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The Criminal World of Furries (Where we left off)
The white monkey smiled at this lucky chance. He saw Diesel's vehicle in reverse, and knowing that a car usually traveled slower in reverse then in forward drive, he shifted the truck into its final gear and moved behind the smoking vehicle. His smile grew as he hit the car, although since they were not traveling at very diffrent speeds, it was only a small hit. The truck was now pushing the car however, and the chase was nearing an intersection with many cars stuck at a red light. They would be their very soon.

Datkov could not hear Ralph over the loud heavy machine gun. He paused his rapid firing here and there to get a better shot, but the loud impacts was all that could be heard. Inside the station, a thin cat that had not been hit by any bullets but had been stabbed by many shards of glass that had hit him when the window broke, crawled over to the back desk. He hit a silent alarm button under the desk with his bleeding hand and fell back to the floor in a bloody heap as he breathed his last breath. Every enforcer that worked for the italian mafia was now making a beeline for the station, and the Russian bear and Italian hitman had no idea what they were in for.
Why is everyone so serious?


Messages In This Thread
RE: The Criminal World of Furries (Where we left off) - by Shadow's Biggest fan - 10-03-2008, 01:42 PM