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Digimon Data Squad: Rebellion Story Concept-Need opinions
This is a story idea I've had flowing in my dreams for awhile and I just wanted to see if anyone would like the idea. Opinions are welcome and any fan requests are welcome. This would basically be a merging of the Tamers and Savers universes...a sort of crossover but not really.

Five years after the fight with Yggdrasil, the Seven Demon Lords awoke bringing an army unsurpassed with them to the real world. With DATS out of commission, the Seven Demon Lords (the seventh being a complete mystery due to Belphemon's defeat) easily conquer and wipe out any semblance of order in the world over. Entire governments are taken over and each Demon Lord names their territory and so the Earth falls...

Fast forward a year later, and the majority of the surviving DATS members...Marcus, Thomas, Yoshino, Keenan, Sampson, and Yushima...find themselves in the Digital World, albeit an unexplored region. There, they find a city transported from another "Digital World"...or one created by the Demon Lords to simulate human life with real walking, talking people...West Shinjuku from the Tamers series. These people think as real people should, seeing nothing wrong with their existence...except the Digimon that try to invade. Yamaki, the system administration of this "fake city", has partnered three chosen Digimon with three people (Takato, Rika, and Henry) to keep the peace...or at least, an illusion thereof.

In reality, Yamaki is also working with the Demon Lords for some unknown purpose...talks of learning the secret of the "Digisoul" and why they have appeared in the real humans of this "digital world within a digital world". The former members of DATS reunite with their partners to investigate this strange place and hopefully find a way to escape to the real world...where they might have a chance at stopping the Demon Lords from completely wiping out humanity.

Marcus/Sleipmon (he's known as the 'Centaur Rider' of the Digital World)
Takato/Guilmon and Growlmon


The Seven Demon Lords-After the defeat of Belphemon, the other six were woke up. Angry over the defeat of Belphemon, they sought out a new Demon Lord to replace him as leader and found a suitable replacement. His identity is unknown, but it can be said that he is not exactly human nor least, not anymore.

Shinegreymon Ruin Mode-At some point during their return to power, Marcus and Agumon confronted the Demon Lords only to be soundly defeated. Agumon was tortured and forced into his Ruin Mode to act as the lead knight for the Demon Lords against his will. Marcus, thankfully, was saved by the last remaining Royal Knight alive, Kentaurusmon/Sleipmon. The two have become partners since, fighting Shinegreymon Ruin Mode on a regular basis and constantly losing despite their best efforts...though Sleipmon feels Marcus is simply not the same anymore, the one who would do anything.

Yamaki-Agent for the Demon Lords inside West Shinjuku. Think of him as the Devimon of this series, the first major villian.
[Image: Ikuto_Peckmon4_Ever.jpg]
"I'll keep you safe...forever."

Messages In This Thread
Digimon Data Squad: Rebellion Story Concept-Need opinions - by Renafan - 09-25-2008, 12:41 PM