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Digital Fetishes: Perspectives on Digimon Sociology of Sex
(11-19-2008 07:32 AM)DragonMasterX Wrote: Take it from me, that armor is gay, and he looks like the pope with that helmet. *Shivers*

lol like the pope that was good but well is not his fault that he got designed like that but you're judging just the superficial looks, I mean just because his armor is gay he can't have a good sized dick nor have sex?

(11-19-2008 07:32 AM)DragonMasterX Wrote: Let's just hope his santity doesn't include celibate then, would be a pity to have to watch Myotismon bondaging Angewomon- actually, that sounds hot.

Well judging for how he was holding Angewomon on 01 when WarGreymon defeated Machinedramon I doubt celibate is on his santity list, I mean on that escene they looked pretty much like a couple, he with his arm around her and his hand on her shoulder and she looked really comfy, so naw, I doubt celibate comes with his santity :P

(11-19-2008 10:32 AM)Cowboy From Hell Wrote: Umm, that's what I meant. :p

...what? I can't be the only one here that wants to have an army of wolf/digimon hybrids.

Oh come on Cowboy, you don't have to believe all this essay, take Rena Tamer as example, he ended getting a Renamon pregnant, though in his case was due to a dna evolution but still it proves Renamon can get pregnant, so cheer up and keep trying :P
[Image: patagatokiss2.jpg]
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RE: Digital Fetishes: Perspectives on Digimon Sociology of Sex - by Lord Patamon - 11-20-2008, 04:21 AM