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Wow I'm Feeling Messed
I just want to start by saying I've wished a lot of things on people (muttering death of course, who doesn't do that, even if deep down the intention is meaningless) but one thing I would never, ever wish upon someone is any abnormal sexual orientation. Lol I feel weird saying that based on what this site has to offer... :? Anyway I finally came to grips with myself. I had used this Digimon Hentai as some excuse to cover up any sexual oddities of myself (regardless of the fact that an affection for a digimon once again is not normal). After meeting a friend at work I found myself getting closer and closer to him, and eventually beginning to develop feelings of love. Of course here's the kicker, I'm a guy too. Pissed me right off and almost drove me to extremes (in my lemons there are a bit of reflection on that idea, although suicide or the scenarios never really occured). As time went on i began to slip from this website bit by bit and more towards real humans...I guess I'm just rambling now. That's why this is a rant forum? Anyway, the bottom line is I hope some of you learn something from this. Of course it is easy to say this because I am bisexual...don't hate people for WHAT they are, rather determine your relationships by WHO they are and rather HOW they act. I can guarantee that many of you can't point out a homo/bi sexual, I know I can't...don't be a hater.

Messages In This Thread
Wow I'm Feeling Messed - by Reaper T Bone - 05-27-2004, 08:15 AM
[No subject] - by The Infamous Boss Reo - 05-27-2004, 02:13 PM
[No subject] - by FinalEnix - 05-27-2004, 09:16 PM