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Blood+ - One's First Kiss (Yuri/First/Complete)
I had this story here before the loss of data, so here it is again. ^^

Also, be sure to leave a reply for Lost Digidestined: Snake Curse, since it's the only way I can add the next chapter to it. Enjoy! ^^

Title: One's First Kiss...
By: Chaos Knight Matthew
Series?: Blood+ Episode 08 Phantom of the School
Pairing: Saya / Min

Starting - 7:56 PM 6/25/2008

Finished - 9:47 PM 6/25/2008

Scene Beforehand - Saya just tried to get into the bell tower to confirm her suspicions of a Chiporidan was living in it, but Miss Lee stopped her before she could approach the door. Saya had to back away for now.

It was nighttime and she was in her room. Min was with her as well. Saya was in the bed, prepared to get some sleep for the night. Min was heading to the light switch.

"I'll switch it off now." She said as she turned off the lights for the room. Saya watched her for a moment as she went to bed. "Good night." She said to Saya.

"Good night." Saya said back as she layed down and pulled her bedcover over her to her neck. Min got into her bed and turned of her lap. Saya turned away from her and held her dagger that she got from Hagi earlier that day next to her, half-hoping that she wouldn't have to use it any. Hearing something behind her, she turns around and sees Min bringing her pillow over to Saya's bed and gets in it with her.

"Hey, can we talk a little more?" Min asked Saya as she set her head onto her pillow. Saya, a surprised expression on her face from Min's action, remembered her warning from her classmates about this, but she had started to like talking to Min. It made her feel a little more comfortable while she was on her mission. "I'm excited because I've been alone for so long..." Saya smiled.

"All right, a little more then." Saya said, turning her attention to her.

"Have you ever been kissed before Saya?" Min asked her out of the blue. Saya's blush was very noticeable as she remembered the kiss that Hagi gave her on the first night of her battles, when he gave her a little of his blood that time. Saya turned away, a little off-guard at such a question.

"N-No!" Saya replied. She looked back at Min, who had a grin on her face.

"So you have!" She said with a hint of joy in her voice. Saya looked forward again.

"That's not it, I don't think that counts as a kiss." Saya tried to explain, her face still blushing.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Min asked her, still curious about a few things.

"I don't have one." Saya said, looking back to Min.

"You're lucky..." Min said, disappointed. "Annemarie and I are the only ones in class who haven't been kissed before." Annemarie is a girl that attends the school that has a snobbish personality and won't hesitate to report to Miss Lee, the head mistress of the school.

"You don't understand! It was an accident that was kind of like a kiss." Saya said with a smile. She knew that she needed to change the subject fast, so she moved on to something else. "Nevermind that. What about the gardener Phantom?" Saya asked Min.

"No, I can't. I just can't. I'll never make it. He's out of my league." She said, now embarrassed herself as she looked forward and closed her eyes. "Ah... SOmething I can never reach. I just want to be married soon!" Min said, almost shouting it out to the whole world. Saya watched on as she continued to talk, a curious expression on her face. "But I don't want to do it three times like Papa. I also want three kids too... And a boyfriend too! And... and..." Then a thought hit Min hard, one that made her worry a little. She opened her eyes and turned to Saya. "What should I do if I can't get married?" She asked with much worry. "What would 'you' do?"

"I'd just..." Saya started to say, then she looked forward with a smile on her face. "I'd just do what I could do for now." Min just looked at Saya for a moment, thinking about what she just said.

"I see..." She said, looking forward again and looking at the overhead lamp for a moment. There had been something else that she wanted to ask her, something she overheard from some of the other girls and was too embarrassed to ask anyone else about this. "Hey, Saya?"

"Yes?" Saya asked. She was still enjoying their little talk, despite the embarrassing questions.

"There was... Well..." Min started to say, her face growing a little more red from her thinking about this. "I heard something a while back, before you came here about how some of their boyfriends would touch a girl-" Min stopped in mid sentence, beginning to regret bringing it up now.

"Hmm?" Saya asked, now a little curious to what she was trying to tell her.

"That they would touch a girl's lower area, and it would feel good to the girl." Min finished what she was trying to say. She looked back towards Saya. "Have you ever tried that before?" Saya had an idea of what that was, since she once caught Kai looking at a T. V. and there was a woman doing the same thing Min mentioned, but she never asked Kai about that since she didn't want him thinking that she was spying on him when he wasn't looking. Saya's face blushed a little harder than last time.

"No, I haven't." She responded, but Min saw through her again.

"You have, haven't you?" She said, not accusingly, but with a similar tone like last time.

"Well..." Saya sighed. "I've seen it before once, but I never asked about it." Saya didn't dare mention that it was her big brother that was looking at that kind of stuff. Who knows what Min would think of him, since she hasn't met Kai yet.

"Have you... ever wanted to try it?" Min asked next, her face still red. She was looking into Saya's eyes as she looked over to her. She was slowly moving her left hand in front of her chest for a moment. "Because... If you want to... you could with me." Min confessed to her.

"What about what you said earlier, about wanting a boyfriend and all?" Saya asked her.

"I know, I know... But... I do want to know how those other girls felt. I mean alone, well, is nice and all, but they had another girl do that to them." Min said to her, also telling her that she tried it on herself once before. "Please?" Min's expression was pleading at this point.

Saya was at a loss for words. Was Min really wanting her to do that to her? Saya was still curious about it since that day when she saw that video, but does Min really want to go through with this? Placing the dagger behind her back carefully, she uses that hand to hold onto Min's. "Are you sure about this?" Was all she asked her. Suddenly, Min moved Saya's hand down to where she was talking about, using the other one to lift the waistband of her pajama pants to place Saya's hand over her panty-covered pussy.

"I'm sure..." Min said, her eyes expressing the same feelings. Saya was still a bit off balance at such an action and had tried to pull her hand back. When she did, her middle finger went over Min's pussy and clit through the panties. Min gasped at the sensations. "Ah... that... Please Saya?" Min asked again, holding her hand there. "Please... do that again..." Min said, almost begging her, thoguh she had to keep her voice low so that she wouldn't disturb anyone else outside of the room. Saya didn't see any way out of this, not to mention that her own curiosity was increasing, but unaware of her own arousal increasing as well, she moved her hand back down, then up again, like before, but with all four of her fingers this time.

"Like this?" Saya asked her, repeating the motions.

"Yes Saya... like that... That feels good..." Min moaned a little, allowing herself to be lost in the feelings that were generating up inside her. Using her free hand again, Min pulled her pajama pants down some so Saya could reach her better as let her continue there for a while, holding her hand and moving it with Saya's back and fourth over Min's pussy area. It didn't take long before Saya felt something moist on Min's panties.

"Ah, Min?" Saya sad to her. "I think you- !!!!" Before Saya could say that it seemed like she wet herself, Min had leaned forward and tried to kiss Saya on the lips, but her aim was a little of due to how she was feeling, not to mention that her eyes were closed, and got around Saya's mouth.

"Saya... Saya..." She said with every attempted kiss. She sounded a little cute, saying Saya's name like that. Saya moved forward slightly by accident when Min made another attempt and right then, she got her target, a kiss right on Saya's lips completely; a true kiss. Saya, caught of guard from the kiss, pressed a little too hard into Min's panties with her hand and had accidentally slipped her middle finger over the side and slightly inside of Min. Min's soaked pussy tightened around her finger as she gasped out in surprise herself. "Ah! Ah..."

"Min! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" Saya tried to apologize and move her finger out of her, but Min stopped her again, an inch of Saya's middle finger still inside of her tight pussy.

"No... That feels even better... Please keep... moving it..." Min said lowly, panting a little. Her senses were a little sensitive at this point and she was enjoying this greatly. Saya, hesitant for a moment, does as her friend said and continues to move it around, in circles at first, occasionally brushing over Min's clit. Every brush of it, Min gasped with pleasure, but se felt that she needed more of this. "Push a little more in..." She whispered to Saya, panting a little on her face. Saya, being cautious, slowly slipped a little more of her finger inside of Min. Min gasped again and reflectively pulled Saya's hand down, sending her entire finger inside her as a great pain now filled her. "Ow, ow ow ow..."

"Min! Are you alright?!" Saya asked Min, not moving an inch, feeling her juices flowing from her pussy. Then something else caught her attention...

The scent of blood...

Saya knew that she had taken her virginity from her, but Min knew of the risks involved from the action. Saya was worried for her friend, who was in pain.

"It hurts a little... but the pain is going away now... Aw... I did want to save that for my..." Min said, a little disappointed an her mistake. Saya tried to move her finger out. Min moaned out again and kissed Saya again to muffle her moans. Saya was surprised again, but not as much as she continued her action. "Like that! Like that! Keep going! Yes!" Min said, saying it between kisses. Saya continued, moving her hand back and forth, her finger in and out of Min's very wet pussy, juices and a little blood coming out of it and onto Saya's bed sheets and hand. It didn't take long for Saya to push Min over the limits as Min came hard onto Saya's hand, a new rush of liquid coming out of her pussy and running down her leg, hip and her friend's hand. Her pussy also became very tight around Saya's finger as Min pushed it as far as it could go into her, holding it there for a while. After a moment, she broke the kiss, panting a little. Removing Saya's hand and brought it up to her mouth, she tasted the juices that had come out of her. "Hmm... So this is what the other girls were talking about..." She whispered to herself, but Saya was close enough to hear her. Using her clean hand, she pulls her panties and pants back up, thoguh the mess was being soaked up by both clothes as her juices were on the bed as well. "Saya?" She said, wanting to ask her one last thing. That experience drained her and she felt tired from it, but relaxed too that it was her best friend that she ultimately gave herself to, and she was happy for it.

"Yeah, Min?" Saya said looking into Min's tired eyes.

"Be my friend... forever..." She asked her as sleep took over her senses.

"Hmm." Saya nodded, happy that her new friend trusted her this much to share this with her.

A crescent moon filled the sky. It would be only two more days before the Phantom would show his face to the school again...

Saya opened the tall curtains, shining the moonlight over Min's sleeping form for a sec as Saya looked outside.

"Mama..." She said as she dreamed, dreaming of something that Saya knew nothing about, but she barely heard her as she looked at the still soaked right hand that Min came on. She had an irresistible urge to taste it, and so she did as she licked a little off her middle finger. Her eyes became crimson red for a moment, then reverted back. Saya shook her head as she got a nearby cloth to wipe off the liquid on her hand, but she couldn't help thinking about how Min responded to Saya's actions a moment ago. Would... Would I feel that one day? Saya thought to herself as she cleaned up Min and her bed the best that she could, so it wouldn't be so much of a mess to deal with later in the morning. Saya went back to the window and looked outside again. The Bell Tower stood silent in the moonlight, almost becoming Saya to it in a way. She spotted a red light in the bell section of the tower. A Chiporidan was there after all. Quickly grabbing her dagger, she heads out to the tower, but stopped at the door. Then she brought up her dagger, knowing that she would have to kill again and prepared herself for it.


Saya looked back at Min one last time hearing her name called. She heard Min whisper out...

"You'll get fat if you keep eating like that..."

She was glad that Min wasn't up just then, since there was going to be a rather brutal battle up ahead and Saya didn't want her to get hurt in it. Slowly, she let the room, leaving Min to her dreams and her sleep as Saya went to finish off her mission.

Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
Veemon's Followers
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions

Messages In This Thread
Blood+ - One's First Kiss (Yuri/First/Complete) - by Chaotic Phoenix - 10-10-2008, 11:33 PM