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Star Force! (Ryuusei no Rockman RPG)
OOC: Oh, I thought he was just stunned or something. Great, Harpuia's been talking to herself then.


Shadow knocked on the teacher's lounge door, the entire frame falling over despite it being a gentle knock, "Avon calling!" he laughed as he stepped into the room, his eyes widening, then burning with anger, "I, don't believe it! This, can't be true!"

"What? I don't get it." Slash asked.

"Those bastards had a soda machine in here this whole time!? And mountain dew too! I hate teachers now more than ever." Shadow said as he walked towards the machine.

"Focus here, I don't sense anything coming from any of these machines. I don't believe anyone's still in this school."

"Still, better check this machine just to be sure." Shadow smiled as he beamed into the soda machine, a second later bottle after bottle of mountain dew began pouring out, followed by Shadow, "Nope, not in there. You know, be a shame to let this soda go to waste." he laughed as he scooped them up and left the room.


"Ugh, why does he have to be so heavy?" Harpuia complained, Dammit, if it weren't for the energy required to mantain this body I could've just gone into hyper mode and followed Gemini, last thing I need though is to have to release this girl in another country. Think that might raise some red flags. she thought as she continued down the wave road, still in sight of the school.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

Messages In This Thread
RE: Star Force! (Ryuusei no Rockman RPG) - by Shadowknight - 09-26-2008, 03:34 AM