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TDG - Repost
Re-posting one of my lemons because I've just started to write a juicy, mouth-watering sequel. Stay tuned over the coming weeks.

That Dating Game - Written by Fathom

The door had been left open so Veemon let himself in, Davis having set him an important task. He would have come himself, though he had a long and busy day of watching TV ahead of him. Veemon hadn’t visited TK’s apartment that many times, the blue dragon acting rather cautious as he navigated his way through foreign lands.

“Is that you TK?” Veemon heard Patamon call from the next room.

He waddled over and peered through the door, the digimon of hope sitting at TK’s desk. The curtains in the room had been closed, the area illuminated in the soft glow of TK’s computer.

“Veemon?” Patamon cocked his head in surprise. “How did you—?”

“The door was open.” Veemon frowned as he pointed over his shoulder, Patamon taking a deep breath and sighing dismally.

“That would be TK… I suppose he wanted me to close it after him.”

A sudden chime emanating from the computer drew Patamon’s attention quickly, Veemon slowly stepping closer to see if he could see what Patamon was looking at.

“So what brings you over here?” Patamon asked. He didn’t even look at Veemon, he was too busy clicking the computer’s mouse and typing at the keyboard.

“Davis, umm… he sent me over to pick something up that he leant to TK a few days ago.” Veemon bit his lip nervously.

“Really? What was it?” Patamon hit the enter key and turned back to the blue dragon.

“A pen.” Veemon replied slowly.

“A pen…?” Patamon gave his friend a weird look. “Davis sent you all the way over here just to get a pen?”

“He was quite adamant about it, honest.” Veemon tried to explain. “But yeah, he has been acting weird for a few days now, and I think I know why.”

“It’s because Kari broke it off with him, right?” Patamon’s eyes snapped to the computer screen as it bleeped again.

“I think it’s more of who she broke up with him for.” Veemon leant to the side, still trying to glimpse at what Patamon was doing.

“So that’s why TK has been running off every morning.” It finally clicked with Patamon as he finished typing and pressed enter once more. “Well good for him.”

“I never knew you were into… online dating.” Veemon squinted to read from the website that Patamon was browsing. “The Digital World online dating service for all digimon—“

“Would you mind your own business?!” Patamon practically leapt up and covered the screen as if he was diving in front of it to take a bullet. He wrapped his winged ears around it so Veemon couldn’t possibly steal any more of his secrets.

“What’s the big deal?” Veemon shrugged. “I was only curious. So… have you met anyone through it yet?”
Patamon was still staring at Veemon wide-eyed and with pink cheeks, however the innocent look that Veemon was giving him slowly calmed him down.

“Yeah…” Patamon said a little shakily as he sat back down, staring at the computer screen intently as Veemon climbed up onto the seat beside him. “She read my profile and emailed me a few weeks ago. Since then we’ve been talking on instant messenger.”

“Really…” Veemon was perusing the chat window, his lips curling into a smirking grin. “Angelboy22? You’re known online as Angelboy22?”

He turned to seek Patamon’s reply but the winged rookie had suddenly grown rather silent, his cheeks burning intensely.

“Shut up, ok? Just shut up…” Patamon muttered at the now laughing digimon beside him. “Every other screen name I could think of was taken.”

“I suppose I’ll take your word for it otherwise I won’t be able to stop laughing.” Veemon continued to chuckle as he read the screen name of Patamon’s mystery girl. “Milkyway, huh? At least she has a reasonably proper name.”

“You know you don’t need to be here.” Patamon scowled, Veemon holding his hands up defensively.

“Ok, I’m sorry, I was just having a little fun.” He smiled. “Really though, I think this is great for you, really, I do.”
Patamon frowned, not quite sure that he trusted what Veemon was saying, though as one of his friends he took his word for it.

“So… do you know who she is? Maybe perhaps you even have picture?” Veemon asked as if he was requesting something secretive, and to Patamon all of this pretty much was just that.

“No.” Patamon shook his head. “She said that she doesn’t want to say because she’s shy. Which is good because I had to say the same thing when she asked…”

“Aww, how cute.” Veemon grinned, receiving another stern look from the winged digimon. “So if you’ve been talking to her for a few weeks… does that mean you’re going to ask her out?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never really done this sort of thing before.” Patamon shrugged. “Would you… have any advice?”

“Eh… not really.” Veemon frowned, surprising Patamon a little.

“But I thought you asked Gatomon out once.” Patamon looked at the blue digimon questioningly. “I would have thought that would have been an experience within itself.”

“I never got around to it.” Veemon admitted. “And I’m kind of glad I didn’t now since what has happened between Davis and Kari. I think he would have hated me.”

“Yeah… I’m not even his digimon but I know exactly what you’re talking about.” Patamon frowned in response.
The two digimon looked at each other for a moment until the computer chimed again, alerting anyone that was around that a new instant message had been received. Both Patamon and Veemon turned their eyes to the chat window simultaneously, Patamon sweat dropping as he read the new message as opposed to Veemon who simply began to smirk again at what was displayed on the screen.

MILKYWAY: So handsome… what are you wearing?

Both Biyomon and Gatomon lay giggling on Kari’s bed, playfully elbowing each other as they both stared into the screen of the human girl’s laptop, waiting for the reply from a digimon aptly named ‘Angelboy22’, whom they had been torturing for the better half of the morning.

“I can’t believe you typed that to him.” Gatomon giggled at the pink bird that was grinning from ear to ear.

“I wonder what his answer is going to be.” Biyomon chuckled. “He’s so shy so I bet it’s going to be cute.”
Both their eyes became transfixed upon the screen as a new message popped up in the chat window.

ANGELBOY22: Umm… I don’t wear any clothes…

Her devious mind springing to life before Biyomon’s, Gatomon quickly typed a response.

MILKYWAY: You don’t wear clothes? That’s kind of kinky… I feel a little bit turned on now. ;)

Gatomon hit enter on the keypad before she sighed happily and rolled onto her back.

”I know, it’s good meeting someone that you can have a lot of fun with.” Biyomon could almost read Gatomon’s mind. “So are you ever going to meet this guy?”

“I don’t know. Do you think I should?” Gatomon asked.

“Of course you should! He seems totally in to you.” Biyomon seemed to be excited about the whole prospect of helping her friend get together with someone, but Gatomon still held caution to the wind.

“But what if I ask and he says no? That would be totally embarrassing.” Gatomon’s ears folded over the top of her head. “Maybe I should just keep waiting for him to ask me.”

“If there’s one thing I know about these shy types, then that is that they are not all that forward when it comes to things like asking a pretty girl like yourself out on a date.” Biyomon winked.

“We don’t even know each other’s real names.” The feline exclaimed.

“Ok… do you want to know a sure way of landing a date with this guy? No matter what you might have to do?” Biyomon grinned, Gatomon nodding slowly and unsurely in response. “Right. Tell him to come online tonight, and then, when you are all snuggled up under your blankets, you start to talk to him and then you do it, but over the internet.”

“What?! Biyomon…” the cat digimon gasped as her cheeks turned pink. “I couldn’t do that.”

“You’re an attractive young girl that’s looking for a man, right? I’m pretty sure that you’re up for the challenge.”

“Does it work?” Gatomon appeared curious to know at least.

“It’s the next best thing.” The pink bird smirked evilly. “Just imagine while you’re talking to him, that big strong stud of a digimon is holding you in his arms and—“

“Biyomon!” Gatomon began to giggle once more, starting her friend up again as well as they rolled around on the bed in a playful mock fight.

Coming out on top, Biyomon looked up at the laptop’s clock before she looked back down at the feline she had pinned beneath her.

“And it’s time for me to go. Sora wants to have lunch together before tennis training.” She smiled as she let Gatomon go free.

Gatomon instantly sat up and looked at the laptop to see if there were any new messages to read, Biyomon walking over to the open window at the end of the room.

“Next time I drop by I expect to hear detailed stories about how he seduced you.” Biyomon grinned. “Until then.”

The computer beeped as the pink bird flew out from Kari’s bedroom window, Gatomon blindly waving goodbye as she turned to read the message.

“You shouldn’t have written that.” Patamon said worryingly, knowing it was a mistake to have let his blue friend touch the keyboard.

“Relax, she obviously knows how to have fun.” Veemon smirked as he awaited a reply to his message.

“Yes, but… honestly… that was just wrong.” The winged rookie frowned.

MILKYWAY: Now that was definitely too disgusting and perverted for you to say, which one of your friends wrote that?

Veemon’s jaw dropped.

“How does she know that you didn’t write that?” He asked in shock.

“Probably because I’m not as depraved as you.” Patamon narrowed his eyes at Veemon. “Maybe it’s time you took Davis’ pen and went home.”

“Fine, fine, fine…” Veemon muttered under his breath as Patamon handed him a pen from the desk. “I can already tell that this girl has made you lose your sense of humour. If she sends you her picture then you owe me a look just for being mean.”

“Shut the door on your way out.” Patamon didn’t even look at Veemon as he began typing, trying to salvage something from the damage his message might have caused.

ANGELBOY22: Sorry, my friend is a bit of an idiot. He kinda just barged in here unannounced.

MILKYWAY: That’s ok.

Patamon breathed a sigh of relief; he was glad to know that Veemon’s sense of humour didn’t just disintegrate his relationship with this digimon that had began online several weeks ago. She seemed pretty friendly and easy to talk to, some of their conversations burning like wildfire and lasting all day. He felt a little bad though for neglecting his friends, however this was something that he really wanted to pursue, and he was quite certain that most of his friends would understand.

MILKYWAY: Want to know a secret? One of my friends was helping me tease you this morning =P

ANGELBOY22: I thought you were being a bit forward with certain things.

MILKYWAY: Teehee, yeah. It might’ve been a mistake though because I think she finds you cute as well.

ANGELBOY22: Really? So I suppose you have some competition now.

MILKWAY: Oh I wouldn’t call her that. There is no surviving next to me in competition ;)

ANGELBOY22: Are you really that competitive?

MILKYWAY: I’m just that good.

ANGELBOY22: Hehe, I can tell.

MILKYWAY: Hey listen, I’ve got to go now. Would you be able to come online tonight, maybe around 10? There’s something… I want to talk about.

ANGELBOY22: Of course.

MILKWAY: K, good. C U l8r sweetie ;)

Patamon sat there for a while longer as he stared at the computer screen, trying to imagine what this digimon looked like as his hand moved the mouse and logged him off from the instant messenger program with a few clicks. He also wondered what she wanted to talk with him about tonight, knowing that he would be thinking about that all day until the time came that she logged back on again. To say that he was slightly obsessed with this mystery woman was an understatement.

“I’ll do it.” Patamon told himself, finally coming to the conclusion that he just had to ask her out and meet her face to face.

He wasn’t afraid that she would say no anymore, in fact, the winged digimon was quite certain that she would say yes, and would of have had said yes to that question if asked it ages ago. Now the hard part was actually finding the right time to ask her…

It took what seemed to be forever but Patamon finally waited out the rest of the day in front of the TV. He didn’t dare leave the apartment in case something happened that would prevent him from attending his appointment online. It was a perpetual state of falling asleep and then waking suddenly, only to fall asleep again. Though as soon as the clock’s hands reached for the number ten and twelve, Patamon was wide awake and sitting in front of the computer screen. Hastily he booted it up and opened his instant messenger program, mistyping his username and password several times just because he was trying to do it so fast.

MILKWAY: I’m glad that you’re here.

ANGELBOY22: Well I’m glad to be here :) What did you want to talk about?

MILKWAY: Well… I kinda wanted to know if you… wanted to do it.

ANGELBOY22: Huh? Do what?

MILKWAY: Oh boy I knew this would be hard…

MILKWAY: Do you want to… cyber?

“She’s asking me to… have sex over the internet…?”

Patamon sweat dropped as he sat at the computer wondering just what he should have typed in response. He figured that he had better type something quick before he gave her the wrong impression.

ANGELBOY22: Umm… well I haven’t exactly done anything like that before.

MILKWAY: It’s pretty easy.

ANGELBOY22: Well… I kinda meant I haven’t done that IRL…

MILKWAY: Oh, you’re a virgin?


MILKWAY: That’s ok, I don’t mind being in the driver’s seat all night. ;)

ANGELBOY22: Should I be nervous?

MILKWAY: If you don’t want to do it then that’s fine. I don’t mind going solo and having you just sit back and imagining my words becoming a reality.

ANGELBOY22: Ok then.

MILKWAY: Shall I start?

Patamon was beside himself as he sat back in his seat and allowed his eyes to dance over what this digimon wrote to him across the World Wide Web. He felt rather embarrassed just by reading what she typed, his cheeks burning as he sat there in the computer screen’s light surrounded by darkness. He was glad that TK had gone out for the night and had actually made sure to lock the front door; no one could burst in on him now.

MILKYWAY: I gently push you down onto the bed and kneel in front of you. You seem to protest weakly at my actions but that only turns me on more as my hands play around your crotch. You start to shift around some as you feel yourself steadily growing hard in my hands, and as my warm breath skims across your skin…

The winged digimon’s mouth hung open while he sat there and imagined that all of this was happening to him. He felt that he was rubbing himself to hardness, and sure enough as he looked down he saw his member poking out of its pouch while he gently caressed it with his fingertips.

MILKYWAY: I press my tongue against… you have fur, right?


MILKYWAY: I press my tongue against your soft furry balls, taking great delight in licking them as you gasp from the sudden feeling. The bulging orbs don’t even fit into my mouth as I try to suck on them, and I can only imagine how many different ways I could make you spill their contents…

To say the least Patamon felt weird, and not because someone was talking dirty to him, but because he could actually feel wet lips pressing against his testicles if he closed his eyes. He felt his shaft bounce against the underside of the desk as it grew to its maximum length, his breathing starting to become more rapid than normal.

MILKYWAY: I listen to you beg me to continue, but I take my time as I slowly rub my hand up and down your impressive girth, licking my lips in my own anticipation. I place my tongue at the base of your mighty weapon and drag it agonizingly slow up its underside, I’m quite careful not to touch the tip just yet. I latch my lips onto the side of it and begin to suck on your veiny flesh, enjoying the taste of your maleness…

Patamon was beating himself like a drum now, using steady paced hand movements to rub his length. He tried to keep his speed slow though to keep himself from blowing his load prematurely, but imagining a girl giving him a blowjob didn’t really help much, even if he didn’t know what she looked like.

MILKYWAY: Finally I reach the top of your tower and flick my tongue against your sensitive skin. My hand sifts around your pubic fur as I start to suck on your salty cock tip, enjoying the taste of your sticky pre. I hum as I work, looking up into your eyes as you look down into mine. I reach between my own legs and start to play with myself as I begin to bob my head up and down. My pussy is so soft and warm as I rub it all over and spread it, imagining myself that you’re taking me from behind with your large beautiful cock… are you still there?


MILKYWAY: K, just checking =P You place your hands on my head and moan my name as I swirl my tongue around your thick shaft. My lips are stretched that much, your cock is so big. I can feel that wonderful hot cum bubbling away in your balls as I hold them, just squeezing them gently now and again. My own juices are all over my hand now as I continue to finger myself rapidly. I moan into your crotch as an orgasm wracks my body, making me double my efforts so I can make you feel the same feeling.

“Oh yeah…” Patamon murmured

The digimon was picking up speed now with his hand as he leant back further in his chair. Sweat appeared on his forehead as well as a cramp in his arm, though he was determined to finish. Patamon clenched his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut, his hand rather wet with precum now, about to become even more drenched as he felt release. The small digimon gasped in pleasure as his syrupy cum spewed all over his hand, splashing onto his lap, the chair, and the underside of the desk. Patamon sat there breathing slowly, playing with the slippery goo between his fingers, however he quickly tried to find something to wipe himself down with as another message popped up onto his screen.

MILKYWAY: I lightly nibble on the head of your penis and that seems to set you off as you cry out loudly. In anticipation I wait to feel the first gush of your semen hit the back of my throat, and you don’t disappoint as you nearly drown me in your seed. I moan happily, it’s so warm and yummy as I swallow and suck for more. I rub your testicles to milk you for everything you have, and I don’t miss a drop of it

ANGELBOY22: That felt really good.

MILKYWAY: Glad to know you have a good imagination. ;) I kind of enjoyed that as well. Didn’t think I would get that into it though.

ANGELBOY22: You seemed to know what you were doing.

MILKYWAY: To be honest my friend put me up to it. I thought about doing it once or twice because I’m secretly naughty, but yet I’m also quite shy as you know.

ANGELBOY22: So I suppose you wouldn’t want to ever meet in person one of these days?

It seemed to Patamon that a lot of time passed before he ever heard a reply to his question, though eventually it came.

MILKYWAY: I’d love to meet you in person finally. I mean, that’s what we’re both doing on an online dating site, right? :)

ANGELBOY22: Of course.

MILKYWAY: So… did you have anything in mind?

ANGELBOY22: Well we could go to the top of Infinity Mountain. From there you can see the whole Digital World, and it’s even better when you’re up there when the sun is setting.

MILKYWAY: Oooh, watching the sunset, how romantic! =D

ANGELBOY22: Is tomorrow night good for you?

MILKYWAY: Tomorrow night is perfect… are you going to bring anything along to seduce me with? Wine? Champagne? A love song to serenade me with?

ANGELBOY22: Umm… I could probably find some wine… somewhere.

MILKYWAY: Well it doesn’t matter. As long as you show up I’ll be happy. See you tomorrow night ;)

Most likely no one was sleeping in TK’s apartment building that night as Patamon threw himself around his human partner’s bedroom in joy. He was so happy. He wanted desperately to share the news with someone that he scored a date but he wasn’t stupid enough to phone anyone during the middle of the night. Throwing himself onto TK’s bed, Patamon stared up at the ceiling with a large grin on his face, trying to imagine once more what this girl actually looked like. It really didn’t matter though, he thought, as he had plenty of chances to see what she looked like tomorrow night. Just once did he check the pantry for a bottle of wine, and then a million times after did he double check to make sure the bottle was still sitting there on the shelf. Finally satisfied that the alcohol was not going to run away, the winged rookie eventually calmed down enough to actually feel tired.

Patamon was laying on the lounge in front of the TV, half awake and half asleep when TK arrived back home. He sat up sleepily and looked over the back of the sofa at his digidestined partner who stood talking to Kari at the front door. He was wearing a rather fancy suit and Kari was wrapped in a lavish pink dress that shimmered in the light. The digimon couldn’t help but smirk as he watched the pair kiss once before falling into each other’s arms, to which at that point they disappeared into TK’s room and Patamon felt glad that he had decided to fall asleep in front of the TV. Taking his pillow, Patamon lay back down and placed it over his head, trying hard not to listen to what was happening in the next room.


Patamon had spent all day preparing and now the time had finally arrived. The long walk to the peak of Infinity Mountain became quite short as Patamon carried with him high spirits. He still wished he could have just flown up to the top though, but the backpack he carried prohibited such movement. Even that felt light. He remembered how he had to wrest that wine bottle away from TK, that tug of war match taking up a good part of his morning. The sun was hazily drifting down from the sky as Patamon reached his destination, discovering that he was the first to arrive. He didn’t want to start thinking about being stood up just yet so he sat down on the grassy peak and waited, and waited, and waited. The sun was now buried halfway into the horizon and still she hadn’t arrived.

“Maybe it was too good to be true…” Patamon sighed to himself as he gathered up his belongings.
Lifting up his bag, the digimon turned around, just about to walk off home until he noticed someone’s shadow approaching him from the mountain path, moving ahead of whoever it belonged to as it rounded the bend. His heart almost stopped as he gently lowered the bag onto the grass. He couldn’t believe he was about to see—

“Gatomon?!” the winged rookie was shocked and stunned as the cat digimon appeared before him. It was almost like looking into a mirror as she stood there with the same expression that was on his own face.

“Oh god…” Gatomon gasped. She covered her mouth with her paws as she felt herself grow red hot. She didn’t know whether to run away or to hide; or both.

The pair just stood there staring at each other aghast for a moment, both blushing quite profusely. It was a rather awkward moment for both of them, neither digimon not quite knowing what to say.

“That really was you?” Patamon asked, finally breaking the silence that had befallen them.

Still too embarrassed to speak, Gatomon nodded her head solemnly, still not believing she had been flirting online with someone she considered to be her best friend. And that’s all Patamon was to her, her best friend; she had never considered him for more than that just because of that fact, and she was quite certain he felt the same way. It wasn’t as if he had ever shared his feelings with her, how could she have known. Going back into the awkward silence, Patamon and Gatomon stood at arm’s length, looking at each other as if they were complete strangers. Both of them found it hard to act. Trying to help the moment, Gatomon hugged her friend, but quite simply she just wanted to put her head over his shoulder to escape his eyes.

“I’m shaking all over.” Gatomon spoke the truth as she held onto Patamon for support. She also felt him trembling slightly as well.

“Maybe we should sit down.” Patamon suggested. He had hugged Gatomon many times before, but this was different somehow; she felt much softer, and the perfume she was wearing… he had never smelt that on her before. It was quite pleasant.

They chose a soft grassy patch and tried to relax, the Digital World spreading out before their eyes down below. Even though their shared company had been a surprise, everything else was happening according to plan. The large orange and reddish digital sun slowly disappeared on the horizon, melting into the clouds and turning them a bronzed yellow colour the began to sweep across the sky. The silence went on though, both digimon staring down at the ground rather than at each other.

“This is silly.” Patamon tried to laugh though it came out rather weakly, but at least Gatomon looked up at him. “We’ve never been uncomfortable around each other before.”

“Things have changed I think.” Gatomon said timidly, twirling a blade of grass around with her claw.

“Well I’m still Patamon, and you’re still Gatomon.” Patamon pointed out. “And friends say silly things to each other all the time, and are never uncomfortable with one another.”

“You’re right.” Gatomon smiled.

Patamon watched the feline look out towards the setting sun, the light radiating off her fur making her look even more stunning than she already was. He was a little disappointed that his date ended being his best and most cared about friend, though he wouldn’t ever trade up their friendship for anything or anyone.

“Did you… bring it?” Gatomon had turned back to him without him even realising it, and as Patamon continued to stare at her she began to blush again. “I kinda do need a little something now… just to calm the nerves.”

“Oh, yeah, right.” Patamon had almost forgot as he reached around for his bag, removing the bottle of white wine, two glasses, a lantern, and a small woolly blanket. Upon seeing the last item, Gatomon couldn’t help but blush even more as she thought what he had planned to do on it if she were indeed someone else.

Gatomon quickly took the glass after he had filled it and put her lips to it. She sipped at the liquid though, despite her anxious behaviour. Once the alcohol began to seep into her system however, she began to find the whole moment a little easier to cope with. Light sparked up nearby as Patamon turned on the lantern and set it beside where they sat. Taking his own glass, he turned and raised it into the air.

“To… friendship and good company?” Patamon spoke with a little uncertainty in his voice as it was the first toast that he had ever made, though his tension was quickly relieved as their wine glasses clinked together.

“To friendship and good company.” Gatomon repeated with a smile.

For the rest of the time the two digimon spent it in a now comfortable silence. They watched the sun completely set as they went through almost half a bottle of wine between them, the two digimon staying to watch the moon and the stars come out of hiding as well as the lights of the Digital World ignite all over the land. Below them at the base of the mountain Primary Village glowed as the beacon of life it was, their picturesque world leaving Patamon and Gatomon with warmth in their hearts.

“The human world is nice, but I think our home is quite beautiful in its own way.” Gatomon sighed happily, twirling her empty glass. They had both consumed enough alcohol to be completely relaxed without sacrificing their own senses; they were both quite responsible after all.

“Mmm…” Patamon hummed in agreement. He had pulled his blanket across his lap as the temperature had dropped a small amount without the sun, though sitting shoulder to shoulder with Gatomon seemed to offer him all the warmth that he could ever need.

As their time together had continued, Gatomon had put her arm across Patamon’s back, and Patamon had done the same with his winged ear, both digimon not really thinking much of it. It was so peaceful on top of Infinity Mountain that neither of them wished to get up and leave, the pair stuck where they sat while they continued to take in what the Digital World had to offer.

“Pata…” Gatomon whispered. “Can I ask you something?”

“Anything.” Patamon whispered back, afraid that speaking any louder would scare away the view.

“During our time fighting dark masters… did you ever feel anything…?” Gatomon struggled with her words, not too sure how to get out what she wanted to say. “I mean… towards me… other than friendship.”

“I felt that I wouldn’t be able to live up to your standards.” Patamon replied after thinking about his answer for a moment. “You just struck me as someone who would want more than what I could be. I was just happy enough to have you as my friend…”

“So… there was something more than just a simple friendship?” Gatomon turned her head and looked to the winged rookie for his answer.

“Yes.” Patamon nodded his head, his eyes conveying the truth as they looked into Gatomon’s. “What about you? I’m right, aren’t I?”

“I-I felt the same way.” Gatomon stuttered a little as she spoke, the blush appearing across her cheeks again. “After Myotismon, I didn’t feel as if I was good enough for anyone, not even Kari.”

Gatomon lowered her head and closed her eyes, feeling ashamed for how she felt. However, a small whimper escaped from her between her lips as she felt Patamon’s touch the corner of her mouth, and as brief as the kiss was, for both of them it felt like a lifetime had just passed.

“I’m sorry.” Patamon quickly apologised as he sat back up. As a friend he knew that he was overstepping his bounds.

Gatomon, however, looked back up at him with her glimmering sapphire eyes, a little taken back from Patamon’s actions.

“Don’t be…” she said softly. “That felt… kind of nice.”
Blinking once, Patamon slowly leant towards Gatomon again, though this time he pushed his lips gently against hers and felt her kiss him back. The kiss broke again, but after this one both digimon were now staring longingly into each other’s eyes.

“Pata…” Gatomon spoke as if she were short of breath, this time being the one to initiate the kiss as she leant forward, her paw holding the back of Patamon’s head.

This kiss that they shared was much more deeper as they pecked softly at one another and eventually began to use their tongues to explore their partners’ mouth. Gatomon continued to whimper, leaving her eyes closed as she focused on the sensation of kissing her closest friend, though Patamon left his eyes open, watching a single tear roll down the cat digimon’s furry cheek from her shut eyelid. While their kiss went on, both digimon dwelled on their shared feelings, happiness and joy shooting off inside them like fireworks having just discovered how they truly felt about each other.

Gatomon ran her tongue across Patamon’s lips as the kiss finally broke, the pair of them regaining back their lost breath as they sat in each other’s gaze, their hearts pounding in their chests while their cheeks burned a rosy pink. They were lost for words, Gatomon bringing her paw up against Patamon’s cheek as he held her gently, however as both of them slowly turned their eyes downward they both gasped.

“Oh! Umm… I…” Patamon stammered as he quickly covered the bulge that had formed in the blanket that covered his lower half.

He had begun to feel his member start to become engorged with blood while they were kissing for the first time, but little did he realise that the blanket wasn’t even going to conceal it, a mistake he thought would ruin their entire evening together. Gatomon, whilst still taken back, seemed to be remarkably calm.

“It’s ok, don’t be ashamed.” The feline said reassuringly, Patamon unable to even look at her now. There was a pause before her next sentence, ideas beginning to form in Gatomon’s mind. “Pata… can I… see it?”

Patamon looked back at Gatomon in surprise, the winged digimon revealing once more the bulge that he was covering despite his reluctant thoughts. Like a child discovering her presents on Christmas day, Gatomon took hold of the edge of the blanket and started to pull it back, eyes widening as Patamon’s still growing six and a half inches came into full view. The way she was looking at it made Patamon almost want to cover-up again, but he began to summon up enough courage to just sit there whilst she studied him. It was the first one she had ever seen, let alone had access to, the curious kitten studying the slender red rod that protruded from Patamon’s crotch at every possible angle.

Patamon was taking nervous breaths as his steamy member only grew harder as the cool night air flowed against it, and having Gatomon examine it all over proved in itself to be quite a turn on. His heart skipped in its beat as he watched Gatomon start to remove her gloves, his dick jumping against him as if it also knew what was coming. Patamon closed his eyes as Gatomon’s paws slowly encompassed his length and held it firmly, both digimon blushing quite madly.

“It’s… so hard.” Gatomon exclaimed, quite excited from this new learning experience. “And so warm… it’s heating up my paw pads.”

A giggle escaped from Gatomon as she imagined how embarrassing this must have been for Patamon, however she fully intended on making it up to him. She started to rub the solid cock up and down, Patamon instantly groaning at the stimulation. He had masturbated before, but having someone else do it was quite a new feeling altogether.

“That feels good…” Patamon had to push the words out of his mouth, Gatomon smiling knowing that he was enjoying the treatment.

He let his tongue hang out a little, but Patamon kept his eyes firmly shut. Gatomon switched to using one hand to rub Patamon’s shaft as she noticed the two fleshy orbs at the base of his member, the feline dragging her claws tenderly against the males’ testicles, enjoying their softness. Squeezing them gently seemed to make Patamon gasp, Gatomon taking great delight in listening to the noises he made knowing that what she was doing was making him feel like he was on cloud nine. She began to notice moisture starting to build up on Patamon’s cock tip as she kept rubbing on him, curiosity kicking in once more as Gatomon put her face closer to sniff at the foreign substance. Wondering why the felines paw movements had ceased, Patamon opened his eyes just in time to watch her tongue wrap around the head of his penis.

“Gatomon!” the winged rookie gasped at the sudden increase of euphoria as that rough tongue of Gatomon’s swirled around and around his meat, the cat digimon savouring his taste and searching for more.

Patamon pushed his hips up as he moaned and slid more of his length into Gatomon’s mouth, the white furred digimon all to happy to suckle on him if that’s what he wanted. The pleasure left as quickly as it came though as Gatomon sat back and smacked her lips together, rather enjoying the taste of what was Patamon. Not having reached his peak, Patamon didn’t complain, the small digimon simply feeling lucky that he experienced what he did, however Gatomon was far from done.

“Pata…” Gatomon smiled as she sat there. “Do you… want to look at me…?”

For a moment he didn’t know what she meant, though Patamon’s eyes were quick to lower between Gatomon’s open legs, the rookie able to see the faint outline of her vulva underneath her white fur. The cat digimon continued to smile as Patamon approached her like a dog that had just found a bone. She leant back slightly as he pushed her legs apart even more, coming face to face with her crotch. Brushing her fur aside, Patamon blushed upon seeing the once concealed fur lined pussy staring back at him. Having never been with anyone before, this was all new territory for Patamon as he reached out and touched what had to be the softest thing he had ever felt. He ran his finger against her slit, breathing in her pleasant musk that mixed wonderfully with the sweet perfume she was wearing.

With both hands, Patamon slowly and gently began to spread open Gatomon’s delicate folds, a little fearful that he might hurt her. He surprised himself though at how far he was able to spread those lips of hers, though he was only brave enough to open her up to a certain extent. Everything was revealed though, his member growing achingly hard as he stared down her shiny pink canal and marvelled at the tiny nub that was semi hidden away by a hood of skin at the top of her vagina.

“Go on…” Gatomon urged him, reading Patamon’s mind as he wondered if he should touch that pink skin of hers to see if it was just as soft.

Gatomon was breathing heavily when she felt the first of those wonderful fingers push into her tunnel, the kitten otherwise silently enjoying having the male explore the intimate regions of the female body. The winged rookie was beside himself as he began to feel inside Gatomon, his single digit slipping and sliding around in her tunnel as he felt everywhere he could get at. What Patamon found remarkable was that she seemed to grow wetter as he continued to do what he was doing, and like Gatomon had done to him, he was rather curious as to what she would taste like.

“Oh my…!” Gatomon gasped. She felt herself being pried open once more followed by the feeling of Patamon’s face nuzzling against her, his tongue replacing his finger. “Uhh… oh my god, Pata!”

He was quite enthusiastic about the whole thing, loving the way the fine fuzz on her crotch tickled his lips while his tongue dug into her like a shovel, scooping up her creamy feline juices. She tasted like a strawberry covered in sugar; he just couldn’t get enough of it, however eventually he had to come up for air.
“That was… exhilarating…” Gatomon panted as Patamon sat up.

“You’re telling me.” Patamon smiled warmly. He reached out and caressed Gatomon’s cheek, causing her to close her eyes and purr as she nuzzled his hand.

Turning his eyes downward once more, Patamon noticed that the nub that was slightly hidden from view had revealed itself a little more, though once he touched it, he almost jumped out of his skin as Gatomon cried out loudly.

“I’m sorry! Did I hurt you?!” Patamon was frantic, Gatomon shuddering now as she began to breathe heavy once more.

“No… that just felt… really good…” the feline purred. “Do it again…”

Nodding, Patamon assumed his previous position between her legs for a better vantage point, and touched the nub again. Once more Gatomon suddenly jumped, but she bit her lip to keep from crying out. Her chest was heaving up and down as she sat there, her small body trembling all over.

“Pata…” she whimpered in anticipation as the winged digimon began massaging the hood that covered her clitoris.

Gatomon felt as if she was on the verge of an orgasm but just couldn’t reach as Patamon continuously stroked her erogenous zone, the feline trying ever so hard to sustain herself, though the odd moan and groan still managed to slip past her defences. The winged digimon smiled as he saw the look on Gatomon’s face; he quite enjoyed being able to make her feel strong feelings of pleasure like this.

“Nnnghh!” the feline clenched her teeth before moaning, all of that pressure finally giving away and forming into one big powerful climax.

The young kitten cried out loud as she let go completely, her fluids drenching Patamon’s hand as he reached down to feel her muscles contracting. It was the first time he had ever seen a girl reach her peak, from his own doing no less, and he couldn’t say that it wasn’t somewhat fulfilling for him. It made him happy to be able to bring such things to Gatomon, and it made him feel somewhat elevated above friend status with the white furred cat. Patamon sat back, smiling a little, Gatomon’s love juices dripping from his right hand. She was holding herself up with her paws and breathing quite rapidly, her eyes barely half open as she looked back at Patamon longingly. He had to say that she looked even cuter when she was all worn out.

“Patamon…” the feline whispered, finally finding the strength to sit up straight. She took him into her arms as he took her into his. They both stared deep into each other’s unblinking eyes, breathing deeply against one another. “W-Will you be my first?”

“Your first?” Patamon cocked his head a little as she nodded.

“Yes.” Gatomon barely spoke in a whisper. “I know it would be your first time as well… and… I was hoping that maybe that was something you’d want to share with me…”

“Of course I will, Gato…” Patamon pressed his lips against hers. He couldn’t say that he wasn’t nervous; his heart was almost leaping out of his chest.

Slowly, Gatomon lay down on her back on the soft grass, her eyes beckoning the winged rookie to lie down against her. Patamon pulled the blanket over the both of them, the sensation of just having Gatomon underneath him almost overwhelming for the young male. He could feel the heat radiating against him from her crotch, the feeling almost too good to be true as his member sat nestled against her soft fur, that within itself feeling extremely pleasant.

They laid like that for quite some time as they made out in each other’s loving embrace, their love for one another starting to spill out as they kissed and sucked at their respective partners’ lips and tongue. Patamon rested his hands on the small mounds on Gatomon’s chest, the female seeming to take in some delight as he massaged and rubbed them methodically. Squeezing them gently seemed to make Gatomon kiss him even more deeply, and rolling his thumbs against her small nipples made her squirm.

“I’m ready now…” Gatomon whispered, sounding as if she was about to start begging.
Patamon nodded as she licked his face one more time; he was now more nervous than ever. He looked directly into her eyes and she did the same, her arms around him holding his back whilst he wiggled his hips, blindly manoeuvring into position. He worked at it for a little while, becoming quite startled as Gatomon arched her back and let out a soundless cry of bliss.

“Is it in…?” Patamon asked, rather embarrassed for doing so.

“Yes…” Gatomon gasped. “Can’t you feel it…?”

Patamon instantly felt it then, his shaft becoming surrounded by the female as her muscles clamped and hugged his tool tightly. He groaned at the indescribable pleasure he felt, pushing himself the rest of the way in, an act that made Gatomon cry out his name. Despite her virginity, there was no resistance at all, the feline obviously having broken that barrier with some other kind of strenuous activity. Patamon could have sat embedded in her warm silky cunt forever if time allowed it.

The winged digimon started to draw his hips back, Gatomon’s pussy desperately trying to hold his cock inside her, however her slippery walls were unable to. Patamon bit his lip as he started to push into the feline again, working into a slow and steady rhythm that suited the both of them.

“It’s so big… fu—ing… uhhh…” Gatomon groaned as the slender cock of Patamon slid back inside of her again. She was well acquainted to masturbation, as most single people would be she thought, and even a couple of times she had secretly used Kari’s vibrator to her own ends, though neither really could stand up to a flesh and blood digimon male with a hard-on. She could feel every delightful contour on Patamon’s shaft as it rubbed her slick tunnel, and the fur that tickled her clit now and again was an added bonus that she thoroughly enjoyed.

“Why haven’t we done this before?” the cat digimon moaned openly as she wrapped her legs around Patamon, squeezing him in with every thrust, trying to force him to reach deeper into her chasm.

Patamon moaned in agreement, completely beside himself from all of these new feelings and sensations bombarding him. He especially enjoyed how sometimes Gatomon’s pussy would involuntary clench around his cock and squeeze it more than it already did. The only problem though was that Patamon could feel his imminent climax and they had only just started. He desperately tried to stave off his orgasm by thinking about something else other than that hot, wet, and slick hole he was pumping into; it proved to be very difficult, and all the noises that Gatomon was making did not help at all.

“Let me be on top…” Gatomon purred. She could feel the male slowing down as he ran out of steam, and she was intent on keeping the pace the way it was as they rolled over and switched positions.

Patamon found no relief from sexual stimulation as he lay on his back, the feline grinding her hips down upon his while she straddled his waist. Their love reached boundless heights as they took each other’s hands and held tightly, both digimon trying their hardest to bring about their partners’ orgasm whilst attempting to stave off their own for as long as possible. It was an almost impossible feat for Patamon as Gatomon bounced happily up and down on his rod with a smile glued to her face, moaning up into the sky.

“I… I can’t…” Patamon struggled to hold on, already feeling that pressure moving.

“Yes you can… just, aahhh, a little longer…” Gatomon was close too, but she wanted to draw the experience out. Besides, Patamon just looked too cute and funny as he tried to hold back what was probably a tidal wave of bodily fluids that bubbled away within him. She could say she was definitely enjoying herself.

Patamon turned his head to the side and squeezed his eyes shut, managing to obey Gatomon for about three seconds until his body raised the white flag. The feeling was insurmountable as his hips came off the ground and his loud cry echoed down the mountain path. Gatomon moaned as she felt that cock erupt deep within her core, spewing forth its searing white heat that coated her tunnel liberally. Cum squished about inside her and around her union with the male as she continued grinding away, eventually feeling that long-awaited orgasm shake her body. Her tight cunt became even tighter, and meows streamed from her mouth, Patamon feeling her muscles milking his member for any remaining drops before it began to become limp. Gatomon collapsed onto the male beneath her as she was released from the throws of her climax, purring blissfully and contently against his chest.

“Pata… that was great…” Gatomon murmured softly. She lifted her head to lick his cheek, though quickly collapsed back to his chest.

“Yeah… a-amazing…” the winged digimon stammered, still catching his breath.

“We’ll just have to work up your stamina for next time…” Gatomon chuckled.

“Next time…?”

“Mmmhmm… we’ve been just friends for far too long… got a lot of time to make up for…”

That was it for the cat digimon, Gatomon seeming to drift into a satisfied slumber, her body weary with euphoria. Fatigue ridden himself, Patamon gently rolled her off to the side as he felt around for the blanket. He eventually found it and pulled it over the both of them, cuddling up next to the purring kitten and holding her tightly in his arms. Patamon didn’t fall asleep straight away; he lay there awake just staring at Gatomon, knowing just how much things were going to change now between them. It was all going to be for the best though, he thought; if their friendship before was strong, then their love had to be stronger.

Messages In This Thread
TDG - Repost - by Fathom - 09-25-2008, 01:33 PM
RE: TDG - Repost - by Lord Patamon - 09-25-2008, 04:37 PM