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TDG - Repost
You're writing a sequel of this??? YEAH!! more PataGato (I hope, plus Veemon already had his time of glory on your True Meaning of Love series so now is Patamon's turn in the spotlight :P) to see, besides a sequel was kind of necesary to see Veemon and Biyomon's reactions when they learn who Patamon and Gatomon were seeing on that dating site lol

That and seeing how Gatomon will work on Patamon's stamina too xD

I can't wait to see the sequel ^^

And reading your fic again I really liked this part:

Quote:“Pata…” Gatomon whispered. “Can I ask you something?”

“Anything.” Patamon whispered back, afraid that speaking any louder would scare away the view.

“During our time fighting dark masters… did you ever feel anything…?” Gatomon struggled with her words, not too sure how to get out what she wanted to say. “I mean… towards me… other than friendship.”

“I felt that I wouldn’t be able to live up to your standards.” Patamon replied after thinking about his answer for a moment. “You just struck me as someone who would want more than what I could be. I was just happy enough to have you as my friend…”

“So… there was something more than just a simple friendship?” Gatomon turned her head and looked to the winged rookie for his answer.

“Yes.” Patamon nodded his head, his eyes conveying the truth as they looked into Gatomon’s. “What about you? I’m right, aren’t I?”

“I-I felt the same way.” Gatomon stuttered a little as she spoke, the blush appearing across her cheeks again. “After Myotismon, I didn’t feel as if I was good enough for anyone, not even Kari.”

Gatomon lowered her head and closed her eyes, feeling ashamed for how she felt. However, a small whimper escaped from her between her lips as she felt Patamon’s touch the corner of her mouth, and as brief as the kiss was, for both of them it felt like a lifetime had just passed.

“I’m sorry.” Patamon quickly apologised as he sat back up. As a friend he knew that he was overstepping his bounds.

Gatomon, however, looked back up at him with her glimmering sapphire eyes, a little taken back from Patamon’s actions.

“Don’t be…” she said softly. “That felt… kind of nice.”

Blinking once, Patamon slowly leant towards Gatomon again, though this time he pushed his lips gently against hers and felt her kiss him back. The kiss broke again, but after this one both digimon were now staring longingly into each other’s eyes.

“Pata…” Gatomon spoke as if she were short of breath, this time being the one to initiate the kiss as she leant forward, her paw holding the back of Patamon’s head.

This kiss that they shared was much more deeper as they pecked softly at one another and eventually began to use their tongues to explore their partners’ mouth. Gatomon continued to whimper, leaving her eyes closed as she focused on the sensation of kissing her closest friend, though Patamon left his eyes open, watching a single tear roll down the cat digimon’s furry cheek from her shut eyelid. While their kiss went on, both digimon dwelled on their shared feelings, happiness and joy shooting off inside them like fireworks having just discovered how they truly felt about each other.

Gatomon ran her tongue across Patamon’s lips as the kiss finally broke, the pair of them regaining back their lost breath as they sat in each other’s gaze, their hearts pounding in their chests while their cheeks burned a rosy pink. They were lost for words, Gatomon bringing her paw up against Patamon’s cheek as he held her gently

I loved the depth you put on that part, how they felt the same way about feeling they weren't good enough for anyone, but it were Patamon's words the ones that impressed me the most, they were is such depth that you can even picture the scene in your mind, and then how the kissing started, in a small and very subtle way, a small kiss on the corner of her mouth, an apology, a don't worry and from there all went deeper.

A really well worked scene of how the characters realize their true feelings for each other :)

Oh, and I fixed the paragraphing for you so the lemon is easy to read ^^
[Image: patagatokiss2.jpg]
PataGato All The Way!!!

Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions

Messages In This Thread
TDG - Repost - by Fathom - 09-25-2008, 01:33 PM
RE: TDG - Repost - by Lord Patamon - 09-25-2008, 04:37 PM