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Digital Fetishes: Perspectives on Digimon Sociology of Sex
Quote:Well judging for how he was holding Angewomon on 01 when WarGreymon defeated Machinedramon I doubt celibate is on his santity list, I mean on that escene they looked pretty much like a couple, he with his arm around her and his hand on her shoulder and she looked really comfy, so naw, I doubt celibate comes with his santity

Romanticism =/= Sex. Get it through your head, Romeo :P

And there are fathers that while upholding their celibate (At least what CAN be seen, weird and contradictive, I know) have a wife. That doesn't mean they smex them, but religiously addict people exist. Just watch Carrie.

And Cowboy, I kinda feel for your computer monitor and anything around it. Actually, no, I don't want to feel anything thanks. *Steps aside*
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
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RE: Digital Fetishes: Perspectives on Digimon Sociology of Sex - by DragonMasterX - 11-20-2008, 08:19 AM