Could you two get off of me?” Davis grumbled from the bottom of the pile, the young man struggling to get up.

“Oops, sorry Davis. Didn’t see you there.” She giggled a little before getting up with Veemon, the girl offering him a helping hand.

“Yeah whatever.” Davis refused her hand and arose on his own power. He dusted off his flame printed jacket before asking her, “Alright, are you happy?”

“I don’t think she heard you Davish.” Veemon pointed over towards the cliff where Jun was looking at the magnificent view of the digital landscape.

With a light groan, he asked in frustration, “What is it with people never listening to me, Veemon?”

Watching Jun from afar, the blue dragon blinked and answered, “Sorry, what did you say, Davish?”

The digidestined turned glared down towards the short dragon and told him, “Hey! I oughta…”

“Could you two quiet down over there? I’m trying to enjoy the view…ah!” Jun lost her breath and screamed once the ground below her began to crumble. Without time to react she fell with the edge of the cliff towards the canyon below.

“Jun! Quick, Veemon! Digivolve!” Davis swiftly held up his digivice, a beam of light shooting out towards Veemon.

Their efforts were in vain once Jun fell into the river splitting across the canyon floor. Its fierce current carried her far away, knocking the unfortunate girl unconscious.


Sometime later, Jun’s eyes finally reopened to a dimly lit world of rock. A warm, damp cavern greeted the young woman along with a single light poking in from a large hole in the middle of the high ceiling. She groaned lightly, her body sore and her clothing soaked. “W-Where am I?” Jun started to sit up and looked around to see she was on a rocky shore with a large cavern lake beside her, the ceiling light giving it an eerie glow.

A sweet, young voice spoke out from the shadowed cavern. “Wow, I wasn’t sure if you were going to make it. Good thing I was wrong, eh?”

“Huh, who’s there? Show yourself…I’m not afraid.” Jun’s shaking joints did little to back up her argument.

“Aw…why would anyone be afraid of me?” A short creature started to pad over to where the girl was sitting up, her silhouette showing a fin across her head and another one across her tail. The light started to reveal her aquamarine scales with white underbelly along with a pair of ocean blue eyes. “Hi there!”

“Veemon?” She asked with an odd look in her eyes, noticing the digimon had a similar shape to the blue dragon besides the fins.

“Close. You can call me AquaVeemon or Aqua for short. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” The marine digimon sat down beside the human girl and smiled up towards her.

Finally getting a good look at the digimon under the cavern’s single light, Jun gave a sigh of relief. “Sorry about that, I thought I was in big trouble there. It’s nice to meet you too, I’m Jun. Thanks for helping me.” She looked around a little before asking, “Say, what happened? Last I checked I fell into a river and hit my head.”

“Well, part of a river does run into this cave to the left, but I think you should know…”

Regaining some of her energy, she told the aqua digimon with a little more confidence, “It doesn’t matter, as long as you know how to get out of here.”

“Boy, you humans are impatient, but I understand. Anyways, I was about to say that it’s not that simple. You see, this cave is home to a horde of Goblimon and there are way too many for me to fight. Luckily, those rock heads haven’t found this part of the cave yet.” AquaVeemon suddenly became a little downtrodden as she was reminded again of the situation.

“Wait, wait. You’re a water digimon I think, right. Couldn’t you just swim up where the river runs and bring help?” She looked over to the lake again and looked for where the water was coming in from.

“Don’t you think I’ve tried that? The current is way too strong even for me.” She looked at her webbed fingers before giving a light sigh.

Jun whimpered a little before asking, “So we’re really trapped. How are we going to survive down here?”

“Oh, that’s not a problem. I haven’t been here long, but I’ve found plenty to eat. They’re lots of fish in the water to catch along with the mushrooms that grow around the other side of the lake. Mmmm, that reminds me, it’s almost dinner time.” The small dragon’s tail started to wag a bit in excitement.

Jun only offered another light whimper and uttered quietly, “So we’re really trapped down here?” The young woman’s eyes reflected a quiet sadness as she thought about her home. I’m such an idiot, forcing Davis to take me to this world.

AquaVeemon looked towards the trembling human, an odd feeling sparking within her petite body. “Hey…c’mon, don’t cry.” Noticing her words didn’t do much alone, she held Jun’s hand before telling her, “We’re going to get out of here.”

Jun tightened her grip on the digimon’s hand and peered into the rookie’s eyes. “Haven’t you already tried to escape from…whatever a Gobbymon is?”

“You mean Goblimon.” She shook her head in slight embarrassment before telling Jun, “But yes, I tried and nearly got caught…” AquaVeemon and started to blush and tried to reassure the young woman. “Um…, but if we work together, we should be able to outsmart those thick heads. Plus, the cave can’t be that big.”

Thinking for a moment and drawing in a bit of inner courage, she said in a shaky tone, “Alright. Help isn’t going to come if we wait here. So how do we deal with these guys?”

“Well, there are a lot of them and their leader is very powerful, but they’re all as dumb as a couple of bricks. Anyways, let’s eat first before we go. We should be at full strength before we try anything.”


After a rather bland meal of fish and mushrooms, they stood before the passage leading deeper into the dimly lit cavern. Aquaveemon looked towards Jun and asked her, “Are you ready?”

With a quivering lip, she uttered, “No, but we’d better go anyways.”

Giving her a light nod, the scaly digimon started to lead them through the smooth, damp walls of the digital cavern. They kept quiet to prevent drawing the attention of the local goblins, only the light sounds of their footsteps filling the rocky corridor. Several moments passed without anything significant occurring until another light started to poke through from around the corner. The two cautiously looked past the cavern’s edge, their eyes widening.

Up ahead, a couple of Goblimon stood around with their backs thankfully facing the two girls. The small green humanoids talked rather loudly while keeping a good grip on their thick clubs. With a wide grin, the leftmost guard said in a boastful tone, “So then, I hit him with my club! Ha ha ha!”
“Ha ha ha? …That’s not very funny.” The second one said with a rather perplexed look across his face. Unable to understand the joke, the digimon was left scratching his head.

“I’ll show you who’s not funny.” The first Goblimon then swiped his club down on his fellow guard. The brawl that soon broke out was spectacular.

Don’t mind us, just a lil’ dragon and a human passing through, Aquaveemon thought to herself before she and Jun snuck past the Goblimon fracas.

Managing to evade the first two guards, they continued their quest to escape from the Goblimon caves. They made sure to watch their footing, the cavern floor becoming rougher with stray rocks littering the walkway.
“Ha, I knew it!” a voice suddenly cried out, the echo bouncing off the walls.
The two girls shivered and looked around, searching out who had spotted them.

“It’s still good gold…uh…uh…you just have really good teeth?” The Goblimon took his bag of faulty gold and smiled wide. “Would I lie to you?”

“Ha, I bet you’d lie to your mother! Hope you’re ready for a beating!”

Jun and Aquaveemon slipped away and tried to ignore the painful screams that started to echo. The spiky haired girl sighed quietly and thought, I guess she wasn’t kidding. These guards are doing everything but guarding. Continuing down the path, Jun started to feel a poking to the back of her shoulder which persisted. After a few more moments, she told Aquaveemon quietly, “Hey, knock that off.”

“Hmmm, I’m down here…trying to get us out of here, remember.” She looked quizzically up towards the human, wondering what the problem was.

“Then what is…? Ahhh!” cried Jun once she looked around, noticing their uninvited quest was more than just a Goblimon.

“Ah, c’mon, I didn’t even get to say boo.” Barely visible under the dim light of the cavern, the hulking green figure chuckled towards the two women. With a mane of unkempt white hair and a ghastly club made of bone, Ogremon grinned towards his prey. “A little scrawny, but you’ll do for an appetizer.”

“Eww, get away you freak!” Jun quickly threw a rock at the champion digimon before running ahead.

“Aqua Seltzer!” Aquaveemon fired a hurried shot of water from her mouth before following Jun down the damp passage.

Ogremon merely laughed as he blocked both attacks with his lumbering club. “These are my caves, think you can escape?!” The white haired champion then started the chase, his heavy footsteps resonating throughout the cave. “I’ve barred all the windows and threw away all the keys! You two are mine!”


Ducking away into a separate chamber, Aquaveemon whispered, “I think we’re safe…for the moment anyways.”

“You’d think they’d keep a map or something around. This place is confusing.” Jun look around the room they were in, a small fissure in the ceiling leaking some light in. She marveled a bit at the shiny materials on the central table before realizing, “Junk…they collect junk?” She picked up a half rusted gear before setting it back down.

“Like I said, they’re not too bright.” The petite dragon continued to watch the hall, making sure they wouldn’t get jumped by Ogremon.

Jun’s attentions were drawn towards the table of items collected on the table, surprised at some of the things considered “valuable” by the goblins. “A razor…a set of salad forks…huh…” The human’s eyes became rather wide when she noticed an item sitting nonchalant at the end of the table. “What is this…”

A bright white light flooded out of the storage room causing both of the girls to gasp. The light dissipated a few moments later, but the damage was already done, the sound of heavy footsteps becoming louder.

AquaVeemon ran back towards the shocked girl and asked, “What was that?”

Before she could answer, Ogremon barged in followed by a small cohort of Goblimon. “Heh heh, fe fi fo fum, I…I forget how the rest of that goes. Block the door boys, I’ll take care of these ladies.” With a guttural battle cry, the monstrous digimon lunged forward.

“Look out, Jun!” The rookie quickly shoved the girl to the ground, causing the wide mouthed champion to crash into the cavern wall.

The rock promptly cracked before crumbling under pressure, revealing the way outside. It took a moment for Jun to realize what happened before she shouted to the marine digimon, “Lets get out of here!”

“I’m right with you. Later, boys!” Aquaveemon giggled before she and Jun ran for the gaping hole leading into the wilderness.

Ogremon grunted as the two girls ran over his fallen body before he uttered, “After them….after them or it’s no dessert for a month!”
The pitiful monster barely had time to react as the horde of Golbimon swiftly marched over his body, the muscular ogre roaring in frustration.

Jun and AquaVeemon ran a short distance before realizing they were trapped between the cave they escaped from and a steep cliff. The teen looked down and pouted immediately. “Now what are we going to do?”

“You’re going to a part of my soup when I’m done with you two…I think I’ll call it Alphabet Noodle Surprise.” Emerging from the cavern after the Goblimon was the hulking figure of Ogremon. A few bruises covered his green skin, but he still showed plenty of fight left in his body. Getting his unwieldy club into position, he slowly walked towards his prey and laughed in cruel delight. “Ha ha, say your prayers, time to die, and uh…don’t forget to write!”

Jun grasped the item she stole from the monsters and shivered a bit. If only I could do something to help… The gadget in her hands started to glow with that same white light again, the girl looking at before noticing a change in Aquaveemon. “What is going on?”

The petite dragon started to glow from the light aimed towards her, the rookie telling Jun, “Hey, don’t worry. Just believe in me, okay?”

The spiky haired girl stood silent for a moment before she nodded softly and said without a shred of doubt, “Okay, show him what you’ve got.”

Ogremon was forced to cover his eyes with his club from the radiant gleam that shot across the battlefield. He growled viciously and asked, “Oh, a little flash, big deal. Is that all?”

“I’m just getting started.” Once her body shined a pure white, she cried out confidently, “AquaVeemon digivolve to…” In what was mere moments, her body began to metamorphose. Her child like form grew into a more adult shape with a strong, lean build. A soft smile grew across her longer muzzle once some gold and black armor encased her body. Gauntlets, boots and a sturdy helm were soon to follow giving the marine dragon the fierce appearance of a warrior. In a deeper, yet lovely voice she finished by declaring her new name, “…Aquarivamon!”

Ogremon blinked a little once the overwhelming radiance vanished and his sight returned, the horned digimon gasping, “Impossible, you digivolved? Hmmm…maybe not impossible, but it’s still very unlikely!” With a fresh battle cry, he declared, “Okay, this time I mean it when I say, time to die! Bone Club!” He made a hefty swing downwards, grinning slyly towards the armored digimon.

Jun cringed when she heard a dull thud until she saw Aquarivamon blocking the club with her gauntlets. “Wow…”

The water dragoness laughed a little before asking Ogremon, “What’s the matter? I thought you said you were going to kill me?”

“Urgh, making fun of me, eh. Well, let’s see if you laugh after this. Goblimon, attack!” Ogremon stepped back as the little, green creatures surrounded her. “Now!”

Watching the Goblimon all charge at the same time, Aquarivamon smirked before jumping with her long, flowing legs. The mangy digimon quickly crashed together into a large cluster.

“Hey, why’d you hit me?” one of the rookies cried while rubbing his wound.
With a light growl, another shouted, “Hey, that’s what I was going to say! Bah, I’ll let my club do the talking!”

It wasn’t long before an unruly fight occurred among the Goblimon ranks, causing Ogremon to slap his forehead. “Morons! Guess it’s up to your great leader…again!” He watched as Aquarivamon landed without a scratch before him, the monstrous digimon making another swing towards her. “Hhyaaa!”

Deftly dodging the swing, she cried out, “Enough of this, Ice Knuckle!” With a burst of frigid ice across her fist, she struck Ogremon’s wrist.

“Argh, bitch!” Overwhelmed by the pain shooting up his arm, he dropped his club which bounced off the cliff. Backing off for a moment, his dull blue eyes grew more feral. “You’re dead this time girlie, no more Mr. Nice Ogremon.” With an inhuman amount of speed he rushed forwards and pinned her to the ground. “I’ll think I’ll eat you while your little friend watches.” He revealed his seat of impressive set of fangs before he aimed for her neck.

“I’ve got to do something…she needs my help…” Jun looked around and noticed a few rocks around about her feet. Let’s hope all those year of playing softball pay off, she thought before chucking rock after rock against the back of his head.

Giving a light groan, he paused for just a brief moment, “Urgh…don’t worry scrawny…you’re next on my little list…”

I have to act now! Aquarivamon used all her strength to free her left arm, giving Ogremon’s jaw a firm Ice Knuckle.

With his face partially frozen, the lumbering beast man stumbled backwards and roared in agony. “Curse you two…but it’s alright, it will make you taste that much better.” Regaining his senses rather quickly, he leaped forwards and threw his large fist towards the armored dragon.

Grabbing hold of his muscular arm, she firmly tugged and threw him into the air. “Sorry Ogremon, no free lunch today. Crystal Rocket!” Enclosed in an aura of ice, she shot upwards and collided into the putrid digimon which caused him to fly off over the cliff.

“This can’t happen! Not to me!” Ogremon tried to grab onto the cliff, but could only grasp the air before him. “Ahhh…” Falling a fair distance, he saw a branch jutting out from the cliff face, grabbing it before looking up at the edge above.

Jun and Aquarivamon looked down towards the pitiful ogre before moving on, causing the virus to yell out, “Hey, you can’t just leave me here. C’mon, it was just a joke. Hear me laugh, ha ha…ha…now pull me back up!” Giving a brief groan, he started yelling furiously in futility.

SNAP! After the sharp cracking of the branch, a heavy thud echoed across the canyon.


Finding a small path around the mountain’s caves, Jun and Aquarivamon traveled a fair distance away from Goblimon caverns towards greener pastures. Still unsure if they were safe, she asked Aquarivamon, “Do you think they’re gone?”

Thinking for a moment and spotting the sinking sun, she told Jun, “It’s been a while now. We should be fine. In fact, I think we can relax a little if you want.”

Taking her offer, Jun spotted out an old log and took a seat, taking a deep breath before giving a good sigh of relief. Aquarivamon happily took a seat next to her and took a look at the shaken human. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah. Everything’s in one piece anyways.” Jun looked over towards the digital dragoness and blushed slightly, “Um, thank you for saving me, Aquarivamon. I thought that big ugly was going to get us for a minute there. You were really brave.”

The warrior removed her helmet, allowing Jun to see the joyous grin across her muzzle. “I couldn’t do it without you, Jun. You helped unlock my hidden power.”

“Oh yeah, I almost forgot…” Jun dug through her pocket before retrieving the gadget she took from the Goblimon. “…this thing shot out that light. You know what it is?”

Aquarivamon took a closer look towards the small object, inspecting its small screen and its engraved digicode. “I’m pretty sure that’s a digivice. I’ve never seen one, but I’ve heard quite about them.” Her grin grew a little wider before she declared, “It appears we were destined to be together.”

“Wait…does that mean that...?” asked Jun, becoming speechless from the thought.

“That’s right, I’m your digimon.”

Jun nearly gave a childish squeal, the young woman leaning forward to hug the marine warrior despite the firm armor covering the aquamarine dragoness. “I can’t believe it. This is incredible. I can’t wait to show…Davis! Oh god, I’ve been gone for hours. Everyone must be worried by now.”

Seeing her new partner become anxious, Aquarivamon held her closer and told her softly, “Hey now, don’t worry. I’ll get you home, I promise.”
Looking up towards her new friend, Jun nodded softly tried to calm down. “Alright. So what should we do first then?”

“Check your digivice. I’ve heard they can detect other nearby digivices, we may able to find some help.” She looked towards Jun’s hand and waited for the spiky haired girl.

“Mmm, let’s see here…” Jun looked closely at her digivice and pressed the first button, becoming annoyed when she only saw the time. Pressing the second button, the screen became gray and wide, though the only red dot was in the exact center. “I guess I’m the only one around here. Davis must be far away, who knows how far that river took me.”

Aquarivamon shared the same glum look her partner had before she grabbed her hand and told her, “Well, no use moping around on this old thing. There’s a town not far from here. I have a friend that will take us in. Then, we’ll find some help in the morning, okay?”

Getting up from her seat, she kept a good grip on her digimon’s hand and answered, “Sure. Besides, I wasn’t looking forward to sleep on the ground tonight. Who knows what’s crawling around.”

Putting her helmet back on, she laughed a little and told Jun, “Oh, there isn’t anything that bad. The occasional Roachmon, but that’s nothing a good stomping won’t fix.”

“Roachmon?” Jun shivered from the repulsive thought. “Yuck!”


Crossing the last hill, the two ladies widened upon the sight before them. Under the starry sky, a simple town of wood and brick stood tall. It was clear though that everyone had turned in for the night with not a soul left to wander the empty streets.

“Thank goodness, I thought my legs were going to fall off.” Jun panted softly after the long walk, thanking the gods above they finally reached civilization.

“Well I’d hate for that to happen,” Aquarivamon said in a joking manner before asking, “Would you like me to carry you the rest of the way?”

Jun blushed a little with her first instinct telling her to say no. Upon seeing the empty streets though, she said with a bit of apprehension, “I guess no one will see. You sure it’s okay with you?”

The water dragoness took the young woman in her arms before finally answering. “It’s fine. Just relax and let me handle things.” She smiled down towards her human partner before walking down the quiet street.

Jun decided to take her advice, trying to just enjoy the ride. She rested happily in her arms before asking, “Say, I kind of forgot to ask, but how come you’re still like this…I thought you guys got small again after a while.”

“We do, but that big lug didn’t hurt me too badly. He just scuffed my armor a bit,” she declared confidently before she grew a little curious. “Why do you ask, do you prefer my rookie form?”

“No…well, you were really cute when you were small, but this is nice too.” She smiled contently up towards her digimon, glad she had someone help here through everything that happened today.

Aquarivamon smiled back towards Jun until she realized they had already arrived to her friend’s house, the dragoness reluctantly setting her back on her feet. “Well, we’re here.” She turned towards the door and gave it a good knock, hoping to get a response.

From within the house, a stumbling could be heard before some lights finally flickered on. Some more footsteps could be heard before a weary eyed bird opened the door. The pink canary yawned a bit before asking, “Hey, it’s really late you know. What’s wrong?”

“Oh, sorry Biyo. I guess it’s hard to recognize me with this on.” Aquarivamon removed her helmet to reveal her face to the feathery rookie. “It’s me, Aquaveemon. My friend Jun and I really need a place to stay for just the night.”

“Aqua? I...I thought you moved to Seaside Villa, but you never returned my letters. No one knew what happened to you.” She then looked towards the human beside her and thought for a moment before she remembered, “Oh…I remember now…Jun, your Davis’s sister, right?”

“You know him? Did he come by? I’m trying to get home,” the teen said rather impatiently.

“Well, I worked together with him and Veemon a few times. A bit silly at times, but they’re not bad. Anyways, come in and we can talk about all this.” Trying to be a courteous host, she held the door open for them. “I’ll also get you two some tea, I bet you’re tired.”


“Well, I’m just glad you’re safe. I didn’t think there was another Ogremon out there. Still you should be careful before you just hop in a river you don’t know, Aqua.” Biyomon sighed before taking another sip of her tea and leaning back into her soft couch. “And what about you Jun? Aqua just told me what happened you both joined up.”

Jun tried to relax a little though she did find it a little odd that she was drinking tea made by talking canary of all things. In fact, she found it rather perplexing that she was sitting in a finely furnished living room belonging to a canary, but she decided to take it in stride. “It’s kind of embarrassing to say, but I kind of forced Davis to bring me to the Digital World. I went to see the view above some cliff before it fell apart and I dropped into the river. If you could tell us where we can return to Earth that would be great.”

Biyomon nodded a little before answering the spiky haired girl. “There is a T.V. not far from here that will take you back to your world. It’s kind of late though. How about we all rest up and go in the morning? There’s a spare bed in the other room.”

“T.V.? How will a…you know, at this point it doesn’t matter. Thank you, Biyomon.” She gave a cheery grin and started following her down the hall.

“Indeed, I really appreciate you letting us stay here, Biyo.” Aquarivamon left her helmet on the side table before following the other towards the spare room.

Opening a door for the two, Biyomon assured them, “Oh, you two. Don’t worry about it. I enjoy having guests. Well, good night.” She was about to leave for her own room before adding, “Oh, one other thing. If you guys want to get a bath in after all that adventure, just use the tub at the end of the hall. Good night again.” The pink canary waved her wing before shutting her door with the sounds of sheets shifting soon after.

Once they were left by themselves, Jun told the warrior, “Well, I’m going to go take that bath. My hair feels so sticky.”

Aquarivamon nodded and was about to leave before a thought popped in her head. “Hmmm, I have an idea. I’d like to get a good soak too. Perhaps you’d like to take one together. I could help wash your back and you could get mine.”

Jun cheeks became a full blown crimson in color, the spiky haired woman not quite sure how to respond to that. “W-w-what? I don’t know, I mean…”

The marine digimon put a finger lightly to Jun’s lips and told her quietly, “Shhhh. You worry too much about things. It’s just us girls.”

She thought about it for a few moments before finally relenting, “Oh, I guess you’re right and it would be nice not to have to stretch all that way.”


Flipping on the switch for the bathroom, Jun grinned widely from the sight of the pristine facilities. “Wow, this is really nice. She’s really serious about her bird baths.”

Aquarivamon removed her gauntlets and stretched her arms, letting more of her smooth blue scales free. “Well, I can’t blame her. There’s nothing like a nice bath after a long day.”

Turning the knob for some hot water, Jun started to undress as well by lifting her purple shirt first. “That’s for sure. Glad it’s all over.”

Unclipping the buckles for her breastplate, the dragoness set the gold and black armor down beside the rest of her set. Left in a set of black panties and a bra, the tight underwear did little to hide her curves or her athletic body. “Hmmm, you know, you never did say why you forced your brother to take you here.”

“Um…well…it’s kind of silly now that I think about it. I just wanted to get away from my world for a little bit…I didn’t think I’d end up falling down a cliff…or get chased by some hungry creep who never does laundry.” Removing her socks and blue jeans, the young woman was left in her underwear as well, her curves developing quite nicely beneath the snug cotton bra and thong.

Aquarivamon became a bit curious and decided to prod a little further. “Problems at home?”

“Not really…I just got upset over a boy…pretty stupid really…” Jun’s cheeks became bright pink once more, her hands moving to slip off her brassier.

After taking off her underwear, Aqua placed her hand softly on Jun’s unclothed shoulder before telling her, “…I understand. We all seek companionship in this world…it hurts when your feelings for someone aren’t returned in kind…, but hey, there’s always tomorrow.”

She shivered slightly from the feel of the blue dragoness’s scales against her bare skin before she nodded lightly. “Yeah, that’s true.” Offering a slight grin, Jun removed her panties before sliding into the bath water. After turning off the faucet, she turned around and blushed heavily upon seeing her digimon’s unclothed body. “Wow…um, I mean, come on in, Aquarivamon.”

“Heh heh, silly. You can call me Aqua too, you know. It must be a mouthful to say the whole thing all the time.” The dragoness’s tail wagged slightly on her way down into the pool of soothing aqua.

“Um…aure thing, Aqua.” Jun spent the first several minutes just looking towards her digimon, surprised the feminine body that was hidden underneath the armor. Her aquamarine scales complemented the creamy underbelly quite nicely. Her lovely curves also blended nicely with the signs of muscle across her smooth body. The spiky haired girl was almost thrown for a loop upon seeing a couple of cute and rosy nipples staring back at her. Wishing to put an end to the staring and the awkward silence as soon as possible, she blurted out, “Hey, uh…guess we should get bathing, right?”

“Way ahead of you.” Aquarivamon had already grabbed the soap bar and started to approach Jun inside the tub of steaming bath water. The dragoness couldn’t help but give into her curiosity as well, her eyes looking down Jun’s body for a moment. While she was certainly of a thinner build, she did sport some rather cute curves and her peachy skin was rather tempting. With a similar blush creeping across her cheeks, the dragoness asked softly, “Why don’t you just turn around and I’ll get your back…okay?”

Jun hesitated for a moment before spinning her body, letting Aquarivamon have access to her smooth back. Aqua brought the soap bar up and started to rub and lather up her shoulders first, cleansing them of any impurities. Jun shivered a bit in anticipation before she started to ease her body and mind, her digimon’s scrubbing causing her to drift closer to contentment. “Aqua…that feels really good…”

With a light grin, she told her, “Glad to hear it, Jun.” The marine dragoness scrubbed just above her waist before asking her, “Would you like me the wash the rest of you?” She brought a hand up to Jun’s hair, amazed at her spiky mane.

Jun’s eyes remained half lidded from the earlier treatment when she agreed without hesitation, “Sure, go ahead.”

“Alright.” Aquarivamon then brought her arms around and started lathering up her long legs, giving them the same tender treatment she gave her back. She brought the soap upwards and grazed over her pussy for just a moment before she went to scrub her thin belly.

Jun blushed lightly from the fleeting pass of the soap over her rosy treasure, giving a light murmur. “Aqua…?”

“Hmmm, something wrong?” she asked while bringing the soap further up the teen’s lean body.

“Nothing…” Jun tried to keep quiet though she couldn’t help but let out a small gasp once the soap passed over her supple chest.

Hearing the light sound of delight, Aqua smirked slightly and scrubbed her chest a little longer before moving onto her arms, finishing scrubbing Jun’s smooth body. Putting away the soap, she brought her hand back up to her spiky mop of hair, suggesting, “Hmmm, lets take care of this while we’re at it.” Grabbing the bottle of shampoo sitting on the bathtub’s edge, she grabbed it and started to lather up the auburn locks. With Jun’s locks now smelling of fresh flowers, she scrubbed the soap in firmly while trying to loosen up the mop of hair before her. Satisfied with her work, Aquarivamon started to wash the head of hair with the steaming waters.

Jun sighed happily from the deep cleansing her hair received, the thick locks falling softly down against her tender body and running just past her shoulders.

Giving it one last good rinse, the marine digimon nodded and announced, “All done.” She then spun around to give Jun a good view of her slick back. “Your turn.”

Her brown eyes fully opened again as she remembered the other end of their deal. “Oh, right.” She reached over and grabbed the soap bar, mimicking her digimon a bit by starting on her back.

“Ah...wonderful…” Aquarivamon blushed weakly from the soft caresses and let her tail coil around Jun, drawing the young woman a little closer.

Jun’s eyes widened a bit once she felt the slick appendage, but she decided to return to cleaning her digital partner. Stopping herself just before the waist, she scrubbed around to her front side, amazed by the firm muscle she felt. “Wow, you’re really fit, Aqua.”

“Mmh…thank you, I do like to stay in shape.” She blushed a little brighter from the complement, her tail hugging Jun tighter.

Jun continued to cleanse her partner’s body, amazed by the slickness of her blue scales. She scrubbed further down, using nice small circular movements.

“Oh my…Jun…that’s really good…” Aquarivamon closed her eyes halfway and purred deeply, her cheeks turning a bright crimson.

Jun gave her a quizzical look until she realized she had brought to soap bar to where she assumed Aqua’s smooth folds were at. Her cheeks turned a bright red and she immediately stopped herself. After flinging the soap bar away, she began a frantic apology. “Sorry, sorry, sorry!”

The young woman wasn’t able to move far however since her digimon’s tail still tightly wrapped around her. Aquarivamon turned herself about and faced her human partner, the digimon’s deep blue eyes full of concern. Taking a second to softly brush some hair out of Jun’s eyes, she drifted closer. The aquamarine dragoness held her softly, their breasts gently pressing together within the steaming bath. A peculiar silence followed with both girls just staring at each other in the eyes for a few moments. Finally, Aqua spoke in a comforting tone, “Jun, you don’t need to get so worked up.”

“But I, but I…aren’t you mad?” A strong blush continued to cross Jun’s cheeks, though a strange comfort crept across her body from the hot embrace they shared.

A small laugh left the slick dragoness before she admitted, “Not at all. Actually, it was rather nice.” Her grin grew a little wider, her arms and tail cuddling Jun tighter.

Jun started to shake a little in Aquarivamon’s arms, blurting out, “No…no, this isn’t right.” She squirmed a little more before adding, “I’m a human and you’re a digimon…and we’re two girls to boot.”

“Is that all?” Aqua giggled softly while her hands caressed Jun’s back to try and calm the young woman down. “We’re both capable of the same things. We can both feel pain and feel joy as well. Sorrow, hate…” Her muzzle pulled in close and gave Jun’s cheek a few affectionate nuzzles. “…and love, we can feel all of it. We aren’t really all that different…on inside anyways.”

Apprehension continued to grip at Jun’s insides and her lips quivered a bit, the young woman unsure what to think anymore. “Aqua…I don’t know…”

“Just give it a chance…you won’t know until you try.” Deeply looking into her partner’s brown eyes, Aqua drew her soft muzzle closer before pressing her mouth gently against Jun’s lips. Some vibrant warmth flooded her body once she started kissing the human girl.

Jun hesitated at first, confused by the clash between her initial disgust and the sudden comfort filling her body. Slowly though she loosened up, accepting the wondrous warmth spreading through her mortal shell. She took a good long look into Aqua’s pure blue eyes before finally returning the kiss with full earnest.

Feeling her partner’s lips strengthen their passionate kiss, she shut her eyes and deepened her end of the kiss. Their lip lock continued on for what seemed like eons, both murmuring softly in satisfaction. After several more moments, Aqua decided to add a little something. Her tongue started to slip out of her creamy muzzle, the smooth muscle slurping against Jun’s lips.

Jun shuttered from the sudden change before she decided to meekly open her mouth.

Aqua slid her tongue inside the moist orifice, exploring Jun’s mouth before stroking her smooth human tongue.

She gasped from the tender frenching, her tongue easily lapping Aqua’s in kind.

The marine digimon started to coil her tongue around her partner’s slick muscle, happily swapping saliva with the tender human. Her hands in the meantime slowly rubbed downwards, crossing over her waist to caress her tender ass.

Jun drew a short breath before purring happily, savoring the feel of her smooth scales against her soft buns. Still feeling a little shy, she stuck to rubbing Aqua’s back while her tongue slurped against hers.

Aquarivamon squeezed Jun’s butt firmly, enjoying the feel of her tight rear before she decided to let go. Giving her thick tongue one last lick, Aqua slipped her reptilian muscle out. With a wide grin, she asked her partner, “Well?”

“That was...” Jun tried to find the word to describe how she felt out that moment, thought the only thing came out was, “…that was something…”

Aqua laughed a little before giving Jun a sly grin. “So I take it that you enjoyed our little kiss.” Her slick fingers then returned to her creamy ass, giving it some more teasing fondles. “You seemed to like this too.”

Jun nodded slightly before giving a brief gasp, the sensations overwhelming her with her rosy treasure becoming wet and not just from the warm bath. “Aqua…ah…please…”

“As you wish, Jun,” she replied, knowing full well what the young woman desired. Her thin tongue slipped out again and started to lick Jun’s body like a lollypop. She started simple enough by lapping her porcelain smooth face before moving down to the arch between her neck and shoulder. With a rather wide grin, she started to give the tender skin some light nibbles.

“Oh…w-what are you doing, Aqua?” muttered Jun as her head shifted almost on its own to give the dragoness more room.

“I want you to really enjoy this, silly. There isn’t any fun in it if we cut straight to end.” She gave a light giggle before giving her neck one last, heavy stroke of the tongue. Her creamy muzzle then started planting kisses down Jun’s body before coming across her ample cleavage. “You really do have a lovely body, you know that.” Aquarivamon then bent forwards, giving the rosy nipple a few light licks before she brought her muzzle down on the tender mammary. Holding Jun tightly, she suckled on her breast like a newborn while her tongue teased the cute nipple.

Jun couldn’t help but moan softly in pure bliss, amazed by the all the pleasure swimming through her body. “Ahhh…Aqua…m-more, please…”

Aqua suckled her supple mound awhile longer though, wanting to relish the moment before she finally let go. “Don’t worry, I was planning on it.” Her tongue continued its journey down Jun’s lithe body, slurping her skinny belly before coming across her bellybutton. With a mischievous look in her sapphire eyes, she gave the small navel some rough licks.

Jun suddenly burst out in a little laughter, the young woman giggling uncontrollably before crying out, “Hey! Heheheheh, knock that off!”

With a wide smile, she stopped slurping the cute bellybutton and told her, “Sorry, couldn’t help myself…let me make it up to you.” Gripping Jun’s tight buttocks, Aquarivamon lowered her head underwater, licking through the small bush above her rosy treasure. Breathing the water calmly, the marine digimon took a good look at the tempting pussy lips before finally acting on her desire. Jun has such a beautiful body, I bet she tastes wonderful. Giving the feminine folds a good nuzzle with her creamy muzzle, Aquarivamon brought her tongue out and gave Jun some teasing strokes of the tongue.

Up above, Jun nearly squealed from the sudden jolt of pleasure that shot through her body. Jun’s fingers were nothing compared to the warm, comforting tongue tasting her at that moment. “M-my god…mmrrhhh…”

Happily listening to her partner’s satisfied moans, Aqua pushed further in, her tongue sliding past the tight outer lips and into her hot insides. She was amazed at the human’s slickness with each slurp her tongue made against the smooth walls. The marine digimon murmured lightly once she started getting tastes of Jun’s juices. A little bitter, but also sweet…mmm…

Jun closed her eyes and soaked in the wondrous pleasure overtaking her, more of her nectar leaking forth for the dragoness. “Ahh…deeper…go deeper…”

Aquarivamon obeyed without question, her thin tongue snaking all the way inside her fiery insides. The champion digimon heavily lapped the teen’s rosy passage, rubbing it roughly against her tender nerves.

Squirming uncontrollably, she moaned louder under the influence of her digital partner. Her dainty hands grasped Aqua’s shoulders softly, the girl wishing to pull her in deeper. Jun leaked more of those pre juices out of her pussy, the girl unable to resist the slippery tongue with her body drawing closer to the brink. “Aqua…I can't hold…”

She eagerly awaited the impending climax, her tongue doing everything to help Jun along. Aquarivamon’s slick muscle focused all its efforts on her G-spot, giving the tender spot a healthy load of forceful licks.

Unable to hold back any longer, Jun arched her body backwards and held Aqua’s shoulders firmly. She finally let everything go and cried out, “A-Aqua! ...gawds…ahhh!” Her pussy shook with some light spasms before giving releasing a thick wave of her juices, rewarding Aquarivamon’s playful tongue.

Doing her best lap up the warm juices beneath the water, she eagerly cleaned Jun’s warm cunny in a thorough manner. Once she was sure she had slurped it all up, she slowly drew her tongue out of her partner’s tight folds and emerged from the bath water. Aqua licked her lips cutely before asking Jun, “How was that, hmmm?”

Jun panted heavily from the deep carpet munching she had just experienced, the girl unsure how she had ever gotten by on just her own fingers alone. “Perfect,” she answered without any shred of doubt. The young woman sat back up slowly and offered a weak smile towards the dragoness. “It was perfect.”

With her tail wagging softly, she uttered quietly, “Good.” She grabbed Jun’s hand and then suggested, “You look a little tired. How about we dry off and get some shuteye.”

Before Aquarivamon could pull her out of the water, Jun tugged back on the dragoness’s arm. “Wait…” With her cheeks splashed a soft pink, she told Aqua. “Um…I’d like to…return the favor.” Despite the slight resistance in her voice, it was clear from the gentle look in her eyes that she wanted to please her partner as well.

Turning back towards the bashful woman, she let go of her hand and offered a short smirk. “No need to be so shy about it. Here…” She went and leaned back against the wall of the tub, placing her arms behind her back, letting her supple chest point out more. “Go ahead and do whatever you want, Jun.

Slowly she approached the marine digimon, unsure how exactly to start. Jun wrapped her arms around Aqua’s midsection and brought her mouth forward. After a hurried moment of thought, she slipped her tongue out and started licking the top of her chest, just above the creamy scaled breasts.

A soft murmuring escaped her muzzle while her tail wagged harder in anticipation. “Mhh…c’mon silly…I know you can do better than that…” she uttered almost like a challenge.

Jun blinked for a second before she gave a false glare. “Oh, you want more, eh?” With a bit more confidence, she licked downwards and slurped her tongue across Aqua’s left breast and erect nipple.

“Oooh…that’s more like it…” Aqua brought a hand behind Jun and stroked the back of her head, encouraging her warm tongue. “…though I wouldn’t mind a little more…”

“You should be a little more patient, Aqua.” Jun smiled weakly before opening her mouth around the slick breast. Closing her eyes, she enclosed her warm orifice around Aqua’s ample cleavage and suckled on it tenderly.

“Mmhh…maybe, but you did get me awfully excited after all those little moans you made…” Aquarivamon’s murmuring grew deeper once Jun’s hot breath and tongue caressed her tender chest scales. It wasn’t long until her rosy sex below became a little wetter and not just from the bathwater.

Jun gradually suckled on more of her tender breast, her efforts becoming more enthusiastic by the second. Suddenly she was taken aback when the large mammary released some warm milk. “Hmmm?”

Aqua sighed happily once some of the sweet cream was liberated. “Ah…that’s really nice… Don’t forget to drink up.”

Considering everything else she had done already, Jun decided not to hesitate this time and drank down the small amount of dragon milk. The taste and warmth of the digital milk spread through her system quickly, bringing a pleased grin to her lips. Jun immediately returned to nursing on Aqua’s teat, seeking more of that creamy liquid. Her hand also started to slide up her digimon’s sleek, athletic form before grasping her right breast to deal some pleasure across her whole chest.

“Oh? Mmhhrrr…I see you like it…mmhh, good girl…” Aquarivamon’s tail swished roughly beneath the bath water, her body feeling ablaze from the mounting pleasure. Her breasts were happy to oblige Jun and offered the young woman more of her warm milk. As her left nipple fed more of her white essence into Jun’s mouth, the other rosy teat leaked some of her warm cream across their bodies.

After a few more heated moments of milking her digimon for her sweet moo juice, Jun finally stopped and removed her mouth and hand from Aqua’s elated bosom. Licking her lips clean of the digital milk, she declared to the marine dragoness, “That was odd…but you are really tasty…”

Giving an amused chuckle, Aquarivamon replied, “Thank you, but if you really want something tasty you ought to go further down.” To further her point, she leaned back and straddled her legs, giving a good view of her eager sex beneath the water.

A crimson streak arose across Jun’s cheeks though she did nod in approval. “Well, I’ve already gone this far…and I am curious…” She then stopped for a moment and added, “You’re going to have to sit on the edge though. I can’t breathe underwater like you.”

“Oh, that’s right. Just give me a second.” Propelling herself upwards, the marine digimon made herself comfortable on the edge of the bathtub while letting her feet dangled within the tepid water. Finally, she fanned her legs out, giving Jun a clear view of her swollen pussy with the soft folds beckoning to the young woman. “Don’t keep me waiting now,” she said with a light laugh.

“I’m coming…” Jun drew a short breath and marveled at the sight of the cute cunny, her head closing in on the tender passage. Noticing a relaxing aroma in the air, she inhaled and savored the sweet smell drifting forth from Aqua’s snatch. After one last breath, Jun finally dove in between her legs and let her smooth tongue take some light strokes against the swollen slit.

Aquarivamon hissed calmly from the lively tongue before letting her eyes close halfway. Her slick hands rubbed the back of Jun’s head softly with each loving stroke of her tongue. “Oh my…mmhh…Jun…”

After delivering a few more warm laps with her soothing tongue, she finally pushed her rosy muscle inside Aqua’s tight hotbox. Jun was amazed by the feel of her silky insides snugly wrapping around her slick tongue. Grabbing onto her partner’s firm ass for support, she started slurping against the juicy insides.

Purrs soon gave way to moans with the marine dragoness producing some lovely cries of pleasure. “Ahhh…d-deeper…deeper!” Aqua shivered from the jolts of pure joy coursing through her veins, her body producing a fresh wave of her pre juices for her partner.

Finally getting a good taste of her partner’s oils, Jun relished the cool, refreshing flavor. “Mmmm…” It wasn’t long though before she pressed on, knowing full well that Aqua desired more. Her tongue thrust further inside the cozy canal and grazed against the moist walls along the way. After another poke forward, she fed her entire tongue into the tender folds, swirling it around in a frisky manner.

Aqua was unable to restrain herself, the dragoness’s tail wagged wildly and her heart drummed faster from the heavy sensations drowning her being. “J-just a little more…nnnhhh…” Healthy amounts of pre started lining her velvety insides, signaling the rise of a powerful climax.

Jun’s slippery tongue never ceased its earnest stroking, sweeping up any stray juices about. Hearing her partner’s desperate plea, she happily obliged and brought one of her dainty fingers up to Aqua’s pussy. Digging softly above her tongue, the smooth digit began to press her lovebutton, the finger swirling mildly about her clitoris.

With the final straw broken, Aquarivamon’s body tensed up and her body convulsed lightly. Breathing sharply, she cried out to the young woman, “Jun…g-get ready…ahhh!” Aqua’s hips then pushed forwards before a thicker wave of her soothing oils gushed forth from her deepest depths.

Jun felt the sticky orgasm splash across her tongue and nearly murmured from the taste as a refreshing sensation overtook her body. Not wishing to waste the soothing nectar, she lapped up every last drop and even swirled her tongue around for good measure. Once she was done, Jun finally pulled out nice and slow. Smiling up towards the satisfied dragoness, she offered a joyous grin and told her, “That was actually really nice.”

“I think…I’ll go with what you said…that was perfect…” Aqua panted softly out of exhaustion when a soft light emanated from her body. Feeling her power slip away, the flowing champion reverted back to her rookie form. Her body shrunk down into a cute, childish form and her armor around the house vanished into the air. “Heh…guess I overdid it…fighting, traveling, and all that…I feel like I could sleep a week.” Aquaveemon rested on the bathroom floor, barely able to move a muscle.

Jun arose out of the cooling bath water and made sure her digimon was okay, watching her breathe quietly. She laughed a little at what Aqua said before asking her, “Tell you what, how about we dry off and I carry you to bed.”

Sitting up after a few moments, the marine dragon nodded and declared, “Yay, fluffy pillows here I come!”


Following a thorough towel off for the two, Jun redressed and then carried Aquaveemon in her arms like a priceless treasure. She carefully cradled Aqua in her arms while nudging the door open for the guest room. Inspecting the furnishings, she gave a sigh of relief upon seeing the bed which was thankfully human sized. “I’m kind of surprised. I thought it was going to be puny for a second there.”

“Hehe, well it’s kind of huge in my opinion. I guess this is the bed Biyo’s partner rests in when she visits.” She nuzzled against Jun’s body, enjoying the secure comfort of her partner’s arms.

“She has a partner?” Jun was a little amazed by that fact until she remembered how her brother and his friends all had digimon as well. “I guess that makes sense.” The spiky haired woman went over the side of the fluffy mattress and gently slipped Aquaveemon under the peachy sheets.

“Yup, her name is…hmmm, I can’t quite remember, I never met her. Biyo chose to stay here though to watch over the town and area when all that trouble happened a while back.” Aqua closed her eyes a bit and sunk her head deeper into the pillow while coiling up under the blankets.

Jun walked around to opposite side of the bed and brought her body beneath the cozy covers, her head shifting against the pillow. Looking over to her digimon, a sudden thought occurred causing her to ask in a worried tone, “Hey Aqua, did you want to stay in this world?”

“Well, I do like the Digital World, but I am curious about that other world you humans come from. Hehe, you don’t need to worry. I’ll stick with you as long as you want.” Aquaveemon edged over to her human partner and hugged her softly, adding, “I love you, Jun.”

Feeling her worries melt away, she brought her arms around Aqua and cuddled the blue dragoness closer. She closed in and gave her a fleeting kiss goodnight and then told her, “And I love you, Aqua.”

The two girls embraced warmly underneath the peachy blanket, closing their eyes little by little before they succumbed to the sandman’s call.


Feeling a slight stirring beneath her, Jun’s eyes fluttered open. Yawning softly, she stretched under the sheets. Ugh, what’s that shaking?

Just then a sharp blast sounded through the house. Aquaveemon groaned faintly and shifted beneath the blankets before uttering, “Hey, can’t a girl oversleep a few minutes in peace.”

Before Jun could answer, a few more thunderous booms echoed in from the town. The hurried chime of a bell soon followed. Still unsure what was happening, she shook her digimon a little and explained, “Hey Aqua, something’s going on outside.”

Her eyes finally shot open, the petite dragoness sitting up and looking over to Jun. “What’s wrong?”

As if to answer her question, Biyomon suddenly burst into the guest room, the canary clearly in the troughs of panic. “Hey Aqua…I think you guys were followed! Some rouge Ogremon and his friends are wreaking everything!”

“Not that creep again, how did he survive that cliff?” Reluctantly she removed the blanket and stood up shakily. Feeling the digivice in her pocket, she asked Aqua, “Well, I guess we’re needed. Ready Aqua?”

Taking a moment to stretch, she hopped out of bed and padded over beside Jun. “Yeah, we’d better get going. We can’t Ogremon hurt anyone because of us. Biyo, can you go and try to find some help.”

“Sure, you can count on me! I’ll fly and see who I can find.” Not wasting a moment, she flew out the open window, flapping frantically upwards towards the morning sun.

Meanwhile, Aquaveemon and Jun burst out of the canary’s house and looked about the town. The signs of destruction marred the town with several homes caved in.

Without warning a Goblimon ambushed them from a side alley. “Hehe, the boss will reward me well for this. Gobli Bomb!” Summoning a small fireball in his hand, he flung it towards the two ladies.

“Look out, Jun!” Taking a deep breath, Aquaveemon prepared herself and countered with, “Aqua Seltzer!” The healthy jet of water diffused the fireball and struck the virus firmly.

“Hey, knock it off, I can swim!” was all the digimon had time to cry out before his head collided with the wall behind him, effectively knocking the unkempt little digimon out.

“Nice shot!” Jun declared on their way down the street.

Giving a light nod, she ran ahead of the teen and took point. “Thanks, but there’s still plenty more of those guys. Keep an eye out.”

Chasing the trail of ruin, they soon happened upon a group of Goblimon turning over an ice cream truck with Ogremon in the background nodding in approval.

“That’s it boys, that’s some good ol’ fashioned senseless destruction.” The white haired monster had some bandages and bruises dotting his body, but sure enough the hulking monster stood strong.

“Hey, c’mon guy. I already have to deal with all those snot nosed kids as it is, please don’t wreck my truck.” The Vegimon waved his vines in protest, the plant like digimon giving the behemoth a pleading look with his red eyes.

A strong laugh left the hulking champion before he answered with, “Ha, negotiating is for weaklings and…uh…who cares.” After failing to finish his sentence, he immediately lashed out with his bone club, knocking out the pitiful vegetable.

“That’s horrible. Quick Aqua, you’ve got to…” Jun thought for a second before asking, “Um, what was it again?”

“You mean digivolve?” she uttered with amusement, nearly laughing at her partner.

“Hey, I’m new at this. Anyways, get ready.” Pulling her digivice out of her pocket, Jun held it out confidently and waited for the light to shine once more.

“Um, Jun, I’m not feeling it.” Aqua tried to start the digivolution, but she felt neither the inner urge nor the light from the digivice. Her stomach then rumbled slightly, causing the rookie to gasp a little. “Uh oh…I guess I’m a little low on energy.”

“You’re telling me this now?” asked Jun, nearly yelling from the unfortunate announcement.

Taking a short break from pillaging of the ice cream truck, one of the Goblimon turned about and noticed the two heroines watching them. “Hey boss, I see them! Right behind you!”

Suddenly turning back, Ogremon offered a hearty chuckle to the two. “Ha ha, so we meet again! I can smell your fear a mile away!”

The Goblimon who spotted them grinned widely before he scratched his head in confusion. “Wait…how can you smell them without a nose, boss?”

Ogremon’s laugher cut off, the champion unsure how to answer. “Uh…how dare you question your great leader! Take this!” Ogremon didn’t hesitate with his hefty swing, nearly bashing the brains out of the poor Goblimon.

“Yikes, no wonder those little guys are blockheads.” Jun cringed at the sight of the brutal pummeling.

EDIT: Freaking thing won't let me post the last bit of the story and I can't just double post it on so I'll put it on later.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions

Messages In This Thread
Adventures of the Blue Maiden - by Crimson Fox - 11-27-2008, 06:35 PM
RE: Adventures of the Blue Maiden - by Erethzium - 11-29-2008, 11:11 AM