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Should probably have posted this earlier since there aren't many |D
This is still WIP, and it's ever so slowly being contributed to. I've mixed all parts into one to make it an easier read. Will keep updating it as I get the need or I want to write!


Disclaimer: I do not own any rights related to Digimon, their characters, plots or any basis into their context. All of the related stuff found in this fiction is fully and legally copyrighted by Toei Animation.

The follow story takes place in the 3rd season of Digimon, Digimon Tamers, near the 10ths episodes. Forgive any badly made intrusions into the Tamers' plot, if any.

The Big Surprise – By DragonMasterX.

One day, the young lizard digimon Guilmon, decided he would take a walk out of his hiding place, not as a commoner like the human citizens, but actually carefully moving between the bushes like he used to when he was out with his tamer, Takato. Guilmon loved to play hide-and-seek with his friend, and sometimes he would not understand why other people would be so freaked when they found him. Still, playing wasn’t on the reptilian digimon’s mind that day, he needed to meet up with a certain someone, and it wasn’t the bakery or Takato.

After so many fights with many of the bio-emerged evil digimon, the little red dinosaur had realized that he needed what Rika always referred to as ‘Strength’ or ‘Power’, and he knew that becoming a big Growlmon needed Takato and his cards nearby, he did not enjoy the fact he was aiming to attain strength and power on his own, as he was devoted to his best friend, but he wanted to give Takato a big surprise. Guilmon knew who he had to meet to get these two, he remembered that Rika always was talking about it, and if there was anyone better to ask, she was!

Guilmon knew the way perfectly, it wasn’t hard for him to get to Rika’s house, but the road itself seemed very dim, as it was near 10 P.M. by the time he had left his shelter, and every lamp-post seemed to be malfunctioning, and the only good light Guilmon could notice was the bright bulb in the black sky, Takato had explained to him its name, but not why it was so high up. “Thanks Moon!” Guilmon waved up, as if by expecting a reply from the natural satellite adorning the jet-black curtain with the little shiny dots, Guilmon only smiled and kept walking on his way, noticing there were kids playing out late still. The lizard jumped inside one of the bushes he had nearby, as he had been walking by the side-ways with all the trees and the gardens at his disposal. The kids were kicking a ball as they ran, they seemed happy, Guilmon smiled at that, and when he was sure nobody else was nearby, he popped out of his hiding place and neared the place he had commended to reach. The digimon smiled even wider as he saw it, the pool-place!

“Renamon?” the timid digimon slowly approached the house, which seemed like a complex to him, and the tall walls didn’t help him in either, so he tried calling out to Renamon, after all, they were friends! But she never came. “Renamon?” he tried a second time, this time starting to jump up and down, apparently trying to latch himself on an edge and pull himself up. “It’s me, Guilmon!” he said hopefully, but still got no response. “Aww…” the lizard fell to the floor on his butt, his ears dropping as disappointment took hold of him.

“Hmm, who might you be?” a female voice reached to Guilmon’s batwing-styled-ears, they perked up instantly as he looked to his right, to the barred entrance of the house.

“Rika?” he asked, standing up and walking towards the figure, but it was taller than Rika’s. “Not Rika?” he said, cocking his head to the side almost adorably.

The woman, keys to the doors in hands, didn’t take him as a very cute creature though, and immediately let out a scream, “Oh god it’s a monster!” she shouted, startling Guilmon, who leaped back and crouched, his tail between his legs, almost like the stance of a scared dog. The woman didn’t look at Guilmon though, and desperately ruffled through the keys and opened up, before running inside and screaming for Rika’s help.

Inside the house, Rika was laying back on her bed, reading a book and listening to music, just relaxing. However, the music head-phones didn’t help to muffle the sound of the woman screaming her name. Rika turned her look towards the door which flew open an instant later. She took off her head-phones and stood up, “Grandma?” she said at the old lady, who was panting, “What’s wrong? You look like you just saw a,”

“Monster! There’s a monster out! You have to tell your friend to help us!” she said, before almost collapsing, Rika’s grandma still was holding her chest as her old heart beat like never in her life before. Used to the fox digimon, Renamon, she had no problem, but if something she had learned was that any other of those kinds of creatures was dangerous.

Rika looked out of her window, trying to detect any bio-emergence, or any tracks of any digimon who had entered, but she saw none, however, it was not the time to doubt. “Stay here grandma; I’ll take care of everything.” She said, leaving her book and CD-player on her bed and leaving hastily. “Renamon!” she called out.

“You called, Rika?” the fox appeared in a blur of white and yellow, both ran in unison and in a straight line.

“There’s a digimon out here, and I don’t like the sound of it at how startled my grandma is!” the girl explained, reading her D-Power for any needed support.

“I see.” Renamon nodded, looking over her partner, “Don’t worry, Rika. We will take care of it immediately!” she said, then leaped out into the garden, preparing herself for any income.

Rika didn’t see any mist, but still checked her D-Power’s radar, the signal picked up a digimon nearby, but it wasn’t moving, “That’s funny, it’s just there!” she said, looking over Renamon, who turned her gaze back at Rika and silently nodded, before disappearing again. Rika knew she could trust Renamon, so she gave her a minute to return safely. However, ten seconds later, and with a poof of smoke, Renamon re-appeared next to her tamer, holding a familiar-looking someone by his tail.

“Here’s your monster.” Renamon declared, letting the red digimon fall onto the floor with a thud.

“Oww!” Guilmon grunted, having fallen on his tail, which hurt a lot. “That hurt!” he admitted.

Rika sighed, pulling her D-Power away and shaking her head, “Guilmon, just what are you doing here?” she asked, and crouched to be face level with him. “Google-head isn’t feeding you or something? What? He lost track of you again?”

“Uhm… well…” Guilmon babbled for a seconds, poking his index snow-white nails together.

“What is it?” Rika asked, a bit bolder, starting to lose patience with the little digimon.

Guilmon blurted it out, “I want to get stronger.” And then he scratched his nose a bit, standing up, “Can you help me?”

“What?” Rika didn’t believe his words. A little, naïve digimon such as Guilmon, asking for power? “And how exactly am I going to help you with it? I’m not your tamer.”

“But you know how to make Renamon stronger, can you help me too?” Guilmon asked, moving his head nearer to Rika, blinking his eyes in curiosity. The stare in his eyes showed determination; Rika had to grant him that.

Rika sighed, she wasn’t up to keep a conversation with the dumb-reptile mon “I don’t know how I can help you with that, but I suppose I could give you a card for the google-head to use on you.”

Guilmon grinned and jumped in happiness “Yay!”

“But,” Guilmon fell down suddenly, staring at Rika carefully, “On one condition.”

“Condition? What’s that?” Guilmon asked as his ears twitched ready to hear.

“She means something you must do before she can give the card to you.” Renamon answered for Rika, the fox wasn’t in the mood for dealing with the little red digimon, and she even was expecting a fight before she met up with Guilmon.

“Oh! What do I have to do then?” Guilmon asked excitedly, wagging his tail back and forth.

“Don’t cause ruckus like that again here, got it? Can you promise that?” Rika said, waving a Digi-Modify Card next to his face.

“I promise! I like promises!” Guilmon accepted, opening his big scaly claws to receive his prize. Rika sighed, but placed the card in his claws, she had to admit though, when she saw Guilmon jumping while cheering, he did seem cute. “Yay! I’ll get stronger!”

“And also… don’t forget” Guilmon stopped again, “Tell Takato not to slide that card more than one time, okay? If he slides it two times something bad will happen to you, understand?”

“Okay! Okay! Two times! Bad thing!” Guilmon placed his claws together, smiling to Rika.

“Gee, okay, now that that’s done for, go home, okay?” the red-haired digimon tamer commanded, and then turned to her home. “And don’t forget your promise!” she remembered Guilmon, but the happy digimon had ran off by then. Renamon saw Guilmon leaving for his place, so she was sure he wasn’t lost. She headed in for Rika’s as well.

As the young girl entered, she was confronted by her grandma, who still looked very pale, “I-is the monster g-gone?” the old-woman asked, shaking slightly.

Rika giggled “Yeah, he won’t give us some trouble for some good time!”

Oh how wrong she was.

It wasn’t long before the running Guilmon reached destination back to his shelter. Guilmon had gotten part of what he wanted, and it would be nice to surprise Takato that way! What he didn’t like of all this was waiting, but he just had to sleep, and he liked sleeping. The lizard didn’t give much to think; he hugged the card with his arms and slowly drifted to pillow-land. Guilmon kept murmuring, wishing how stronger and more powerful he wanted to be, the card glowed along the mark in his torso, the glow didn’t last much longer than a simple minute, but it would soon reveal something else.

Renamon was lying on a table in the ceiling of Rika’s room, her tail waved in the air as she looked down at her tamer, “Rika. Why did you give him that card?”

“Don’t worry Renamon… that card doesn’t do much apart from giving him a slight boost in height. Plus Goggle-head likes Guilmon so much he won’t swipe the card more than once.”

“I hope you’re right” Renamon whispered to herself, both girls drifted to sleep at last.

Finally, the light of dawn broke into the shelter of the red dinosaur; he was awake before the first ray had filtered in. Guilmon couldn’t sleep much more than two hours straight, he had been playing with the card all the night, hoping everything would be covered in light so Takato would come. Still, it was too early, and Takato was not coming. Guilmon spent a good two hours sitting outside his shelter, slightly depressed at how long he had been waiting, but a big smile crept in his face as he heard a familiar voice.

“Hey Guilmon!” his tamer’s voice was heard far away, Takato was coming with a bag full of baked-goods as usual, with his back-pack ready to go to school. “Hey buddy!” he said to his scaled pal, who jumped at him and knocked him down to the floor like a content dog that had been waiting for his master to come. “Haha! Why so happy? Never knew you’d like bread so much!” Takato laughed. But Guilmon wasn’t interested in bread.

“Takato, look!” Guilmon said with a cheerful grin, showing him the card he had gotten before.

“Huh?” Takato blinked in surprised as he stared at the Digi-Modifier, “Where’d you get that?”

“Rika gave it to me!” Guilmon said, wagging his tail happily, “It can make,” but Guilmon stopped, it was a surprise after all, right?

“What can it make?” the inquisitive boy asked.

Guilmon giggled slightly, “It’s a surprise!” he said, and then waved the card, “Use it on me!” he said, smiling.

Takato smiled back, but grunted slightly, “Would love to, but I can’t get my D-Power out with you on top!” the boy said, chuckling. Guilmon got off and apologized, then gave the card to Takato. “Okay… so what is this card about?”

“It’s a surprise!” Guilmon said, and then he remembered something that Rika had said, albeit not completely, “Uhm… Rika said something about slicing it two times… or something would go bad?” he repeated, putting a finger in his mouth as he pondered into thought, he hadn’t given much thought to the warning, he had spent more thinking of how happy Takato would be after they had swiped the card actually.

“Well, if Rika said it, then I’m sure I gotta do it that way!” Takato said, taking out his D-Power and holding the card in his right hand, “Hmm… well, doesn’t seem like this is a rare card or anything, let’s try it!” Takato got into his card-slash stance, before extending his arms, “Digi-Modify!” he yelled, before slashing the card through the card-reader in the D-Power, the device glowed, and it repeated in Guilmon, who was smiling already. The effect ended soon, nothing seemed different. “So… where’s the surprise?”

Guilmon had his eyes closed for the entire time and hadn’t seen anything, nor felt anything, and more to it, when he opened his eyes, nothing looked different either. “Uhm…”

“Oh yeah, two times. Gotta slash it one more time” Takato said, bumping his fore-head with one hand, “Dumb.” He said, and then repeated the process, yelling “Digi-Modify!” once more.

Guilmon now felt it, “Huh?” he looked at his claws, both were shaking, so was his tail behind him and his whole body, every single part of his body felt numb, “Takato… I feel strange…” he claimed, before he felt tingles all over. Guilmon closed his eyes, grunting slightly as inside his body, all of his data components started to multiply in a sudden, but it didn’t feel like he was going to digivolve, though Takato did think that. The digivolution process took a digimon’s data and re-converted it, and instead, this process was expanding the amount of data stored inside Guilmon’s body and was multiplying it at an exponential rate. The body of the dinosaur was vibrating for a second, this made Takato step back, not knowing if it was part of the surprise. The little boy let his jaw drop; Guilmon opened his eyes at hearing Takato yell his name. Guilmon didn’t find Takato though. “Takato?” the lizard looked left and right, not noticing any sign of his friend.

From below though, Guilmon could hear a voice “Oh my god! Guilmon look at you! You’re HUGE!” he yelled again. Guilmon looked down and found that Takato was way smaller than before, but reality sank in a lot quicker than before, everything was smaller too, so he had to be the one changing sizes. Guilmon couldn’t talk; he still was amazed at how great it was to see everything from the perspective of a 25 feet tall Rookie. He wasn’t Growlmon, but he sure felt like he was! He even felt as heavy as him! Guilmon looked at his arms, trying to find why he felt them so heavy, he soon found out: Where before there was only a delicate frame of scale-covered fat in his arms, now where spherical things that resembled that ball he had seen the day before, in size, and when he reached to feel it, he felt it was really hard! He checked out his biceps and triceps on both arms, they were at least the size of over-inflated beach-balls for any other who would look at him, but the size of that football he insisted with, from his perspective. Guilmon was happier than normal, they felt really good to squeeze, but that wasn’t everything he found out. When he looked down, he noticed that the little pauch he used to have had solidified into a whole deal of abdominal-walls, he had a full six-pack, and each pack was the size of 19 inch old-PC monitor. Guilmon reached to examine himself; he was really getting himself into it! He touched and squeezed too, stopping with one arm to squeeze his chest too, which had puffed into two amazing pectorals that looked harder than steel. Guilmon let a small moan out of his maw as he kept squeezing his newly-formed muscles; the black mark in his torso looked way cooler with his scaly-skin stretching due to his concentrated muscle-mass he had just acquired. The red dinosaur grinned, noticing his legs had become longer and bigger as well, but he didn’t pay them much attention, even though both legs literally looked like a very thick trunk of a tree, his claws on both limbs looked so sharp they would be able to rip a house in half with a single slash. Guilmon stretched slightly, even the smallest of the movements made all of his muscles ripple and expand with sheer power, the rookie felt in heaven!

But the same didn’t drift in Takato’s mind, he felt scared, he was used to seeing him as a giant Growlmon, but now Guilmon wasn’t Growlmon, and was a giant! “Guilmon! What have you done?! What was that card?”

“Surprise Takato!” the ‘little’ Rookie said, his voice seeming a little deeper, and more like a growl. “Look at how strong I am!” he said, grinning again, and arching an arm to flex and show the over-grown bicep bulge even more, showing off the straining veins running and being able to be seen through his scales even, Guilmon wasn’t the one to know how to show off, but he had seen males doing that in magazines and TV-Commercials, he had to admit though, he looked pretty cool and he had begun to love how good it felt! His shoulders seemed so broad; they told Takato that his red friend wasn’t going to fit anywhere anytime soon.

“B-but you’re big!” Takato complained.

“Oh…” Guilmon dropped his ears slightly, no matter how over-powered and handsome he looked like with such a godly body, he still had his cute naïve air about him, “Do I have to be bigger than this to make you happy?”

“What?!” Takato widened his eyes, gasping at what he had just heard. He still was surprised nobody had spotted the two of them yet.

Guilmon had nothing else to say, if it was his choice, he would simply keep on getting bigger and musclier, he loved squeezing himself! But it was the squeezing he had kept up for so long that made Guilmon realize why he was feeling so heavy. He looked down, further than his poofed-up chest allowed him to by arching his neck as much as he could. He noticed something he had never paid attention to before. Guilmon stared at his crotch, some horizontal slit was opening up, and he felt something trying to go out, he resisted the temptation to pull it out with his claws and just stared. Takato fell silent and also fell on his butt on the floor, staring up at the reptilian’s groin, how was this even possible?! “Oh wow…” Guilmon grunted a bit, “This feels so good!” the digimon claimed, feeling squeezing himself again experimentally, getting all sorts of the happy feelings he had ignored up till now, and even felt the ‘thing’ creeping inside of him moving quicker. Soon Guilmon was able to spot something even redder than his scales exiting his slit. And suddenly, as if by joke, Guilmon’s pouch ‘spat’ out its contents, hanging them limp below Guilmon and between his legs. Takato was so astonished he couldn’t emit any sound besides a “Wh-wh-wh-wh” he kept repeating over and over. Guilmon’s genitalia had come out to say hi, and it was a sight to behold. The lizard’s penis hung between his legs, semi-hard if not about to become totally, and it was impressively thick, almost half as thick as his legs, and the over-sized member stretched in length down to almost his knees, while just under the base of the impressively huge phallus hung two spherical-shaped objects Guilmon set his eyes on, they were being held into some sort of slick sack, Guilmon somehow was feeling the urge for touching it and feel it, but he kept inspecting himself. For the digimon, this was like an everyday discovery-channel program, but for Takato, he felt like he was sorry for even waking up that morning. The lizard smiled, “That thing feels good! What is this Takato?” Guilmon smiled, and then looked down at Takato, expectantly for an answer.

Takato only stayed there, his eyes reduced to the mere size of peas, and his body trembling and shaking like jello. That question Guilmon had just made would have been easier to respond to if the lizard wasn’t so big now, but now what could he do to avoid the answer? “Th-that… That’s a…”

“Uhm?” Guilmon shyly cocked his head to the side, not knowing why Takato seemed to be so afraid. “Something wrong?”

“Guilmon you’re too big!” Takato yelled again, Guilmon stepping back slightly, creating small quakes as his feet landed. “How come you didn’t say what this would do to you?!” he kept shouting, his mind not being able to take it all in that sudden. Guilmon however, was taking the scolding too seriously, he was getting afraid and sad; he didn’t want to hear the yelling anymore. Guilmon closed his eyes and clenched his fangs, which were even bigger and sharper than before as well, and put the palms of his claws on his ears, before letting out a roar (Which actually was a cry) and set off running, over-sized tears falling and splashing the floor with salty-water.

Takato sweat-dropped as Guilmon ran, he shook with the entire park as the humongous lizard ran, “Wait! Guilmon! Don’t go that way!”

“I made Takato angry… I’m bad…!” Guilmon barely made out for Takato to hear, but he was long gone into the city. It wasn’t long before the louder screams of people started to get Takato’s attention.

“Oh no!” Takato got up after the quakes and trembling had subsided, “I got to stop him before he hurts himself… or others!” Takato set off running, then suddenly stopped, “But… how am I gonna stop him, NOW?!”

Ten minutes later, the gigantic red reptile was few feet away from the city; Guilmon kept making small ponds everywhere he stepped, as he kept weeping and tearing. It took him another ten minutes after walking into the city to calm himself down, and by then, his ears could pick other loud sounds. Guilmon looked downwards, where he found many miniature figures running down the pavement of the wrecked streets. The lizard reared down, lifting his massive bottom along with his tail, adopting the position of a canine.

“Wow!” Guilmon said in awe, “You’re all so tiny!” the gargantuan digital monster grinned, sweeping one of his enormous claws to scoop up a bunch of the running people. “What are you doing? You playing tag?” he asked innocently, but only got more whines and screams of terror. Guilmon blinked his now gigantic amber eyes, startling his ‘victims’ even more. “Why are you so scared?” Guilmon scratched his cheek with one of his free claws; the people in his other hand squirmed and clutched each other when they saw the macro dinosaur lift his white nails. “Oh I know!” Guilmon stood up again, smiling widely. “It’s because I’m taller now!” he deducted, “Yeah! Takato made me taller! Look! I’m stronger too!” Guilmon wanted to show off the same way he had done before, but he didn’t want them to run away. He looked around to find some place to put his spectators, but he knew buildings or the ground wouldn’t work, neither his feet nor arms, since he wanted to use them too.

It was then that he had an idea. Looking over his new ‘tool’, Guilmon grinned, “Here!” he said, grabbing his shaft with his free hand, with the intentions of placing his viewers on the top of his bleacher, and all of a sudden; however, he gripped too hard and at first, he thought it was pain, because he was moaning, but he felt pretty good after breathing. “Ohhh… this feels better than squishing my arms!” the beefed up lizard grunted, feeling his organ stiffen and stand hard just like when he had been showing Takato; he squeezed hard and gasped in the same manner, Guilmon began blushing, which was a bit hard to tell thanks to his scale color, but it was clear that he was enjoying to squeeze his still hardening phallus, as his eyes half-closed and he reared back, starting to feel awkward sensations and feelings he had never experienced before. Guilmon decided to let the people go, just as he had realized what was more important by instinct.

Guilmon felt the cock ascend; it was getting bigger, longer, and thicker than ever. He panted as he stared at the tip, and somehow, he felt small doses of the pleasurable sensation he had just discovered from just staring at the growing dick, which encouraged him to keep paying it attention to the very end of its spurt. Soon after the red, gigantic masculine organ stopped expanding; Guilmon fell on his back, unfortunately crushing a house, which thankfully for its inhabitants, had been empty at that moment. Guilmon gasped, “This feels so good!” he bellowed, groaning in need and pain from not knowing what he had to do next. He felt it, it was slick, big, and warm, and it was resting on top of him, being pinned between his chest and his still squeezing claw. Guilmon retreated his claw experimentally, “I want more…” he whined as the addiction kicked in, and without realizing it, he had both of his powerful hands gripping his tower at the same time (Which still didn’t mean he was able to hold the entire mountain of flesh with only his claws), and he had begun to stroke the boner, wanting more of the heavenly feeling.

“Ohhh! You’re making me feel so good!” Guilmon roared, wanting to caress his new ‘friend’ and pet him, but he couldn’t stop being rough. He needed it badly, his white sack was bulging, and the giant testicles were boiling inside, and aching with need. Guilmon moaned and squirmed the more he stroked the big cock, and felt that the sensation got even better and better the harder he went. “Nnnghh!” the digimon groaned louder, grinding the street and debris under his frame to dust, feeling every single piece of glass, every single brick rub against his scales, boosting his carnal desires further. Guilmon felt even better than after eating a dozen baked goods, but he knew he would keep feeling better and better!

Ignoring the panicking people below, Guilmon re-opened his eyes accordingly, focusing his view on the tip of his dick, he was smiling dumbly, knowing that no matter what, this new friend that came from between his legs and him were going to be pals forever. The slit on Guilmon’s piss hole suddenly stretched as Guilmon pumped even harder, the lizard curiously neared his snout to his humongous dick-head, and suddenly his mouth, and below of his nose, were covered in a strange, white substance. Guilmon blinked, “Huh? Did I make you mad?” he suddenly stopped focusing on the pleasure, but he was still stroking, and more liquid was oozing out of the new hole he had discovered; it was his pre. However, it wasn’t long before a ‘tiny’ droplet of the male seed fell onto Guilmon’s lips, making contact with his taste buds as he slipped it inside his mouth. The young Guilmon’s eyes widened as he tasted his essence, “Thank you!” Guilmon hugged his own shaft, pressing it against himself with care, but still tightly, feeling a rushing sensation inside as a second blow of pre was shot out, impacting below his lower-lips, but he eagerly lapped it up, giggling.

“Yup! I was very thirsty! How did you know?” Guilmon asked his own member, petting and caressing its head, almost as if expecting any sort of response. “Yum! And it’s very tasty!” the red digimon claimed, bear-hugging the phallus against his packs, abs and biceps. “Can I have more?!” Guilmon asked excitedly, holding the big dick’s mushroom head next to his face, suddenly getting a third shot and this time his entire face was covered. Guilmon lapped at himself with his reptilian tongue, giggling again, “Thank you!” he kindly said, before laying on his back as he decided to take a rest, but he still felt the paining sensation in his testicles, they needed to release more than only three pre-cum leaks, and obviously, Guilmon’s brain was receiving the message. His dick felt warmer than ever, and the pleasurable sensation had returned, not only that, but it was becoming addictive again, too!

“Ohhh…. Ohhh…” Guilmon moaned, not needing any other kind of message to understand what he had to do to get all the pleasure he needed AND wanted. The lizard lifted the phallus up, holding it in both claws again, and started pumping it up and down; Guilmon’s eyes mid-closed again, he was lost into bliss in mere seconds. The dick throbbed, it was ready, so were his balls, which ached and gurgled with boiling hot cum inside. Guilmon didn’t have much to do, he was consumed already, he had been consumed by the pleasure, but he couldn’t stop, he needed more, he wanted more! The pleasure was rising at an insanely fast rate, and it was only two minutes later that it happened. The digimon’s first orgasm.

Guilmon had shut his eyes, where he expected the usual darkness, but somehow he was seeing light, warm light that seemed to be welcoming him. His body felt light, he needn’t have to struggle anymore, he was just floating, feeling as if he had just eaten his favorite dish and he had just become the happiest digimon in the world. Guilmon felt strange however, he wasn’t alone, as there were two familiar appearances, both female. Guilmon recognized the red spiky hair and the yellow fur everywhere, two of his friends were approaching.

Renamon was the first one, the fox approached the muscle-bound digimon, and Guilmon was too lost for words to even put his dulled brain to think. He was seeing Renamon, she was next to his massive frame, but even with all the muscle, they were still the same height. Renamon neared him from the side, under his left arm, while Rika, who had no human clothes on, approached him from the right. Both females were soon groping Guilmon, all of his muscles, they were being caressed, squeezed, it was making him feel godly. He grinned dumbly as part of his tongue still stuck out, his eyes mid-closing again as he saw both smiling females work on his body. Apparently, his ‘friend’ liked it as well, but Guilmon simply loved it beyond any comprehension. Guilmon hugged both girls to his strong body, he was feeling powerful now, and he loved each second of it, as he closed his eyes and felt all the happy feelings.

It was when he re-opened his eyes that he found himself back where he had been first, covered in sweat and what seemed to be his own spunk. Guilmon looked around, his face showing how tired he was, but he found it strange, everything smelt funny, and his surroundings were different. “The city was this white?” he said, stressing the word ‘this’ as he continued gasping for air.

Meanwhile, Takato ran as fast as he could down the street. He HAD to find Rika: She had been the one who had given Guilmon the accursed hand the young boy was holding in his hand. He still couldn’t make out the text of it, but he stared at it every now and then, even while still running desperately.

Desperate was the right word; Takato had sent a giant digimon, his digimon no less, to the city, and he didn’t know what to do. Rika would probably have an answer; she would have it, no. She HAD to have an answer! “Damn damn damn!” Takato swore, cursing in his mind at his own chicken-legs for not letting him run any faster. He could hear the quakes, the trembling; it was less than half a mile away from where Guilmon was!

Before reaching any breaking point though, Takato thanked the heavens he had reached the Nonaka Residence at last. “Rika, RIKA! RIKA!!” Takato shouted while slamming the door continuously with both of his hands. “Open up!” he demanded before the, almost on cue, the door opened, and Takato flew inside, and down to the floor, crashing on the ground. “Oww ow ow ow ow!” he groaned, holding his face in pain as he sat up.

“Just what are you doing here, goggle-head?” Rika’s voice boomed, shattering Takato’s embarrassing moment, which made him stand up straight and nearly start begging to her.

“You have to help me!” the boy said in anguish, his eyes nearly ready to start tearing already as he grabbed Rika by her shirt with both hands “Something happened, and Guilmon…”

“Oh my god!” another female’s voice yelped suddenly.

“Huh? That came from the living room!” Rika said, pushing Takato off, ignoring his psychotic persona for a moment as she went to check up on the source of the yelp.

“Grandma, are you okay?!” she said hastily as she entered the living, Takato following behind her.

“Oh dear, look at the news!” Rika’s grandma said, pointing towards the TV, which showed live footage of a messed up (In both senses) city.

“What the?!” Rika and Takato said in unison, though Rika appeared to be even more shocked than the guy tamer.

“This just in!” the announcer from the news started, “A walking red and white lizard of titanic proportions and size has just rampaged through the city and seemingly has…” she stopped for a moment, feeling awkward at what she had to read next, “… sexually relieved itself… over the first nine blocks of the eastern district.” The pale, brown-haired woman reading the announcement nearly fainted at the thought, but her expression was covered by the footage and the pictures taking of a seemingly gargantuan Guilmon sitting on a building and masturbating like a teen with a Play Boy magazine in front of his eyes, of course, the digimon’s massive genitalia had been censored… at the best of the team’s ability, taking into account the large penis attached to Guilmon was easily a third leg to him.

Takato’s eyes nearly flew out of their sockets as he widened them like saucers, “Holy… He wasn’t THAT big when I left him!”

“What do you mean THAT big?!” Rika shouted at Takato, blushing hard at what she had to see in the reportage. That… dirty expression…those large muscles… the sensual pose Guilmon was in. Rika bit her lips hard, trying to hold back what she wanted to say, or rather moan, but Takato helped.

“HEY! It’s not my fault!” the boy grunted, rising his hands in defense, raising the modifier card as well, “YOU were the one that gave him THIS!” Takato showed the accursed card, gasping as he didn’t know what to expect from the altered Rika.

Takato had seen it coming, but not in such a hysteric way: Rika’s pupils shrank, she seemed to have skipped a beat, and later, when she came altogether again, she suddenly yelled “You… you slashed twice?!”

“Yeah, I did?” Takato said, using his free hand to scratch his head in wonder.

“You goof!” Rika shouted again, this time she was back to her normal, rant-happy self, “You got curious even after Guilmon told you something bad would happen, huh?!”

“No! Wait, I,”

“Oooh! That does it! This is your entire fault, Takato!” Rika growled, but Takato yelled suddenly.

“It wasn’t MY fault! Guilmon said if I didn’t slash two times something terrible would happen!” Takato stuck up in his defense, but Rika huffed and snorted back at him.

"I told him to tell you NOT to slash it two times, but it's YOUR fault for misinterpreting! Give that back, googlehead!" Rika growled again, snatching the Modifier card from Takato’s hand.

Takato almost squealed with a loud “Hey!” and promptly asked “What are you going to do with it anyways?!”

“Keep it from dummies like you, for example?” Rika snarled, and hmph’d to Takato. But the situation didn’t look nice anymore, even if for a second she thought she had done something good by getting pissed at Takato. Both returned their view to the TV as another news’ flash came in.

“We’re connected to the District’s Military Guard at the moment. The Chief in charge has accepted an interview where he’ll explain the details of the measures that will be taken against the giant dinosaur in the city…”

“WHAT?!” Takato nearly choked with his own saliva as he shouted in despair “The military?! This has to be a joke!”

“This doesn’t look good,” Rika added, disappointed, but better collected now. “If they launch an attack on him while he’s in that state, we don’t know how Guilmon will react. Just what were you thinking when you left him alone instead of trying to bring him here?!” Rika yelled to Takato again.

“I was scared, you know! This isn’t like when he digivolved to Growlmon! He became HUGE! And I mean GIGANTIC! In front of me and… uhh… that thing… too!”

“What thing?” Rika asked. Takato was making odd hand movements to describe what he wanted to say, upon seeing him mimicking a cylinder, it became crystal clear, and Rika’s face, a crimson red. “Well we have to do something about it! If he didn’t listen to you because he was so big, then we need to catch his attention someway!”

“Rika…” Renamon’s voice said, and all of a sudden her body materialized next to her tamer.

“Oh, Renamon! Did you hear it all?” Rika said, she was sure she had ordered Renamon to take a rest, so it was a bit weird to suddenly have her there and with no sign of being tired, regardless of her ‘break’ to have been given to her only 10 minutes earlier; then again, Renamon was always a steady fighter and a fierce warrior, you’d rarely see her slacking off at anything.

“I’m ashamed to say even I would fail if I tried to get his attention, seeing as Guilmon apparently is mentally deluded” Renamon bowed her head down, closing her eyes in self-disappointment.

“It’s not your fault” Rika patted Renamon’s shoulder a bit, looking at Takato with a glare. Takato gave her the look of ‘Why so mad at me?!’ and sighed in defeat as well. “But more importantly, I never expected these were the terrible thing that would happen if the Card’s rule was violated.” Rika continued, putting emphasis in ‘these’ while speaking.

Takato raised an eyebrow, “You didn’t know? Just where did you get that card? And why is it making Guilmon grow so much out of control?”

“Well… I got it from a mysterious card dealer. He gave me a cheap deal” Rika explained, “He said this Card is like the Giant Card,”

“Wait, the Giant Card only doubles the digimon’s size!” Takato interrupted, but Rika continued, regardless.

“And that it would be a Power Boost at the same time. But it manages the digimon’s data in a different way, which is why they told me not to slash it more than once in a row…”

“So you haven’t used it on Renamon yet?” Takato asked, cocking his head sideways. Rika shrugged.

“I’m a Card collector, but I’m not an insensible Tamer. I wouldn’t risk my digimon just because a fancy card effect. But yes, I used it once. It did duplicate Renamon’s height, and it did power her up over normal. What I haven’t done is try the second slash…”

“Wait! Rika! That’s it!” Takato said, his eyes sparkling, “Why don’t you make Renamon a giant so she can take Guilmon back before he gets hurt? Or… well… before he hurts somebody!”

“Are you nuts?!” Rika gasped, “I’m not going to,”

“Rika…” Renamon interrupted, “There is no other choice.” The vixen sighed a bit, “I would like to avoid this as much as you, but there is a good chance that Guilmon’s state will hardly be of any benefit to his current behavior if he’s attacked. Takato’s right, there’s no time to lose.”

Takato blinked a bit, going over what the furry digimon had said “I’m right? Wow that’s a first!” he grinned a bit, and nodded to Rika. “I’m sure they’ll revert back to normal if we make them discard the extra energy, right?” he smiled, “It’ll be a great opportunity to take while they are calm and alone… and not being targeted by missiles and related stuff!”

“Yeah I guess but…” Rika looked down for a bit, then back at Renamon, “This isn’t digivolution, we don’t know how big the timer for the modifier is and I doubt we can keep two giant digimon in hiding for long…”

Renamon stayed silent for a second, but sighed and stood up “I don’t want to stay here and do nothing. If this becomes a worse mess than it already is, then it will be harder to try this in the future. Our best bet is now, Rika. I’m willing to do it to protect Guilmon, and everyone!” she said, her sense of duty talking bigger than her common sense at the moment, obviously.

Rika however, was in a big heated up debate inside her head, her eyes fixed onto the modifier card. This was a big decision… she couldn’t afford to make a mistake in here!

And that’s exactly why all the pondering resulted into the only logical conclusion. She had to do this, no, they all had to carry this out, or there was a chance of an even uglier situation would spring by. “Okay. Renamon… I’ll use the Card!” Rika said, totally decided to do what she had to. In one swift swipe, the Card she had been holding in her hands passed through her digivice which, after being temporarily digitized and its info had been extracted, fed her vulpine digimon with its modification data. Rika stared at Renamon, nothing was going by at first, though judging by the frown in her furry face, and Rika could see something had happened. “Are you… okay?” She asked, her voice a mere whisper, Takato was dead silent as he watched, not even the raging news outside distracted him from this ‘short’-awaited moment.

Renamon opened her maw, she was about to talk, as calm and collected as she ever was. However, before she could utter a single word, a sharp pain through her innermost self made her bend forward, holding by her stomach, her sapphire-blue eyes widening from surprise, “G-ghh-guaaah!” Renamon cried in agony, or so it seemed. She fell to her knees, still holding by her stomach with one paw, and using the free one as support. Her eyes now closed, Renamon moaned in a rather gloomy, painful despair.

Rika made haste as soon as Renamon showed signs of desperation; she rushed over to her partner, throwing the digivice and the card away, which luckily fell on a soft foot rag where Takato and she had been standing. Both tamers on Renamon’s sides, Rika placed her delicate hand onto Renamon’s shoulder and uttered: “Renamon, please, tell me what’s wrong!” though it soon dawned onto her that she needed not beg anymore. Renamon’s eyes suddenly opened up, “Is… is it working? Do you feel any different? Renamon!” the concerned girl said.

“I’m… fine.” Renamon simply said, and to everyone’s surprise, she stood up, gracefully keeping balance as always, as if the short-lived painful experience had never presented itself. “But why am I not changing?” she asked softly, looking left and right onto her arms, they hadn’t even lengthened slightly, zilch, zero, nada.

Rika panted, unlike Renamon, she still was recovering from her own, past grief. “This is so weird…” she slowly said, catching up again, with her eyes fixed on the floor, “It worked on Guilmon, but… You’re alright! I’m happy about that, but… nothing’s changed, has it?” Takato shook his head at this.

“Maybe Renamon isn’t compatible with the card. Uhm… but what will we do now?” the google-headed kid asked, his hopes being shattered, although his attention was finally caught by the ever noisy television.

“This just in!” the same, panicked reporter, with the same, panicked expression announced. An image of red, lots of red, moving through the city, “We’ve been informed that attempts of preventive containment of the gargantuan monster have failed, and as we can see,” the image changed, Guilmon was walking, his surroundings were even whiter than before, and it was clear that his massive, over 80 feet tall tremendous form now was not as sedentary as before anymore, “It’s moving away from the… disabled military forces” she said, taking the span of 10 seconds to breathe. In fact, she was having trouble hiding the fact that no tank nor any car had been disabled, but they had been completely covered in the many spurts of lizard seed Guilmon had produced whilst his sexual indulgence. Regaining her composure as quickly as it left her, the reporter gave a rather acted smile to the camera, continuing the report, “We haven’t ascertained this giant’s true intentions, but the Sergeant in charge our security is planning on a different offensive plan with the use of Air Force! We’re now undergoing inquiries for the…”

And as the reporter went on and on, Takato interrupted with an abrupt yell, “Air Force?! As if tanks weren’t enough!” he grunted, “We have to do something, Rika!”

“Hey, it’s easier to complain than to think, why don’t you try suggesting something? Your pretty idea screwed up as much as the military!” Renamon took a deep sigh as the two yelled at each other; she kept watching the news, unable to suggest anything of pertinence at the moment.

Meanwhile, back with Guilmon, the red bulk mountain of a dinosaur did just as he was being reported, and was padding through the streets; his head was now way over the buildings he once used to support himself. Each step he took was accompanied by a small swish of his gigantic tail over his muscled scaly rump, and said movement would casually knock or hit any by passers, were they left-over escapists or just any other resistance soldier in their sweeper-jeeps. Guilmon stopped just as he met himself with a ‘dead end’, in front of a very tall structure, that dwarfed even him, not by much but it was at least 60 feet taller than his current height. “Wooooow!” the digimon marveled at the sight before him. The huge sky-crapper making Guilmon’s neck bend for the first time in hours. “Heh! I betcha I can get even taller than you!” he grinned, pushing his claw onto the building next to him, but stopping as soon as his eyes caught a glimpse of a new something.

Glistening in before his amber eyes, his very image reflected onto the many mirror-like windows that coated the edifice’s front. Guilmon grinned, lifting one of his arms and shaking it, as if waving in a greeting. “Hey there!” he said cheerfully to himself, even though to him it was another giant. “What’s up? I never thought I’d find another Guilmon! Nice to meet you! My name’s Guilmon!” he said, and soon found himself stretching his muscle-bound arm towards ‘himself’ in the reflection. Unfortunately, as he tried to grab the other claw, his incontrollable power made bits and dust of the windows in the skycraper.
Guilmon blinked at this, following his arm in his gaze all the way up to the hole he had just made with his fist. The dinosaur was left speechless and void of any intelligent (if applicable) comment about this situation, he cocked his head to the side, feeling hazy all of a sudden, as his eyes fixated onto his bicep upon a second inspection of the facts: “Oooh, it tickles!” Guilmon giggled, a rare sight considering his rather manly, current form. Forgetting about his new ‘friend’ (Except maybe the first new friend attached to his groin) for a moment, Guilmon reviewed the overwhelming sight of his arm, grinning as the tickle resumed again and again.

The lizard decided to take care of the itch with his clawed fingers in his free hand, and at the same time, he kept watching his bicep; he was not sure why, and wouldn’t be able to put it into words either, but its size and shape had such an attractive appeal to him, as if it was some sort of a fantasy came true, an object of inspiration, his Aphrodite so to speak. Nothing was wrong with it, except that maybe he kept wishing that it could become bigger, bigger than any other round thing he had ever seen. It was then that the tickle disappeared, and with that, Guilmon felt himself trembling all over. “Oh?” he wondered, breaking from his day dream as he looked back and forth between his well defined chest, his arms and what he could see of his shoulders. “What’s… oh! It must be it again!” he grinned, embracing the unknown with open arms, literally. Guilmon stood straight, imposing his form over the city, and easily shading its majority of space as his neck arched back and he closed his eyes, waiting to savor the full moment of what was about to come. Prepped ‘n ready the lizard was, and his reward for being an obedient and good boy was delivered with no delay, as suddenly the rumbling around his massive form intensified. Guilmon’s outstretched arms bulged as he murred in delight; the already relatively-melon-sized biceps puffed up and inflated bigger, rounder, more veins popped around the large, growing muscle.

Guilmon felt it all: the surge of power, it was intoxicating and blissful, and he couldn’t get enough of it! He couldn’t help himself but flex as soon as he felt his arms grow bigger. And flex he did, admiring his arms as they bulged greater and bigger than ever; each of his biceps had grown to the size of a basketball each, his triceps along his arms hadn’t fallen off the grow-a-thon however, and looked so big in fact, that were Guilmon back to a normal comparable body size, one would be sure that a single punch from only one arm would easily uproot the toughest of the trees, and maybe the entire forest along with it. “This feels soooo good!” Guilmon bellowed with might as he looked down, his chest ballooned outwards and puffed up greatly, both of the manly and powerful mounds made normal feminine D-Cup breasts seem ridiculous as his extremely large pectorals swelled bigger, rounder, accompanied by his ludicrous eight packs below. Guilmon felt them with one of his claws, he was a bit sad that his enormous chest didn’t let him see past its sheer of white, but he was content at what he was feeling: each and all of his hard packs were swelling, they were becoming mightier, fuller, even more ripped! His godly form kept acquiring mass madly, at incomparable rates. Guilmon’s strong legs and feet occupied the streets now, both from their size, and their over-growth with muscle, the lizard was smiling wickedly, his pupils had shrunk, and now he was feeling it on his groin again, that pleasurable feeling. Just as he gave one final murr of content and inhibited bliss, the process once again came to a halt, and with that, Guilmon had reached the awe-inspiring, absurdly tall height of 150 feet, having nearly doubled his previous stature, but now dwarfing the once proud and big skycraper, that was now laying in ruins after his ‘meeting’ with his friend, and the advance of his clawed feet at its base in the midst of his newest expansion.

With his ever dull, satisfied smile, Guilmon said: “I told ya I could get bigger than you!”


And there you go. Let's hope for those who were liking this one that I keep getting my inspiration out of the bucket!
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
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Should probably have posted this earlier since there aren't many |D - by DragonMasterX - 09-25-2008, 02:27 AM