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Intresting but Uncommon facts about yourself.
I'm a gamer. I play games for enjoyment. I also play them to unlock every secret, defeat every enemy, master every character, collect everything, get the highest ranking, etc. With the exception of FPS type games, I have an innate ability to be better than the average player on my first try and, unless someone else is very well practiced or owns the game and I don't, I am usually better than them. Example, never played Guitar Hero II before, and could play better on Hard than my friend who had owned it for months.

I have a laughably poor tolerance for alcohol. It doesn't take much for me to become intoxicated.

I'm also a heavy pour...which probably relates to the previous item.

I'm a grammar nazi. People who don't know the differences between its/it's and there/their/they're annoy me. Similarly, people who use apostrophes to denote plurals in instances not relating to acronyms irritate me.

I have a large and diverse vocabulary that only really shines when I get angry.

I swear too much, though never in front of children or the elderly.

I can read about twelve or thirteen languages with passably good diction, inflection, and pronunciation, as long as they're written in Arabic letters. I can fake my way through Cyrillic, but it's spotty at best.

My hearing is pretty sensitive and have a hard time hearing people when there is a lot of ambient noise. It just drowns them out.

I'm very musical. I have a Masters in music, specifically classical voice performance. I have a very good ear, specifically when it pertains to intonation and tonality. I've advanced to the point where I can now hear the difference between keys. E major and F major sound different from each other, but are still absolutely dreadful keys. E-flat major is much better.

c minor is my favourite key. The original Spider-Man themesong is in c minor. So is a lot of music that I like (ie. Dance of Pales from Castelvania: Symphony of the Night).

I have a weird affinity for animals, specifically dogs. I've had several instances where an owner attempted to set their dog on me, but the dog wouldn't so much as bark at me...which is funny because I set the dog on him easily.

I have two cats, Ace and Leo, and they are polar opposites of each other. One is thin, lithe, and very aloof. The other is beefy, solid, and extremely affectionate.

I invest far too much time in World of Warcraft, but I love it.

I have a lot of furry characters that I play as, but the one that's actually me is Flynn. He's a blue Eastern Wolf.

I like wolves...a lot. They're very noble, regal creatures.

Blue is my favourite colour.
FCWm2afrw A-- C- D H+ M P+ R+ W Z Sm++ RLET$/M$ a c++w e+++ f h+ i++ j+ p+ sm+

Avatar art by Fluke

Messages In This Thread
Intresting but Uncommon facts about yourself. - by RyanCruey - 10-30-2008, 08:03 PM
RE: Intresting but Uncommon facts about yourself. - by senjuro - 10-31-2008, 07:08 AM
RE: Intresting but Uncommon facts about yourself. - by RyanCruey - 10-31-2008, 08:11 AM
RE: Intresting but Uncommon facts about yourself. - by BigD - 11-01-2008, 02:11 AM
RE: Intresting but Uncommon facts about yourself. - by BigD - 11-02-2008, 06:49 AM
RE: Intresting but Uncommon facts about yourself. - by RyanCruey - 11-02-2008, 10:45 AM
RE: Intresting but Uncommon facts about yourself. - by BigD - 11-04-2008, 08:51 AM