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Star Force! (Ryuusei no Rockman RPG)
After moving through the holes caused by the earlier fight, Crimson was a bit surprised that he had found his way to the roof. "Man, it's going to take a while to fix this mess. How has the roof not caved in yet?" He looked around and thought he caught a glimpse of Harpuia until a cloud passed overhead. "Hmmm...that cloud kind of looks like a buzzsaw."

"Can we focus, we're supposed to be looking for Harpy and that horseman." Zorro looked about and searched for any odd waves, but there didn't seem to be any close by. "Damn, lost them."

"Hmmm, I'm guessing it was a draw. We would have seen the human one of those FM-ians was controlling if one of them had been defeated." Crimson searched the cloudy skies, but he couldn't see anything strange on the wave roads.

(Outside School)

Ada stirred slightly, groaning a bit from a throbbing headache she had. She brushed the hair out of her eyes and opened them slowly to see Dorothy's concerned look. "...Dot? ...Uughh, I guess those guys from earlier saved us." She started to sit up and regain her senses. "I'm alright though, what about you?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions

Messages In This Thread
RE: Star Force! (Ryuusei no Rockman RPG) - by Crimson Fox - 09-27-2008, 03:33 AM