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Slide Evolution: Hindsight is 20/20
I've heard of some people saying that Sagittarimon is a Dual Armor Evolution, but they clearly pay no attention to these things -- Sagittarimon is V-mon + Digimental of Hope.

The way Jogress/DNA evolution works is not that both Digimon become one, I already said that. I don't believe that it is likely for a Jogressed Digimon to "slide" into an alternate form, but I do recognize that, in theory, it's possible. You see, there are two major types of Data in the Digital Realm -- PROGRAMS and FILES. Files can be further divided into Data-files (Text, Spreadsheets, Databases, etc.) and Media-files (Images, movies, music, etc.). Programs cannot be manipulated without a large amount of skill, however Files can.

If you ignore the fact that these Digimon can materialize their data into the real world, you can categorize Digimon within this hierarchy. "File > Datafile" would, I believe, describe them best -- they run within a program (The Digital World), but can still be manipulated as any Datafile can (Evolution, De-evolution, growth, being hacked, etc.) -- including the ability to be "copy-pasted" with another Digimon in the act of the Jogress. OPen a text file, and copy-paste its contents into another to see what I am getting at, because, as I mentioned earlier, Text files fit cleanly into the Data-file category (If you prefer, you can use a Word-processor for a Marked-up text file, and you'll still see the same results). Because Digimon are FILES within the Program, they can join and alternate thier ordering -- to demonstrate, when you do the project above, you can either paste the text at the beginning or end, which would change which is the "initial" or "primary" contents of the file.

Doing this project does not destroy the initial file which was copied from, nor does it permanently alter the file to which the contents are pasted -- you can later "de-evolve" the file to its initial state, reversing the operations which allowed it to grow in the first place.

So if you have a file "YUKIMI BOTAMON" which has grown to the same state that it would have to for the "DIGIWORLD" program to recognize it as being YUKIMI BOTAMON>NYAROMON>PLOTMON>TAILMON (thus it is currently Tailmon), and the file references it's own next phase as ANGEWOMON (which individual Digimon files probably would do), then once it has attained enough further Data to be considered to "evolve" again, the program will load it as >ANGEWOMON, in addition to the above line. However, if you gave all of this NYAROMON data to, being theoretical again, PURURUMON>POROMON>HAWKMON>AQUILAMON, with a reference of its next being SILPHYMON, then AQUILAMON, assuming this provided enough Data for his own evolution, would become >SILPHYMON, while if the operation were reversed, this TAILMON would receive AQUILAMON's Data, and if it were enough for her evolution, she would become ANGEWOMON.

Ooh, nasty technical headache, even though I tend to love these sorts of things. Anyhow, most Digimon probably have a fairly large variety of "references" in their Evolution path, and some might have "Alternate" references based on parameters at evolution (Digimon World/Pendulum), perhaps the system clock's position at their evolution, and possibly even the actual Data used to trigger an evolution (ie, adding a file like a Digimental rather than normally acquired Data or an infusion from a Jogress). I'm not saying these are the only parameters, but they're a few examples.

With the Hybrid Digimon, this is a clear divergence at one level -- Flamon could become either Vritramon or Agnimon, based on the circumstances but both of them end up becoming Aldhamon and then Kaizer Greymon, and probably Ancient Greymon beyond that. In addition, because a Flamon would probably reference both evolutions, Vritramon and Agnimon, it could, after evolving to one, "slide" to the other, the same way the Chosen CHildren of Frontier can Slide while evolved.

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[No subject] - by The Reclaimer - 05-16-2004, 02:57 AM
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[No subject] - by UnknownH - 05-21-2004, 04:09 PM
[No subject] - by Cyber Stryker - 05-21-2004, 04:26 PM
[No subject] - by Nate Hunter - 05-22-2004, 12:24 PM
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