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Digimon Revolution - Help!
I have a concept for a fan-season of Digimon, and the concept seems well built in my mind -- the only thing missing is the characters I need in order to fill it out.

The story focuses more heavily on the Digimon and their world than it does on the humans -- but so far I only have two Digimon made even somewhat (I don't even have a species for one of them), in spite of a well developed story concept. So, I'll tell what I can, though some things may seem ambiguous since I hate giving spoilers.

A long time ago, the Digital World was ruled directly by a single ruler, Huanglong(mon) -- he's an official Digimon, Mega level, his name is from the Chinese for Yellow Dragon. When he left, he put eight Digimon in charge -- the Sovereigns we know of and the Chaos Beasts, which I originally made for The Digital Matrix. They have long since died, and when that happened they gave birth to three Digimon each, who are called the "Divine Stewards" and rule the Digital World. These are the Devas from Tamers and the Chaos Devas from my Tamers Gaiden story.

There was a prophecy telling that Huanglong would return to rule again, and the Divine Stewards came to fear this prophecy. They began to persecute those who believed in it, even killing them. There is one they are powerless to touch, however -- Belbomon, who lives in the Silver Tower and is protected by the fact that only those he invites may enter it. He watches the stars, waiting for a sign of Huanglongs return.

That time has come, or so he believes, and so he sends a message to Megalo City and the other believers in the prophecy who live there. Five of the Seven digimon I want to live in Megalo City, and be there when they listen to the message. I have two -- Veen (Veemon) and Lenna (Unknown).

The Seven Stars of Silver do indeed fall, and at that time the Digital Savers (the humans) appear near their partners. Now, comes the fun part -- the Divine Stewards fear that the children of another world will be their undoing, and so they pass a law ordering all humans in the Digital World to be destroyed, and offer a bounty on them. So the humans must be disguised, and later on even used as the power source for their Digimon's Super Evolutions (their "true" Perfect/Ultimate form).

They will have to fight their way past a horde of both Viral and (corrupted) Vaccine Digimon, however most of the story is in the hands of the Digimon. They will first be filled with power by their Silver Digimentals upon finding them, allowing them to permanently reach their Champion form, but that will involve going through enemy-controlled areas with their Human partners (they can only evolve temporarily during this time, as in other seasons).

When the digimon grow into their digimental attributes, they will gain the ability to access the power of the Silver Digimentals to reach a low-powered Ultimate through Silver Armor Evolution. This provides a generally humanoid form with the dual traits of Light and an element associated with their trait (ie: The Silver Digimental of Valour allows Veemon to become Knightdramon, a Light/Fire Digimon).

Upon defeating the enemies, the children do about the only role they fill in the season -- they either swipe the virus from Vaccine or Data Digimon (these viruses are used later on by an evil force which tricks the kids into giving him their D-Bracers -- he uses them to increase his power and evolve to the Mega level).

Of course, it wouldn't be fair to throw in Mega level enemies without some mega-capable heroes. After using Soul Fusion to reach the Ultimate level, some of the heroes can tap into the Anti Virus Core of the Angel Digimon, whom they defeated while being mislead by this same evil force. Because there are three Angel Digimon (Holy Angemon, Angewomon, and Lucemon) there are three Digimon capable of reaching the Mega level. Which Digimon those are will be revealed later, once I know what all seven of them are to begin with.

The final battle takes place in a site known as Huanglong's Tomb, where it is said that previously destroyed Digimon can be summoned. In order to avoid spoiling too much, two of the Digimon who can reach mega will sacrifice their Anti Virus Cores in order to give the third the power to Mode Change and win the battle. The conclusion of the story will be with the summoning of Huanglong, who returns the human children to their homes, and takes the Silver Digimentals, saying that the world is safe once more, yadda yadda, the Digimon assume a role of liberators, and some even become rulers of the new nations... The End.

But I still need concepts for five of the Digimon -- the humans are less important, since their only purpose is to provide power to evolve to the Digimon and to swipe the viruses that have corrupted some Digimon. I do want an international team of humans, though, and since one of them is from Britain...

Anyhow, anybody with feedback on the idea or an idea for a Digimon (and their Human partner) is welcome to reply. The traits (Aside from Veemon/Courage) will be chosen by me, as will which of the Digimon will be able to reach the Mega level, and which one gains a Mode Change. If you do submit a character concept, I will credit you, but their expression through this story will be pretty much mine alone.

Messages In This Thread
Digimon Revolution - Help! - by Nate Hunter - 05-05-2004, 10:36 AM
[No subject] - by Wisemon - 05-05-2004, 02:37 PM
[No subject] - by Nate Hunter - 05-05-2004, 09:43 PM
[No subject] - by Nate Hunter - 05-13-2004, 11:32 PM
[No subject] - by The Reclaimer - 05-16-2004, 03:05 AM