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PS3: Is it worth it?
senjuro Wrote:Back on topic: the PS3 is caught in a downward spiral, largely because of its exhorbitant price. Sony priced itself out of the casual gamer market and its only prayer of survival is to team up with Nintendo like they should've a decade ago and stop fighting over third party developers like Capcom, Konami, Square/Enix, and Namco. The world is a better place when people share.

Exuberant price or not, it's not the price that has Sony reeling behind Nintendo and Microsoft. It's the lack of quality software. Sony set themselves up for failure by making the system so damn hard to code on. Much like the PS2 back in the day, the biggest complaint from 3rd party developers is that the system is so awkwardly set up that making calls to hardware is insanely difficult. The second biggest complaint is that Sony charges a BUTTLOAD in publishing fees.

Consumer's complain that the system is too dang expensive. Think about it, though... I'm sure releasing a blu-ray player before the technology was even finalized upped the price to consumers drastically. The thing that most consumers don't know is that the PS3 is barely capable of pushing more polygons than the Xbox 360. You can thank Sony for swapping out their planned graphics chipset with some low-grade counterpart to increase profits during the last couple of months before the console's release.

...and that suggestion that Sony merge with Nintendo as they should have done a decade ago. Someone doesn't know their console history. It was Nintendo that took a proverbial dump on Sony back in 1994. It went a little something like this:

Nintendo: Hey... let's make an add-on to the Super Nintendo that reads CDs! Yo, Sony... are you in?
Sony: Sure. Let me throw together a design and I'll get back to you.
Nintendo: Boy, it sure is taking Sony a long time. Hey, let's see what Phillips can do!
Phillips: OMG, totally! We're in. We'll get right on a design!
Sony: Hey, wait a minute! We're almost done! Why did you go to Phillips?
Nintendo: We just want options. I'm sure you'll probably come up with a better design anyway.
Sony: Damn skippy! Let me just finish this up... and BAM! There's your add-on!
Nintendo: Nice, nice. Phillips? Got anything?
Phillips: We're still working on it. Give us a while.
Nintendo: You know what, guys... screw this. We'll just make a totally new console.
Sony: What!?!
Phillips: WHAT?!?
Sony: What about all the money we poured into research and development?
Nintendo: What about it? You can't expect us to actually pay you back! We're barely making money off of our Super Nintendo and Gameboy titles. *snicker, snicker*
Phillips: Yeah, I guess you're right, Nintendo. We'll just coward out and release our CD-i, overprice it, under advertise, and wonder why the hell nobody buys it.
Nintendo: Tell you what, Phillips... just to hit you back, we'll release 3 or 4 crappy Zelda and Mario games on your system, then pay you an ass-load of royalties based on the number of copies they sell. *lol! Snort!*
Sony: FUCK YOU, NINTENDO! We're stealing your controller designer! We're going to make a new console, too... and just to chap your ass, we're going to use essentially the same design we showed you for the add-on you butt fucked us over.

Hope that was entertaining.

Messages In This Thread
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RE: PS3: Is it worth it? - by UnknownH - 06-10-2007, 05:17 AM
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RE: PS3: - by senjuro - 06-13-2007, 01:18 PM
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RE: PS3: Is it worth it? - by Grim - 06-20-2007, 03:02 PM
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RE: PS3: Is it worth it? - by UnknownH - 06-14-2007, 09:12 AM
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RE: PS3: Is it worth it? - by senjuro - 06-14-2007, 12:50 PM
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