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Cursed springs, cursed lives! Ranma 1/2!
"well I was like 13 Back then! I Matured finely so I'm Horny alot now!" Christiana giggled."How does my Juices Taste?" She giggled."By the way....In two or three days from now we're gonna Threesome with Vi! Two Guys and One ice creamed girl in the Middle! You Get my Pussy and Once I get Vi In Bed with me Ii'll tell him about the threesome and I'll let him fuck my ass then and in the threesome!" She told her Plan to retsu."and U Look Hornier then you did back when i was 13!" Christiana giggled."Your Lucky! I Never gave a guy nmy Juices on their chest or let them touch me like you are doing right now Becouse this IS my First time!" Christiana finally Told the truth.
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RE: Cursed springs, cursed lives! Ranma 1/2! - by Kitten_Crystal - 10-28-2008, 10:50 AM