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Questions about digimon sex? I want to hear them.
(11-13-2008 07:49 AM)Lord Patamon Wrote: Sorry I guess I didn't made my question right, it wasn't meant to be about perks, it was meant to be about how is the Patamon mating cycle, you know when they get in mating season how they act when is mating season and such, you know the usual say biological thing :P

WTF, man. Digimon are not animals, and given they do not reproduce, they have no need for mating cycle :P

Quote:About female Angemon and male Angewomon I think that is impossible since the womon in Angewomon's name implies woman but turned in womon to say woman digimon is a word game, also why a female Angemon when there is already Angewomon? o.O
Etymological fallacies aside, there is no reason that hold that every single member of any species should be restricted to a single gender.

This is a world where living creatures of fire, poop and rock exist but one with both boobs and a wang is a no-no *waggles finger for effect*? (for the record, this is where I collapse laughing hysterically)

Quote:And about Cherrymon, wouldn't it be applicable for them to use vines that segregate either spores or 'seed' (properly said, no pun intended) to be able to mate/reproduce? Sure, you can forget about any sort of conventional penetration, but the concept of them being able to 'do it' with another species still would be technically possible. Although it sure would be odd to see a tree growing eggs and dropping them!

When I write "digimon do not reproduce as such", you should hear "there is no such thing as digimon reproduction PERIOD". AKA: Digimon are not born from the intervention of other digimon in any way (other than Elecmon rubbing eggs :p).
"Mental Note: The guys you think are gay are normally straight, even thought they'll make out with you if they've had enough to drink." JJriddler

"If Jeri says you're cute, you're CUTE. " Renafan

Messages In This Thread
RE: Questions about digimon sex? I want to hear them. - by circeus - 11-13-2008, 11:58 AM