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Digital Fetishes: Perspectives on Digimon Sociology of Sex
(11-19-2008 06:50 AM)Cowboy From Hell Wrote: I read it cover to cover(so to speak), and I thought it was pretty good. I had to go back and reread parts a few times to understand it, but, overall a pretty good attempt and a science-journal style read. does ruin my dream of knocking up a Renamon, though. TT^TT

lol who said you can't knock up a Renamon? is not like this is an official guide anyways plus if a Renamon wants you to knock her up I doubt you will refuse, unless by knocking her up you mean also impregnate her :P

(11-19-2008 05:46 AM)DragonMasterX Wrote: Because Angemon looks like a pansy, and angels are girly; and don't make me start on MagnaAngemon.

And not only Patamon proves that, most Rookies prove that law, if you give them any sort of 'human' length down there, then they are hyper. Patamon's merely a few inches shorter than Agumon or Veemon (In height) for instance, so be it them or him with the 9 inch pecker, it still is hyper. Now, if you were to scale the length down to proportions, most Rookies wouldn't reach 3 inches erected. That would be boring though, no satisfactory Human X Digimon.

Good point on the rookies, though I still wonder how did Gatomon managed to take a 12 incher all of it inside her like she did on a VeeGato lemon I read a while ago, her pussy must be pretty elastic :P

About Angels being girly that's not true, at least not in my opinion, the problem is that the angel digimon on the anime weren't too active so we couldn't get a better angle of how they are, I mean in personality wise but physically they are all but girly (except female angels of course :P) Angemon did had his fair share of muscle, and I'm sure that MagnaAngemon too but we didn't saw much with all that armor he wears :P

So I don't see anything bad with put Angemon with a dick of a good size say a 10 inches one, all comes with the creative license pack :P
[Image: patagatokiss2.jpg]
PataGato All The Way!!!

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RE: Digital Fetishes: Perspectives on Digimon Sociology of Sex - by Lord Patamon - 11-19-2008, 07:08 AM