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An idea, a computer, and I walk into a bar...
Something I've been meaning to write, but fell asleep whenever I started.

It's not a lemon, but sort of a... "introduction."
A calm breeze blew through Shinjuku Park, and the foliage swayed with delight under the moonlit night sky. All was peaceful; the low hum of cars on the streets, the quiet chittering of bugs, and the silent gazes of couples strolling the pathways.

Out of nowhere, a powerful gust forced its way into the trees. Breaking loose twigs and stirring up the leaves, it headed east, contrary to the normal winds from the ocean. It blew past the old stone storage building, and along the dusty path with the phone booth to the waterfall fountain. The wind suddenly stopped at a branch along the tree line, and Renamon materialized.

With Rika off visiting relatives for the week, she had nothing to do but wander the city, looking for trouble. A couple rookie Digimon popped up, and she was there to beat them to kingdom come before Guilmon or Terriermon could get together with their tamers; but that couldn't keep her satisfied. Impmon had his usual spiel of "humans stink" speeches ready to fire, so Renamon knew talking to him would just be annoying. Even watching Calumon bouncing up and down like an idiot didn't keep her attention.

Luckily for her, she had found something. It only happened late at night, near the waterfall fountain. She made herself comfortable and watched the people go by. A couple went past, the man nibbling on the girl's ear; not them. A boy ran past kicking a soccer ball; wasn't him. A woman walked by with her dog; not even close. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, Renamon's target appeared from the east. A six foot man, with jet black hair and round, frameless sunglasses strolled along the path. He was wearing a long, navy blue trench coat with matching shirt and slacks, and carried with him a large metal briefcase and an umbrella. His right hand was hidden with a black glove, with what looked to be metal framing running down the palm.

Hmm... he has the right idea with that umbrella. Smells like it's going to rain tonight, Renamon thought.

The man sat down on a bench looking towards the water. He placed his luggage next to him and opened the briefcase. What looked like a hollow pole with metal buttons emerged from the case.

Oh! Rika showed me one of those before... what was it called... a clarinet?

He put the instrument to his lips and started playing. Soft, supportive music filled the area, and wafted into the ears. Some people walked over to him to listen.

Renamon sat against the trunk of the tree, absorbing every note. It brought her into a world of calm, free from dangers, annoyances, and stress. She would have fallen asleep if she wasn't so close to being out in the open. All of her attention was focused on the music.

In her hypnotic state, she failed to sense the shadowed figure creeping up behind her on the ground. As it drew closer, its eyes narrowed and teeth glared. It crouched low and looked past the tree line, preparing to attack Renamon without drawing the attention of any of the humans. Seeing an opportunity, it leaped!

"Renamon!!!" the beast yelled quietly.

She nearly jumped out of the tree in surprise, fell off the branch she was reclining on, and landed squarely on her head. Renamon winced in pain and looked up to find Guilmon's face grinning in delight.

"Damnit Guilmon! Don't do that!" she whispered, scowling at him.

"I never thought I'd get to scare you!" he giggled.

"I wasn't scared, just... startled." She rubbed her head and looked back to the musician. "I didn't think I was that entranced. What are you doing following me, anyway?"

"You ran past my house and woke me up!"


The two sat down next to the tree and listened to the man's performance. Renamon became absorbed again, but remained on alert in case Guilmon tried to pull another fast one on her.

"I don't like that sound very much..." Guilmon whined after a few minutes.

"Tough luck. If you don't like it, go home." she spat.

"Can't he make a different sound?"

"I don't know, why don't you walk up to him and ask him?"

"Okay!" He started walking out of the tree line.

Renamon quickly grabbed him by the tail and pulled him back. "Fool! I was joking!"

"You don't tell very good jokes..."

She sighed and looked out. The man was putting away his clarinet. "I guess that's it for tonight, Guilmon. You don't have to suffer anymore." But to her surprise, he pulled out another instrument. This time, it was a big, bronze tube with a curved end.

"What's that?" Guilmon asked.

"Uh... I think it's a sappaphone."

The man put the saxophone to his lips. Big, strong, powerful notes echoed through the park, and, much to Renamon's dismay, delighted Guilmon.

"Wow, I like that one!" he said.

"Hmm... feels a little too forceful to me," she commented.

Guilmon stuck out his tongue at her. "If you don't like it, go home!" he mocked.

She was about to sock him on the head when the two sensed something... danger. Another Digimon was emerging, and close by. As if on cue, a digital fog exploded into the area, frightening the people away.

"It's going to be strong... I can feel it!" Renamon thought.

The two left the trees and jumped into the open area. The ground rippled like water and a beam of white light shot up. When the light had dimmed and the ground recovered, there stood an Andromon, ready to fight.

Renamon leapt into the air to size up the opponent. "Hmm... looks tough. Tall... strong arms... Diamond Storm probably wouldn't affect him... have to use speed."

Guilmon started off with a Pyrosphere to the machine's face, which he promptly shrugged off. Andromon charged at Guilmon, and was met with a swift kick to the back of the head, compliments of Renamon. It didn't hurt much, but if threw him off balance and into the ground. Guilmon tried another Pyrosphere, and was met with the same results, so he tackled him. Andromon simply picked the flaying little dinosaur off him and tossed him into a tree, his focus now on Renamon. She ran around and gave him a punch to the back, and found herself the victim of a powerful backhand. The hit sent her flying into the fountain, knocking her out for a moment. Andromon saw the opportunity to fire a Lightning Blade while she was stunned, and took it.

Renamon opened her eyes, and saw the crescent of energy hurtling towards her. "No... it's not my time yet." She leaped into the air, missing the power surge by a hair. "I have to keep moving... if I stay still for a moment, he'll hit me with something."

The machine simply watched her run around, not trying to attack. Yet.

"What is he doing? Is he waiting for me to attack? I shouldn't risk it... I'll let him make the first move."

For what seemed to be an entire minute, neither Digimon did anything offensive. Renamon ran around, and Andromon watched. Then, out of nowhere, the machine fired another Lightning Blade right into Renamon's path, hitting her squarely in the chest.

The force blasted her down the eastern path. "He was gauging my speed! I can't take another hit like that... I need help!"

As if beckoning the call, Guilmon charged out of hiding and tried another flurry of direct attacks on the metal monster. Yet again, they did nothing, and Guilmon got another big metal hand to the face. Renamon tried to punch his head while he was distracted, but Andromon grabbed her leg and threw her at the red dinosaur.

"This is pathetic!" boasted the machine. "I took the trip into this world just to be met with some useless rookies? You've got to be kidding me! I'll load your data, and then look for someone who's a challenge!"

"Rika... I need you..." Renamon whispered. She was losing consciousness as the metal monster approached.

Suddenly, Andromon stopped walking, and looked down to his fleshy leg. A black hand was holding it. The words "Shock Level Maximum!" announced from behind him, and a high voltage current coursed through the machine's body. Andromon screamed in pain for the next ten seconds of torture, and then promptly exploded into data. The assailant ignored the floating particles and approached the two wounded rookies.

Renamon had seen all of this. "Why doesn't that Digimon absorb his data? Is he powerful enough to ignore it? Is he going to delete me too?" She winced as her data surged, close to shattering. A droplet of water hit her face, followed by many more. It was starting to rain. A large octagon appeared above the unknown creature as it knelt down beside her.

Renamon's senses faded as she lost consciousness.

--(A little later)--

The light sprinkle had changed into a moderate downpour.

Takato ran into the waterfall fountain area, closely followed by Henry and Terriermon.

"Guilmon!" he shouted as he spotted his wounded Digimon. "What happened, boy?"

"Gooh... there was a big, scary metal man. Renamon and I couldn't get him," Guilmon said through his dizziness.

"What?" Henry asked. "Where are they?"

"There was someone else, another Digimon. He destroyed the robot and took Renamon!"

Everyone's jaw dropped. "What?!?" all three exclaimed in unison.

"What'd he look like, huh?" Terriermon asked.

"He was big, and blue, and had a black arm, and-"

"Where'd he take Renamon?" Henry butted in.

"I don't know... I fell asleep."

"Well, we'll sniff them out, right boy?" Takato smiled.

"Not right now, we won't," Henry said. "The rain kills scents. We'll have to try later, when it's not pouring buckets on our heads."

"Rika's not going to be happy if she comes back and Renamon's gone!" Terriermon said, stating the obvious.

Henry looked down the eastern path. "I hope she's okay..."
Words: 1669

Feedback is the author's favorite thing!
(Constructive criticism especially appreciated.)

Messages In This Thread
An idea, a computer, and I walk into a bar... - by Daemon - 05-17-2004, 12:53 PM
[No subject] - by UnknownH - 05-17-2004, 01:55 PM
[No subject] - by Wisemon - 05-17-2004, 04:43 PM
[No subject] - by Daemon - 05-18-2004, 03:14 PM