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Need your help tell me how this story is good so far.
Its not finished yet i just wanna know how it is right of now.

Same School Love
By Ryan Cruey
Disclaimer: I don’t own any rights to TOEI or 4Kid studio. Credit is do to the respective owners. Please don’t sue me.

To the ones of the light. The sun that gleams on me to let me feel the aura of heat. But its now winter. I want to feel the crescent coldness caress my skin letting it overwhelm me with different emotions from the cold breezes. I want to sit with the one I love being able to hug him or her to keep them warm in the night of the coldness. My life has been a shamble of a mess of lies but I live and lost. I see nothing more than the issues of others. Our worlds where mixed up…. Now I am here to help you out. Veemon as you are reading this I am in love with you. I am the one who has been by your side for years on in. But that’s not why I am writing this. You see I have secretly been in love with you for a while now. I know for the public this would have been a scoop for them but I want this to be a secret. But please understand… I adore you with the greatest Aw. Now I want you to know that. Ill see you at school.

That was the letter I had sent to Veemon. When I was with him at school today I could see nothing in his eyes. Like I have almost betrayed him. I guess love does have some side effects. I started walking down the hallway with Veemon to his next class. He didn’t look at me or even speak to me the whole way down there. At first I was worried but then the gang of trio came and stopped us in the hall yet again. They where three guys. One who stood in the middle was the leader. He had muscles of an almost hill going on. The other two where about the same. They picked on everyone in school a lot but this was the actual first time they had came up to me.

“Ah Ryan. What brings you down the lower halls? Giving me your lunch money I presume?” The other two laughed with him on the stupid joke. I just shoved him out of they way continuing onward. But when I looked to my side Veemon wasn’t there. The Trio where still picking on him.

“Aw is the dwagon going to cry?” They said in a childish mood. But something did catch my eye. Veemon was already crying. But secretly. I saw only one tear run down his cheek. That was enough for me to start dishing out. I stepped behind the one who talked back to Veemon and hit him in the back of the neck making him duck. I kicked at his shin making him lose his balance and air. He hit the ground. Veemon looked up at me coldly.

“What are you doing?” He asked I didn’t say anything. I saw the other two stare at me. They looked pissed. The leader charged at me. When he threw his first punch I stepped to the side dodging it then I threw my kneecap into his gut. He coughed up something but he fell to the ground. The last one came charging but throwing a high kick this time. I took my left wrist and held it up catching the blow from his kick. I grabbed him with my two hands and slammed him against the locker. They where all down. I walked towards Veemon. But he didn’t speak. He clutched a fist and punched me in the face. I fell backwards onto the locker. He spit at me and walked away. I just turned and went onto my class. As I entered the classroom which was a poetry class making it fun on my book. I saw three people who where already there. Then I saw a new student. He was a digimon. But this one was a sexy beast. He was a Gabumon. But as I was about to ask him his name the teacher came into the class. Really it was a auditorium because of the speaking area. But the teacher began to speak.

“Hello class and we have a new student today. Could you come up and introduce your self. Don’t be shy this is a speaking out class so don’t worry.” The teacher said waving Gabumon to come up to the mic and talk. This Gabumon was as tall as I was making him 5’11. But he was defiantly a good one in my book. As he stood up on the stage he started speaking.

“Um…Hi….M-my name is Leon…..B-but I like to be called Bubu. It’s a nickname I had gotten s-since I was a kid.” He said stuttering every last word. As he stepped off of the podium I walked up to him and said hi. He shooked my hand gladly when I put it out.

“So the name is Bubu huh? That’s actually a pretty cute name!” I said with enthusiasm but I continued. “I know I am the wrong person to come up out of the blue to say a greeting but I love introductions. My name is Ryan. Nice to meet you Bubu.” I said with a happiness tone to my voice.

“Oh pleasure is all mine Ryan. I am glad someone actually came up to talk to me. I already feel out of place. But thanks.” As he said that I patted him on the back.

“Oh don’t worry. The first day is always rough…Oh one sec teach. Sorry but I got to read my poem or I get a bad grade. But hey ill sit with you here and at lunch. We should get to know each other.” I said heading up to the podium I unraveled a wrinkled up piece of notebook paper and started reading from it.

When the daylight goes out we go into the house,
But what happens in that house cannot change us
When I look into your eyes you look at me with my own gaze
The crystal blue eyes that I had fallen in love with has gone away
Now when my day ends what am I suppose to say?

Now when my light goes out I am alone.
Again and again I am here looking for the snow
But instead I find the cherry blossoms that we collected
My brothers now found piece by piece we see the new aura but let us

I live to love and love to live. I love your smile with every whim.
Cursed by my anger and laughed at my outburst I am no more.
Tainted and soiled I am coiled and brought back but what do I say?
Get away from the pain and all the pins in this society
You keep us locked away letting us be fed to the believer.

How would you know when judgment hit you?
When our familes and we die due to your greed.
Nothing more than a mistake. Nothing more

Than being bait.

I crumbled up the piece of paper throwing it in the trash after I read it. Went up to the teacher and started to speak towards him. “Hey sorry for the poem I think it was bad so ill rewrite it later.” after I had said that Bubu poked me on the back. As I turned around he handed me the crumbled up poem.

“What you say was bad was the most magnificent thing I have ever heard. Your good with your words the outline was about love less to love lost. It was very amazing!” Gabumon said almost like a fan. But I looked at him a bit surprised.

“You actually knew what I was talking about?! Wow not even my friend Veemon or maybe still friend even knew what I was talking about.” I handed the teacher the paper with my name on it. He took it and put it on the stack of papers.

“Oh by the way Ryan/” The teacher said but continued as I looked at him making him know I as listening. “Your friend Veemon said he wanted to talk to you. He dropped by not to long ago. He said meet him at his locker. Take the pass.” The good thing about Mr.Ravler. Is he likes to be called teach. Also he likes to let people go to where they are wanted by friends or teachers. I took the hall pass and walked out the door. As I walked down the hallway I saw Veemon standing by his locker looking at me with hatred in his eyes. I stopped in front of him when I reached him. He opened his mouth. But he clenched his teeth holding back his words for a moment.

“Veemon if you have something to say please don’t hold back words. Be open.” I said with amazement that I actually had the right thing to say since a long time. He sighed. He started to speak.

“Ryan I red the letter……I don’t roll that way though you of all people should know that.” He said with a hiss. “But I am going to say this. I think we should stop being friends. I think it would be wrong to be friends with a guy who likes me. Sorry Ryan but this is for the best.” He said like most people would.

“So we are enemies now?” I asked he nodded his head. He slammed his locker shut and walked away. I dropped my head for a minute in disbelief. I just picked my head up and turned around about to walk to class but I saw Bubu in front of me after I tapped him with my shoulder. I turned and apologized.

“Sorry Bubu. Just..” I stopped and shrugged.

“It wasn’t right for him to quit being friends with you just because you liked him. But why are you not upset?” He asked.

“Bubu…..Its like this. If you like someone and they don’t like you back that is going to be the first thing on there mind. They will quit being friends to you just because of the wrongness. Its natural. For me not being upset…..I am used to it. Also why are you in the hall?” I asked He blushed a bit.

“Um I was to make you……Don’t start a fight.” As he said that I chuckled and motioned him o follow back to class to get our stuff. As we reached th class the bell rang. We picked up out stuff and headed to lunch. As we got our lunch and sat down at a table I asked him for his schedule.

“Wow you have all the same classes as me. Oh you’ll love algebra the teacher in there is the nicest one you can handle…..Though art not so much.” I said with laughter

“Tell me…..What is you sexual orientation if you don’t mind me asking..” H said blushing a bit

“Oh I don’t mind answering these questions. I am Bisexual. I kind of like both for some reason.” I said with my a finger on my chin he blushed a bit more deeply.

“I am to….But I am embarrassed to admit it. How come you are not ashamed to at least admit it?” He asked with a bit of a shyly tone.

“Well you see in my family you should not heed embarrassment. Also don’t blush so much you can get a-” I was stopped when he freaked out for a minute. I sighed and grabbed a napkin standing up and walked behind him I tilted Bubu’s head back putting the tissue on his nose. “Like I was saying. Blush to much you can get a nose bleed.” I saw gazing into his red eyes. He looked back at me the same way.

“Why are you helping me with my nose bleed?” He asked.

“Well I just like helping people. Also I cant let you get blood on your fur or even on your skin! That would be un noble of me.” I said with a laugh. He put his hand on my cheek.

“There is people who have kindness in this world. I thought I was going to lose hope.” As he said that I put my forehead on his.

“One of the things about me is I will not let my friends get hurt. I am kind because my mother rose me right/ I am like this because people need kindness in there lives. My kindness is with you now. Would you want me to hold your hand through out this way? Ill guide you.” I said with a little mirr in my voice. He smiled.

“Yeah I would love to be guided…..But would you love me to be with you forever?” he asked.

“I would but…..I don’t know. There are so many guys and girls in this school I think you can find someone better than me.” I said raising my head a bit to look at his nose as it stopped bleeding. I took the bloody tissue and threw it in the trash. I pulled my chair closer to Bub.

“But all the ones who like me…. Are wanting one ting. Except for this Agumon he is like you but very sweet. He even can turn me on in an instant.” I smiled when he said that.

“Oh I know who you are talking about. Hold on a second.” I stood up and walked over to Agumon and tapped him on the shoulder. He looked and I asked him to follow. As he stood from his chair he walked with me to Bubu. He sat down in the chair I was in getting closer to him.

“Okay Agu His name is Bubu. I would like for you two to get to know each other better.” I left them alone after I told Bubu I would see him next period. I walked down the row of tables in the lunch room seeing humans and pokemon and digimon all alike eating and conversing together having a time of there lifes. I smiled when I walked out of the lunch room. I passed by Veemon when I walked down the hall.

“Oh hey Ryan. Helping the fag Gab-” My fist was right in front of his face.

“Hey I would love to hear you finish that statement. If you dare talk down to my friends you know as much as I do ill hurt you.” I said in a threat. He walked away. I continued down the hall as the bell rung signaling everyone to go to class. When I reached my class which was art I saw Bubu not happier than ever he came up to me a hugged me.

‘He said he would go out with me! Believe it or not we have a lot in common!” H was shaking my whole body choking me with his hug of doom. He released me I coughed he apologized. I said I was okay.

“Well I am glad you guys are now going out. I am sure it will work out for you guys. Ill tell you some secrets about Agu I heard from a friend. He loves all kinds of music except for country. Not just that his turn on are unbelievable/ He has so many. But his main fetish is if sees a bulge. One last thing. To take him on a get away or a special place. Make it where you can see the ocean or the star lights engulfed in the moon.” I said helping him out a bit. I knew a lot about Agumon. Not from experience but from how open we are to people. We talked about our fetishes and out loves and dislikes. Or my favriote if we had a problem down there. We would talk about it and make sure everything was okay. Life was life with him as a friend. Thank god we still are friends. When the art teacher came into the classroom she started yelling at everyone like usal but when she saw the new student she couldn’t help but aw at him . I put my arm around him making her walk away. She was one of the most weirdest teachers. I took my arm off around his neck.

“What was that for?” He asked with a smile.

“That teacher was about to hit on you. She is weird like that. But I did that to cause I am happy for you as well. So what are you going to draw?” he laughed as I asked.

“Secret” he said kissing me on the cheek. Surprised me a bit but I went with the flow on that one. As we started drawing took the graphite pencil and started drawing. Line by line making the ripping noise it normally does. Line by line the picture that I was drawing came into view. The dragon wielding a ball of light in front of him smirking from all of the power he gained. The picture made me wonder a bit. But I continued anyway. I wasn’t the best of drawers but I tried a lot. But I got distracted as a announcement came into hearing.

“Attention teachers lock doors and close all windows student hide under your desks this is a code red situation.” My eyes widened and I looked at Bubu. I kissed him on the forehead standing up as everyone else panicked hiding underneath there desks. I walked out of the class room.

“RYAN DON’T GO!” Bubu yelled. But I had no choice. I closed the door locking it from the outside. But it could still be opened on the inside. I ran down the hall looking to make sure everyone was in there place safely. But only one student out of place. Veemon. He was shivering. He saw them… I couldn’t help my self but run towards him. As I reached him I picked him up and started running awa from the chaos that was about to happen. I heard gun shots going on after I passed by I turned around and I saw three guys aiming at me. I dove behind a wall. I heard the foot steps of the two chasing me but as I saw the first one I grabbed him and snapped his wrist pulling the pistol out of his hands turning to the second guy shooting the pistol out of his hand. As the pistol went in air and he reached for it I kicked him in the side of the face sending him flying into the lockers. I grabbed the second pistol and unloaded one of them. I set Veemon down for a minute. I picked up the still awake guy clutching his leg.

“How many of you guys are here?” I asked he lifter up 3 fingers. But turned around it was to late. I was shot in the leg. The third guard was behind me. I collapsed pretending I was dead. When he came up to me he piced me up by my chest but I was smarter. I shot him in both wrists when he wasn’t looking making him yell in pain dropping his gun. I stood up slowly I limped towards him hitting him on the back of the head knocking him out. I saw three police officers run towards me. I explained what happened and a medic soon came towards me. After they had announced that the threat was done the students all cam out walking around seeing the three guys being taken to jail. I saw Bubu. He ran towards me tackling me back onto the ground hugging me tightly. He soon helped me back up helping me limp to the nurse. He wouldn’t stop saying everything would be okay not to worry. He wouldn’t stop kissing me and hugging me. He was a worry word. But the thing is I wonder where Veemon is….I don’t know.

Messages In This Thread
Need your help tell me how this story is good so far. - by RyanCruey - 11-03-2008, 03:41 AM
RE: Need your help tell me how this story is good so far. - by RyanCruey - 11-03-2008, 04:11 AM