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Questions about digimon sex? I want to hear them.
I'm didn't even mentioned Patamon and Tailmon at all, also in that case then where you leave MagnaAngemon? he is ultimate as Angewomon, also in this case is different than compare Gotsumon and Icemon since one is rock and the other is ice, but in Angemon, MagnaAngemon and Angewomon's case all of them are of the same species that is Angel digimon the only thing differing is the level but all of them are angels, if something the only thing that differ is that I think Angewomon and MagnaAngemon are on the Archangel type hence that they have 8 wings but that's the only thing that differs.

I never said that Patamon and Tailmon are of the same species, the only thing that both are the same is that both are mammals but both are of different species but is not my fault that when digivolving they enter into the same species of digimon that would be the Angel type, the species is what they are like, is like Gatomon, BlackGatomon and Mikemon, they are all of the same species regarding their names, they're cat digimon only with different coloring is like the different races of cats and dogs you can find here, you can see cats of different races mating and procreating, you never say siamese cats have to breed with siamese cats (I know digimon don't reproduce I'm just stating that as an example) so in this case and excuse me but I find dull to see a male Angewomon, on that case doesn't applies it has no logic, in other species that their names doesn't refers much to a gender is easier like Patamon, Gatomon, Gotsumon, etc. because they are genderless names but in this case when you use Angewomon saying that is possible a male Angewomon is hard to believe, and in that case tell me how would be the outfit for the male Angewomon anyways? I doubt any male Angewomon would use the outfit the female one uses unless it is one with weird tendencies :P
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RE: Questions about digimon sex? I want to hear them. - by Lord Patamon - 11-14-2008, 03:39 AM