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The Digimon Marshalls
Welcome back, loyal fan. Heh, yeah, right. Like anyone reads this crap.

For those who insist on proving me wrong, this is Chapter 3 on my "Digimon Marshalls" story. Once again, Read And Review, although no one's done that yet.

DISCLAIMER: this is entirely dribble from my own warped little mind, about Digimon in my home town. Almost everything, save for location, is PURELY FICTIONAL. If there is ANYONE out there who feels this story is plagerized from their real life, PLEASE, contact me. I want to meet you.


Chapter Trois.

The Digimon Marshalls

By The Cowboy From Hell

My mind wasn't working, until I heard Renny's voice chime in, causing me to look over. Sure enough, that Rookie and her Digimon were sitting at my sad little table, with a combined look of extreme disgust at my naked frame.

I shrugged at them, and stepped back into my bedroom, and slipped on a pair of dirty blue jeans, and went back in, grabbing a coke from the fridge.

"What do y'all want?" I asked, as I drank from the can.

"Ah...umm... did we come at a bad time?" Rika asked, still ruffled at seeing me naked.

"Oh, no. He always sleeps naked!" Renny laughed cheerfully, as she pinched my cheek playfully.

"Like I asked already," I said coldly, "what do y'all want?"

The other Renamon fielded my question, seemingly unfazed by my previous nudity.

"It appears that that Greymon you fought earlier today wasn't a normal Greymon. The Data we picked up registered at much higher levels than a Greymon." She explained.

"Mmhmm... when that lizard's hits connected, it felt like I was getting hit by a train." Renny replied, calmly staring out the window.

"So, what? Same shit, different day?" I asked.

"What?" Nonaka asked, confused.

"It's the same goddamn shit every goddamn time. Someone gets power nuts and retard strong, travel to the Digital World, and tries to amass an army, unleash a virus, or deal with the wrong Megas. It's ALWAYS the same shit." I explained, as I lit up a cigarette.

Rika and her Digimon sat silent, for a while, until Renamon spoke back up.

"Well...yeah. It seems that way. The Data had traces of information, which the Digimon Marshalls tracked to a server in Utah."

"Mormans?" I asked, as I took a drag off the smoke.

"Umm, no?" Rika replied, confused at my sick brand of humor, "anyway. After searching through Humans traveling to the Digital World, we found one in Utah, with a DarkAgumon. We are almost certain, that that's our man."

I leaned back, listening to my Neighbor's diesel pickup pull into the gravel driveway. The fog on my windows made this shithole cozier than it really was. I sighed, lost in thought.

Renny saw that I "went to screensaver", so she took the reigns.

"What does this have to do with us? Houston isn't a real strategic city, is it?" she inquired, as I snapped back to reality.

"Yeah, it is. Johnson Space Center, the Port Of Houston, and several Fortune 500 companies. To take out Houston is to bring the Nation to it's knees." I said, almost calmly.

Rika nodded slowly, "from what we've managed to gather, Houston's only his proving grounds. He has his sights set on Seattle, San Diego, and other major cities."

"Why?" Renny asked, curious.

"Seattle has the Boeing Plant, produces major Aircraft. San Diego has a zoo. Either he's subtle, or stupid." I answered.

"Well, either way, we've been calling in reinforcements from other Organisations. You're going to have a partner. Make a thermos of coffee "Pest", you're on Night Shift." She answered, as she got up, and turned to leave.

"Fuck me..." I sighed, as I heard them leave, "I wanted to take you to a movie tonight."

"Aww, it's okay, Brandon." She smiled, and kissed me.

With that, I got dressed, again, and made a pot of coffee. I made sure to keep Renny away from the thermos, while we got ready(those of you with a Renamon, give him/her coffee, and see what happens. Just make sure you leave shortly after, and someone sticks around to give you the details.)
The last mutt standing.

The one and only, Cowboy from Hell.


Bury me with my guns on,
So when I reach the other side, 
I can show him what it feels like to die.

Bury me with my guns on,
So when I'm cast out of the skies,
I can shoot the Devil right between the eyes.
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan

Messages In This Thread
The Digimon Marshalls - by Bee - 09-25-2008, 04:57 PM
RE: The Digimon Marshalls - by Bee - 09-30-2008, 04:59 PM
RE: The Digimon Marshalls - by Bee - 10-16-2008, 06:30 AM