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Road Rage (Vehicle Combat RP)
OOC: Just seeing how this will work. In light of games like Vigilante 8, Twisted Metal, and most recently Full Auto, I decided to try to create a vehicle combat RP.

A desert planet, not too dissimilar from the Earth-That-Was. People were sent to this planet to escape the polution and destruction mankind unwittingly wrought upon itself. Life is hard, and resources are scarce. Anything and everything has value, and can be used to trade for other things of worth.

Mostly though, what's needed is stolen. If you are lucky (or rich) enough to own a vehicle, you outfit it with all the armor and weapons you can lay your hands on, in hopes of being able to earn money, or (if so inclined) just steal it outright.

Vehicles in this world are split into two catagories, with differing abilities.

The first catagory is the Relics.
The Relics are exactly what they sound like; remnants of the technology from the Earth-That-Was. Four wheels and a fossil-fuel engine, these are the best of the best from the 20th and 21st centuries. The body is replaced with reinforced metal plating, and the glass with bulletproof plastic, but the vehicle remains largely unchanged. These run either on liquid fuel or hydrogen cell engines. The advantages are that Relics are cheaper and easier to find, but harder to repair, resupply, and have a harder time dealing with the planet's desert climate.

The second catagory is the Moderns.
Like the Relics, the Moderns are what they sound like. Futuristic vehicles from man's greatest technological era. (just before the condemnation of the Earth) These vehicles use a blanket of coherent energy to rise over the sandy terrain and glide along. These vehicles usually have a sleeker, more spacecraft-like design, and are powered by either solar energy or nuclear batteries. While they are cheaper to repair and resupply, they have very little traction. as a result, they tend to get 'bounced around' a lot when hit.

There really is no limit to what can be used as a weapon. If it can be bolted onto or fitted into the vehicle, its useable. Everything from .50 Cal machine guns to Shrapnel guns (a sort of anti-vehicle shotgun) to an anti-tank rifle have been used.

Species: (if you play a furry/scalie. Otherwise human)
Description: (Type a blurb or post a pic)
Personality: (how your character thinks and behaves)
Vehicle Type: (Relic or Modern)
Make/Model: (If Relic, name the Car. if Modern, make one up)
Weapons: (what your vehicle is equipped with)


Name: Alexandre 'Loki' Albion
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Description: Click Me!
Personality: Loki runs a small combat vehicle gang appropriately called the 'Trouble-Makers'. Loki has an attitude that dictates that 'if life isn't fair, why should he be?' He takes what he needs, and feels no remorse in it, believing the world owes it to him. His gang is populated by like-minded people.
Vehicle Type: Relic
Make/Model: 1957 Cadillac Coupe deVille
~Hood: Twin .50 Cal machine guns. One mounted over each headlight.
~Roof: 'Mini-Boomer' rocket launcher. (NOT heat-seeking, slow reload, but can fire in any direction.)
~Rear: Turbofan. (for kicking up sand, which creates an effective smokescreen)


OOC: Its five am. I'll write a starting post after I get some sleep. @_@;
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
Road Rage (Vehicle Combat RP) - by Calibremon - 07-06-2007, 07:25 PM