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Questions about digimon sex? I want to hear them.
Well I had to ask anyways and you're right about that they aren't animals but since it got mentioned the biological thing about plants then I thought it was okay to ask about the mating thing, mostly since is the term that is used a lot in the lemons, check the lemon section on the site and you will see a lot the word mating or how digimon call the digimon they have sex with their mates.

So I wasn't all out of logic for using the term mating in my question, after all Gatomon for example is a cat and cats have heat periods so why won't her have their heat cycles even if is not for reproducing, I'm sure there can be times when digimon are in such state that makes the sex more intense due to certain conditions mostly when you mentioned the internet porn, that can be enough to make their data about sex go wild :P

(11-13-2008 11:58 AM)circeus Wrote: Etymological fallacies aside, there is no reason that hold that every single member of any species should be restricted to a single gender.

This is a world where living creatures of fire, poop and rock exist but one with both boobs and a wang is a no-no *waggles finger for effect*? (for the record, this is where I collapse laughing hysterically)

Here is where you are wrong, Angemon and Angewomon are of the same species, both are angel digimon and literally look the same other than the obvious gender difference so no need for female Angemon or male Angewomon when both are of the same species of digimon, is just like Devimon and LadyDevimon, you can't come and say there is a male LadyDevimon can you? :P
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RE: Questions about digimon sex? I want to hear them. - by Lord Patamon - 11-13-2008, 03:04 PM