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Digital Fetishes: Perspectives on Digimon Sociology of Sex
Well, there we are, and in exclusivity too! I'm not clear yet how much polishing/extra material I have to throw in before I want to submit it to FA and YS.

I feel the need to explain why I wrote this.

I've noticed that a lot of themes tend to appear in my stories. And I had a lot of ideas floating in the back of my head about the way sex actually "worked" in Digimon. So I decided to take all that and dump it into this pseudo-academic essay. It provides me with a handy thing to refer people to about some concepts I use, but still leaves with enough freedom so I am not stuck writing the same lemon over and over again (look at Red Rover's stuff, it rapidly becomes pretty similar from one sex scene to the other).

[Image: cover.png]



By D. Cumbent, PhD
Taichi Yagami Chair of Digimon Studies, Harvard
Gotsumon, HsM
Professor, File Island College

Frontiers Publishing, Paris/London/Hong Kong, 2015



A number of terms must be specifically defined whenever writing for readers who do not have a thorough knowledge of the emerging and rapidly evolving field of Digimon studies.

"Differentiating characters" are a useful area of sturdy in Digimon. For humans, most Digimon of a given species are very, very similar, a problem compounded by the general lack of differentiating names. Yet Digimon do not have any trouble telling each others apart, because a number of small differences are present, even though they may be hard to spot for human: voice tone, smell (two characteristics more obvious to the keener Digimon senses), posture, small variations in proportions or color, grooming habits etc.

The term from a human point of view tends to surprise inexperienced readers. Most often it is not written from the view of an average "idealized" human (as one would in etiology or biology), but rather from the perspective of the author's specialty, and as such usually draws on common knowledge that writers expect of their reader. In writing this book, we have made sure that every time an expression such as this had explicit examples and comparisons.

The terms Real World and Digital World should both be familiar concepts. Nonetheless it must be kept in mind these names do not in any way mean that either dimension is more real than the other. The existence of further, lesser known dimensions, or near-universes is a testament to that. Although Koushirou Izumi and Tentomon, in the first edition of The Digital World and Digimon, already made a strong case for the use of a different expression than "Real World", the expression was already by then too widespread and is now standard.

"Gennai" in Digimon studies parlance, is a term both singular (for the specific being known as Gennai) to the first generation of chosen children (the CC-2s, the CC-1s being those Chosen Children that came some ten years before them, and whose identities are unknown to this day). By the time the third generation of Chosen Children (specifically Daisuke Motomiya, Iori Hida and Miyako Inoue, the Japanese CC-3s), Gennai had, by his own term "split" himself into a number of younger-looking beings, known collectively as the "gennais" (a term also used for those beings that worked alongside Gennai himself to engineer the digivices). To distinguish those different "generations" of Gennai, the "original" gennais are referred to as the "gennais alpha", and those that Gennai split into are called "gennais beta".

Digimon levels have been a topic of contention, primarily due to dialectal variations between Digimon partnered from the Western and Eastern halves of the Digital World. We have kept mostly to the Western Terminology placing the most common levels as baby, children, adult, perfect and ultimate, but have imported the Eastern term "fresh" to designate the lowermost evolutionary level, as it is far more handy than the complex terms "first-" and "second-level baby".


Chapter 2: Digimon REPRODUCTION
And its effect on Digimon relationships.

One of the most basic fact to keep in mind whenever considering Digimon sexuality is that Digimon do not reproduce sexually. In fact, compared to any creature found in the Real World, they indeed do not reproduce at all.

Although there are numerous proofs that Digimon once reproduced sexually, they have not for well over five centuries (The age of the oldest known Digimon, Digital World time) been unable to do so. The first of two particularly important elements of proof is that both Qinglongmon and the gennais Beta have in several instances hinted at it, even going so far as to hint that the change was, for an unclear reason, introduced. Whether it was done by the gennais or the Four Digital Gods themselves, or even another entity, and whether this introduction is in any way linked to the CC-1s' intervention (which may have fought such an entity) is a matter of pure speculation. The second element is the fact that in at least one case two of the so-called "Ancient" Digimon partnered with the CC-3 and some Chosen Children amongst later groups have reproduced with each other. Despite pressure from a variety of groups, including their own human partners, the pair have insisted for their child to grow and be raised by Elecmon at a Primary Village, like all of the Digimon for the last few centuries, worried as they were about these Digimon becoming centers of unwanted interest. Further cases have been widely rumored but have been either dispelled or are unconfirmable altogether, and it might be in our humble opinion best for all concerned.

As we said above, Digimon nowadays do not reproduce in any meaningful way. Given that Digimon, however, can clearly die, how is it then that the population remains perfectly stable? Nobody with any passing knowledge of Digimon would ignore nowadays that this is because dead Digimon are reformatted and reborn as digieggs. The most surprising aspect is not, in fact that the population seemingly remains stable, but rather than it ever so slowly increases. After much research, it was recently discovered that only the population of child- and baby-level Digimon remains stable (the total Digimon population of the Digital World is approximately of two billions, 2x10^9, half of which alone is composed of child and lower evolutionary levels accounting for the apparent stability of the overall population, the increase being approximately 0,07% a year). The slow, but definite increase is caused by the fact that it is not death that causes a new Digimon to be borne, but leaving the rookie level, be it by death or evolution. Birth of new Digimon triggered by evolution is likely the primary mean by which wholly new data enters the Digital World and new species are borne. This supplement a number of theories regarding data flows between the Digital and Real World, and the near-universe known as the World of Darkness. This has the interesting peculiarity of demonstrating that, despite some theories, this dimension is probably subject to the same laws of thermodynamics as the Real World.

Digimon semen does not contain spermatozoids (nor do females produce ovules), and although experiments have demonstrated that Digimon may not impregnate humans in the real world due to the digital/molecular barrier, it is not impossible that the elimination of this barrier in the Digital World may make it possible there. Whether such a child would be able to travel between both worlds the way a Chosen Children can while still a foetus, or even whether they could develop in the Real World at all is entirely subject to speculation. Moral and ethical concerns, not to mention the difficulty of making many types of equipment function in the Digital World, have prevented any attempts at verifying this hypothesis.


Of the difficulty of applying some human concepts in Digital sexology

Two concepts have traditionally been considered key in the Real World field of gender and sex studies: "gender" and "sexual orientation". Both of these must be either thoroughly redefined or discarded entirely if one has any hope of understanding sex in Digimon.

When considering Digimon, two different forms of gender must be applied that, also they are related, are definitely distinct and exist independently of each others. On one end, what we will refer as "social gender" is what makes Digimon "masculine" or "feminine". This gender is what affects a Digimon's general behavior: Digimon, like human, have speech patterns and manners of behaving that are associated with femininity, and overall matches those found in human. On the other end, "sexual gender", or simply "sex" is what determine whether a Digimon is male, female, or something else (approximately 15% of the Digimon population belongs in this "something else" category primarily composed of hermaphrodites and Digimon without differentiating sexual organs).

This fairly sharp separation is necessary in the light of the freeness with which gender and sex combine. As far as gender is concerned, Digimon are split fairly evenly across species, with a mostly 50/50 split between female and male. A small segment of the population prefers for various reasons to be addressed in gender-neutral (usually "it") or hermaphrodite pronouns (by far the most common is "shi", pronounced like "shy"). Outside the above-mentioned 15% of Digimon were the male/female split does not readily apply, the sexes are similarly equally represented within the Digimon population as a whole. However, neither gender nor sex are quite evenly distributed either within individual Digimon species nor geographically.

Gender and sex do not fully correlate in Digimon. A good 10-25% (depending on species and geographical area) of Digimon in any given species have gender and sex that do not match. Such Digimon are referred to as having "reverse" or "mismatched" gender. Additionally, it is considered perfectly acceptable if a Digimon, for whatever reason, decides at a certain point in their life to be referred to by the other gender. In fact, some Digimon interacts with certain groups as clear females, and with others as clear males, without their sex being considered relevant in the situation. these Digimon are often referred to as genderswitches (although Digimon consider them to be the true "genderless", a point of view not without its merits).

Most species tend to includes slightly more males/masculines or females/feminines with a variation up to 15% in rookie species. In some species more clearly gendered to humans, the split may be as large as a 3.5:1 ratio, such as the one found in Piddomon, Angemon and Angewomon, whereas Piyomon and Agumon have a female predominance of only 5%. This predominance at higher levels of evolution seems to affect gender-sex interactions in lower levels. Tailmon, Patamon and Salamon, the lower forms of most angel Digimon, are notoriously frequently reverse-gendered, and are also known to include significantly more hermaphrodites. Piyomon and Birdramon, the most common lower forms of the mostly-male Garudamon, on the other end, merely have much more frequent hermaphrodites.

Hermaphroditism and asexuality in Digimon has been documented ever since the CC-1 Digimon have been known: Palmon is a feminine asexual, whereas Patamon is a masculine, occasionally genderswitch hermaphrodite. Hermaphrodites (or herms, for short) are Digimon that display functional (though often slightly incomplete) male and female organs. All known cases of hermaphroditism are fully capable of both male and female penetration, and can reach orgasms in both cases. They are also always capable of ejaculation, and as often capable of mulching (the Digimon term for female ejaculation; this faculty being much, much more common in Digimon, and relevant in the discussion of Digimon practices, we have chosen to use it instead of the unwieldy "female ejaculation") as the fully female Digimon. Most hermaphrodites may urinates either via their male or female organs, although the majority of them have a preference for one of the other, roughly correlating with their gender.

Asexual Digimon display a smooth crotch without any indication of either a vagina or a penis. Because most of them (Digimon in desert areas, and some species who do not consume liquids are not affected by this) they still need to excrete a certain amount of water, various mechanisms are found. In a number of species, water is simply excreted along with stool, resulting in less dry feces than those found in most Digimon. In other Digimon, the anus is in fact a cloaca acting as the final opening of the urinary tracts. Finally, in 20-30% of Digimon, water excretion is made by non-urinary methods, such as sweating, crying (comparable to the salt-excreting tears found in some marine mammals), drooling, or various other secretions (most plant Digimon secrete a significant amount of nectar, for example). Plant Digimon tend to be significantly more often asexual than other Digimon types, even though they show no particularly well-documented tendency toward genderswitching or the use of neutral pronouns. In fact, asexual plant Digimon counterintuitively overwhelm hermaphrodites by a four to one ratio. This is possibly linked to the fact humans do not typically think of plants as gendered beings, and the fact that many Real World plants can reproduce asexually. The issues related to Digimon with non-biological bodies (such as machines) are discussed later.

As mentioned above, geography also plays a role in how a given Digimon is likely to be sexed and gendered. We have collected here a few particularly well-studied and widely reported examples. Gazimon from the desert of Server are notorious for their frequent (nearly 50%) gender-sex mismatch, otherwise very infrequent in the species. Bird Digimon from File Island are more often (28%) Hermaphrodites than those of any other areas. And although the west coast of Folder is well-known for the prominence of asexual Digimon of all species found there, no species anywhere else shows as high a frequency (42%) as plant Digimon of the area do (the fact plant Digimon already are more likely to be asexual is probably at play there).

As expected, all these factors created much more troubles for researchers interested in applying gender studies to Digimon than for any other humanity or natural science. The confusion still created for Digimon by gender or sexual segregation or discrimination in humans is testament to that. The simple communication issues caused by the question of whether is Digimon was more attracted to males or females (given that a Digimon is just as likely to be attracted to gender-mixed Digimon as to masculine or male ones) caused no end of trouble at a time when the non-reproductive nature of Digimon sexuality was not understood, and would not come to an end before the mind-opening 2010 publication by Tentomon and Armadimon, who explained the basics of interactions between gender and sex as understood by Digimon themselves.



As mentioned above, only one physical character is relevant in determination of sex for Digimon: the sexual organs. As such, the various other anatomical peculiarities known as "secondary sex characters", while they may occasionally affect a Digimon's gender, are for the most part utterly disconnected from the gender of sexual organs. Those characteristics we will briefly detail in this chapters are: voice, body hair, and the presence of breasts or nipples. However, the most particular features for the purpose of this study, the primary sexual organs, will remain our major point of interest.

Voice is one of the characters most strongly correlated to a Digimon's species. Although a Digimon's depth of voice may be affected by their sex (though usually not their gender), it does not varies anywhere as much as it does in human (if Digimon sexual development is hormone-controlled, it does not affect their larynx very strongly), and androgynous voices, or voices uniformly sounding across a species (particularly for non-mammalian species, such as Palmon) are common.

Body hair is one of the strangest peculiarity found in some Digimon. As with all differentiating (and almost all sexual) characters, it is not particularly stable. It manifests in two variation: alternate hair, and true hair. Alternate hair, showing (usually) slight, but visible differences in color, length or texture is found on some furred Digimon. a particularly well-known example being male Leomon, who have only very short on most of their body, yet tend to have significant hair on the legs and crotch, and sometimes the chest. Although Digimon can have body hair, they have yet to be found with facial hair that was not an element of their very constitution.

Body hair is also found in species generally hairless, from the human Angemon and Dinohumon, to reptilian or draconic species that, if they followed human-world rules, could never have it, such as Betamon, Dolphmon and Guilmon. These latter species are more infrequently found with it than mammals or birds. The "randomness" of body hair presence is also relevant for humanoid Digimon, so that they are just as likely as any other mammalian species to lack it entirely.

Breasts and nipples are a complicated issues in Digimon. "Breasts" proper, first, are almost entirely restricted to a few humanoid species such as Lillymon and Angemon. In these species, the presence of breasts is, technically, independent from a Digimon sex or gender. It is a purely anatomical element inherent to these species. Digimon "breasts", although they have nipples, do not lactate, and are significantly less sensitive than human breasts are (the crotch area is similarly less sensitive, probably to avoid making it too obvious of a target in battle). Only a very few species have breasts that are dependent on sex, these are humanoid species that are normally found wearing clothes, the most common of these species are Wizarmon and its less frequent relatives, Sorcerymon and Flawizarmon. All female Baromon are also, to the best of our knowledge, breasted, but female Kabukimon appear to lack them. Given that these breasts, although definitely present, are little visible on the outside, there are theories that Digimon have evolved so as to be androgynous. While the idea is interesting, it is beyond the topic.

Crotch anatomy in Digimon is best described as displaying a level of variation unknown to any other known group of Real World lifeforms (at least when it comes to this specific anatomical area). A number of studies have discussed how Digimon biology technically "violates" the laws of physics, most notoriously as regards some Digimon's ability to float in the air. Digimon sexual anatomy is no less a participant in such paradoxes.

Digimon primary sexual organs can be broadly classified in two forms, visible and invisible. An "invisible" crotch has little to no visual indication regarding the presence of sexual organs: a female's slit and a male's penis are hidden from sight, with hardly even a bulge in the absence of arousal. Such indications are present to the even slightly attentive observer in the case of those crotch called "visible". Both categories are further subdivided by the level of visibility of the organs. Digimon refer to this classification with the term "existence", which we'll explain soon. Invisible crotches are divided into "true" and "false" invisible crotches; visible crotches include "inner" and "outer" crotches (as with humans navels, they are often jokingly referred to as "innies" and "outies").

A true invisible crotch is one of the most fascinating aspect of Digimon physiology. Indeed, in the absence of need for them, a Digimon with such a configuration lacks sexual organs altogether. There is no penis, scrotum or vulva, nor are internal organs, such as the vagina, present. These are willingly "summoned" for urination or sex. In fact, their "apparition" is characterized as being as hard to maintain at bay as an erection (or other displays of arousal) can be in Digimon who do have sexual organs at all time. While this method of dissimulating the organs may appear physically or logically impossible, it is nor surprising considering that several species can summon physical things from thin air to perform their attack. Gotsumon's Angry Rock and Pumpkinmon's Trick or Treat attacks are both prime examples of this; in the same vein, the "arms" of a Bakemon do not exist before they extend for the attack, and are summoned in much the same fashion as penises in Digimon with invisible crotches. False invisible crotches are more sensical. They are merely very well dissimulated. A skin pouch pulling over the vulva, or the penis and scrotum is common in both males and females, particularly for those species lacking fur or feathers, which provide frequent dissimulation to females of other species. Some bird Digimon have penises that are merely very small when unaroused and hence dissimulated behind their feathers. Finally, a number of male Digimon have a internal sheath. This structure works much like the sheath found in earthly animals and a number of other Digimon, except that it is entirely internal instead of leaving a visible lump on outside, and usually looks like a slight crease in the skin, either vertical or horizontal.

Scrotums are almost always internal in Digimon with invisible crotches (they are often external in Digimon with pouches, and very rarely external in other cases), and may be summoned in the case of true invisibility as well. Fully visible scrotums are often found in combinations with various anatomical setups. Such cases are usually considered to be visible crotches. It is useful to note here that although scrotums are sensitive and are often targeted in battle, strikes to them do not normally induce the mind-numbing, incapacitating pain that it does in human. They are more comparable to pressure points such as the solar plexus: painful, but not outright debilitating. This is both an effect of the higher pain threshold of Digimon and of the obvious necessity to reduce the number of major weak points for races that are typically engaged in more vicious fighting than earthly animals. This variation in scrotum configuration also outlines that Digimon semen clearly does not require keeping at a particular temperature.

Primary sexual anatomy in Digimon is based on that of earthly mammals: males have a penis and testicles (internal or in a scrotum), while females have a vagina with two sets of labia and a clitoris. Though males are known to have a prostate, females lack, to the best of our knowledge, any organs beyond the cervix, which appears to be a dead end (given that we do not know how digieggs originally were created, it is not clear whether this conformation has anything to do with Digimon's current inability to reproduce with each others). Female Digimon would thus not undergo any ovulatory cycle (which explain why, despite popular wisdom to the contrary, they are not very prone to hormonal mood swings of any sort). Urban legends among Digimon has it many females have an equivalent of the male prostate, but no actual medical data has been known to confirm this as of our writing, although anecdotal evidence suggest the belief might have some sort of basis. It is, however, true that they never have hymens. They also seem to lack a clear G-point, although it appears to not affect their ability to reach orgasm much.

Despite what some have reported, sexual fluids in Digimon do not have particularly exotic tastes. They do, however, appear to be, on average, significantly less astringent, and have a very different aftertaste, although variation in taste is as wide as it is humans, and even wider in the case of texture. In females, natural lubrication is generally fairly fluid and slick, though some Digimon do have vaginal secretions that may remind more of creamy peanut butter or mayonnaise than oil. The same goes for semen texture, which ranges from very liquid to a thick, toothpaste-like jelly. The more liquid forms of semen may or may not coagulate, and display (as do female secretions) a wide range of typically muted colors from pastels to grayish violet tints, the paler range of which is by far the more common.

Orgasm in male Digimon is not followed by a refractory period as it is in human, or at least nowhere as long. Orgasm physically affects Digimon more than it does human, leaving slightly dazed, but still generally able to resume activity fairly fast. This might have to do with how Digimon technically do not age, and maintain a fairly regular regimen for all their lives. Their refractory period, where it could measured, hardly last more than a minute (whereas in most human adults it measures some 3 to 10 minutes) and can be very rapidly followed by another orgasm. Indeed by human standards, almost all Digimon are multiorgasmic, and everyone of these orgasm can produce the same amount of semen no matter the amount of orgasms experienced previously. As such sexual fluids do not appear to be produced via a biological process as in human. Much like the matter that is involved in many Digimon attack (such as the water stream of a Betamon, or the rocks of a Gotsumon), it is summoned, and indeed sexual practice is bounded by much the same energy limits as battle are: a very hungry Digimon would be particularly weakened by an orgasm, and probably produce little to no secretion during it.

Crotch anatomy, it has been mentioned previously, does not correlate with species (consider the fairly strong variation in size found in human, for example). This applies not only to configuration, but basic anatomy, which, though mostly reproducing elements of mammalian penises, have factors peculiar to themselves. Penis shape varies about as much as that found amongst mammals, and even a few configuration unknown amongst mammals, such as a furry penis, are known. The presence of a foreskin, significantly less frequent (roughly 35%) than its absence, does not appear to correlate with any other factor. skin color of the penis (as with the female labia and clitoris) is almost always one found elsewhere on the Digimon (though it is also frequently simply the color of surrounding skin). Not all penis shapes have a distinct glans, which seems to be absent in nearly 40% male Digimon. Though the tip of the penis is generally more sensitive, the delineation between this figurative glans and the "regular" part of the penis is not necessarily visible.

In a variety of Digimon which are best described as "artificial", mostly cyborg-, machine-, mutant- and puppet-types, sexual anatomy and dynamics get particularly confusing. Such Digimon have little to no proper biology, and although they are clearly able to assimilate food (and clearly need to), they do not excrete by any apparent mean. Such Digimon, such as Kokuwamon, Mamemon, Nohemon and ToyAgumon, have the highest average percent of complete asexuality: approximately 45%. When they do have sexual organs (which are every bit as capable of providing the Digimon pleasure and can typically ejaculate, furthering the position that semen is not truly a secretion in Digimon), they almost systematically lack an anus. Most often the organs are summoned, although a few of them have retractile organs, or areas that can morph or otherwise mollify into a penis or vulva. The most confusing aspect is that these organs will not necessarily be in a position that could be assimilated as a "crotch", and may appear on the arms or torso (a few rare Digimon can have their penis come out of virtually any part of their body, but will typically only do so in the most convenient location). Because sexual organs are not functional for anything beyond sex, these Digimon also are the most likely to be reverse-gendered or otherwise of unclear gender. It is not uncommon for Guardromon and Mekanorimon (perhaps the only Digimon that could actually perform something akin to the fetish of tentacle sex) to prefer to be addressed as "it" rather than "he", "she", or "shi".

Penile size is eerily simpler to study in Digimon than in human, and as a result the data is both more abundant and clearer (indeed, we have a much more detailed picture of penile size in Digimon than in human). Any statistical discussion, however, has to be split roughly by body size, which we will approximate by level:
Table 1: Body size used to determine "level"
Fresh Irrelevant (mostly asexual)
In-training 8 in-1.5 ft  (~20-45 cm)
Child       2.75-4 ft    (83-140 cm)
Armor       5.5-10 ft    (1.6-3 m)*
Adult       12-25 ft     (3.6-7.6 m)
Perfect     30 ft+       (9 m+)

As such we treated, for the purpose of data collation, Renamon or Lillymon as armor-level Digimon, whereas a WereGarurumon or Vamdemon were treated as adult-level, and Gekomon or Numemon, as child-level.We used "armor" as a convenient term given the large variation in size of Adult levels compared to the more compact and humanoid size of many armor Digimon. One ought to note that unerect penis length in Digimon correlates even less with erect length as it does in human (and anatomical factors can skew measures even more easily), and for that reason, we have chosen to ignore that parameter entirely. We also failed to find any correlation between size and gender identification, hermaphroditism (even though urban legend has it reverse-gendered Digimon have longer penises), or species (besides the fact that larger species consistently have larger members than smaller ones). A slight correlation could be often found geographically, so that, unlike in human, it is true that Digimon from certain areas tend to have statistically larger members than those of others.

In-training Digimon have, unsurprisingly, short members, with a particularly small dispersion, at least when compared to human and the penile size of larger Digimon. The vast majority of males have a length between 2.5 and 3.75 inches erect (6-9.5 cm).

Rookie Digimon show a size range that is comparable to humans' (p=0.332]0.05). Unlike in humans, however, where length follows a roughly normal distribution (mean-median value = 5.7 in/14.5 cm ), the distribution in Digimon is skewed slightly toward the smaller range (mean value = 4.3 in/11 cm; median = 5.5 in/14 cm). The maximum size observed is the single case of a Betamon with a penis some 13 inches (33 cm) long, with the smaller penises hovering around 4.2 in (10.5 cm). Such extreme sizes are very rare, and those "graced" with them typically note that they feel they are not really worth the trouble. Sixty percent of males appear to have length between that value and 6.5 in (16.5 cm). Sizes above 8 inches (20 cm) are very unusual, and those sporting them typically note a number of associated problems, which we will discuss below. Overall, child Digimon have a penis size larger than humans' in relation to their size, armor and adult levels have a size that is smaller, but with a larger standard distribution, and larger Digimon have penises that correlate to their size in mostly the same fashion as human. Digimon at all sizes display a skewing similar to that observed in child Digimon. Overall data is presented in table 2. One should always keep in mind approximate body mass and the way it is distributed (quadruped Digimon are typically larger than a bipedal Digimon of equivalent height, for example) and the fact some of these data often cover a wider range of body size than they would do in human.

Table 2: Penile size by level
Level   Median    Mean      Total range (~)    60% range
Armor   7.5 in    6.6 in    4.7-~18 in         5-9 in
Adult   11.5 in   9 in      6.8-~26 in         7.8-14 in
Perfect 3 ft      2.8 ft    2.3-8ft            2.5-4 ft

We have chosen to eliminate a number of outliers in an attempt to improve the accuracy for the most common sizes found at the various evolutionary levels. A good example of such outliers are Guilmon, who are typically 4 to 4.5 feet (1.2-1.37 m) tall, significantly taller than most rookies, and who thus tend to skew numbers, as their data straddle most of the spectrum of rookies and adult (the largest measured length on a Guilmon was 20 in/50 cm, and they average at roughly 7.25 in/18.4 cm). Similarly, data for "Perfect"-level Digimon is skewed by a wide range, most of which is actually composed of the larger-sized champion Digimon. This is merely a side effect of the combined rarity of perfection and ultimate levels, and the fact most of them tend to be in our "Adult" or "armor" ranges of size.

Due to the complexities involved, few, if any, studies have taken statistical examination of girth measurements. Complications are brought by a wider variation than is expected in human (a penis 4-5 inches long and almost 2 across is not as uncommon in humans, for example), and the difficulty of giving sensical measurements to begin with. The variety of irregular shapes, variations in width (there are Digimon whose penis is marked with thick nubs), and the presence of knots render the validity of any girth-related data at least dubious when taken beyond a case by case basis.

By comparison, female vaginas are significantly deeper than one would expect, though not necessarily wider. The extra space freed by the absence of uterus is the prime factor in this, and the result is that a female Digimon is very often able to accommodate a significantly larger penis than one would expect from her size.


Chapter 5: Sexual growth

Digimon are fully sexually able from in-training level. Although Fresh Digimon are usually able to understand what sex is, and it is performed, they for the most part lack a libido, as well as primary sexual organs. Given that fresh Digimon are those that consume the most food in relation to their size (they eat more than either in-training or child Digimon), those that develop a taste for semen are some of the most enthusiastic practicers of oral amongst digimon. Although in-training Digimon are about as sexually able and willing as child-level ones, a certain taboo exist on relations between them and higher evolutionary levels. This is not linked to a question of development so much as the more practical large difference in size that is much more likely to cause injuries. Those in-training Digimon that enjoy sex with child-level Digimon do not arouse any scandal.

A particularly striking feature of Digimon sexuality is the way it is seen as detached from romance. Whereas the traditional view in most human culture is that sexuality is a particular expression of love between two people, Digimon see it as just another activity that form an integral part of a healthy life. Although sexuality is also considered an integral part of romantic relationships, it is not considered a defining element of it in any way. In this fashion, having sex with someone, though still a very intimate activity, is not necessarily all that different from playing video games, sports or cooking with them.

These facts in mind, it is not difficult to understand why Digimon have, as far as humans are concerned, a whole lot of casual sex: it is for the most seen as a fairly legitimate activity to engage on for two Digimon that happen to be bored and horny. There are Digimon who believe that sexual monogamy leads to a more fulfilling relationship with one's romantic partner, but this is a minority view, and many of those that share this opinion do not see much harm in their lovers sleeping around (or learn to get over it). Although a Digimon involved in a romantic relation is likely to have less sex with third party, this is usually due to the simple fact that they are likely to have much more sex with their love interest (in the same fashion as a man may virtually stop flirting seriously with other woman if he starts developing sentiments for one).

As such, one could characterize Digimon has having a lot of casual sex. They are also more likely to enter a form of "alternate" relationship than humans usually are, and variations of polygamy are fairly common (at least compared to human societies), as are avowed "friends with benefits". This sexual freedom means that most close friends will have had some sort of intimacy with each others, though the precise extent of that intimacy (from hidden voyeurism to all-out sex) varies considerably. Although sex is not seen as something to be discussed solely behind closed doors, it is not, for example, something that would be done in public. While some Digimon (just like human) do have a fetish for exhibitionism, the practice is generally frowned upon as "overdoing it", and restricted to specialized clubs.

Fetishes themselves are a complex subject in Digimon. They do not function the way what is called "fetish" in human does. A human fetish is something non-sexual in nature that elicits a signal of arousal. In Digimon, fetish are things that create a heightened sexual response specifically when integrated to sexual practice. Fetishes vary considerably, possibly much more than they do in human, they may include acts, situations, anatomical particularities etc. and represent a dazzling insight into the way that Digimon physical variation affects the Digimon psychology. Digimon are generally fairly open to their lovers about their fetishes, and those that lies about them are referred to as "tricksters". Some Digimon have no apparent fetishes, either because they do not know what their fetish actually is, or simply do not feel it to be a necessity for them. Other Digimon typically think them to live a rather boring sex life (even though a Digimon without fetishes will by no mean shirk on participating in their lover's fetishes).

In their practice of sex, several stark difference are easily noticed. Digimon are overall much more willing to expand their practice. Anal sex is much more common (and not only because gay relations are significantly more present than amongst humans), and oral sex, almost universal. Digimon seem to be less worried by the hygienic factors that turns many people away from anal sex and makes specialist recommend against anal-oral contact. The first is simply a higher pain threshold and overall resistance: even with less lubrication that would be ideal, it is more difficult to cause anal injuries to a Digimon during sex than to a human. The second is that strange "cleanliness" factor of the Digital World: things do not stay dirty. It is a famous peculiarity that anything can be cleaned up very fast simply by a quick dunk in water. Hence the colon of a Digimon who just went to the bathroom is about as clean as it would be if he had been given an enema. This cleanliness does, however, vanishes after some times spent in the real world, and Digimon who live there for extended periods of time learn to be wary of anal sex after a while. The final elements is that, quite simply, there is no micro-organic life in the Digital World. Digimon do not catch human disease, and are mostly incapable of harboring the real-world organisms that live commensally on animals and human. Because of this, Digimon have no intestinal flora that could harm them or humans, and that prime factor if human hygiene is of no concern to them (although feces themselves are not considered anymore acceptable than for humans; in fact, Digimon feces are notoriously worse-smelling than humans'). The excrements used as attacks by some Digimon are of a different nature, and the "diseases" they cause are not caused by microorganisms, but by toxins
"Mental Note: The guys you think are gay are normally straight, even thought they'll make out with you if they've had enough to drink." JJriddler

"If Jeri says you're cute, you're CUTE. " Renafan

Messages In This Thread
Digital Fetishes: Perspectives on Digimon Sociology of Sex - by circeus - 11-17-2008, 05:05 AM