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The Static Fields of Eccentricity

Somewhere marching along, as it were; he grew tired of idly strolling down the distort, hazed field of granite. It seemed to him those ruined buildings refused to get any closer... so he dropped to all fours. Muscles coiled; tensed. He sprang forward with an uttered grunt that dislodged itself from the depths of his throat as effort was applied to movement. Onyx tinged claws ripped over the hard, gray matter that composed the drab appearance of the ground. But... at least it was solid. He didn't quite think falling through an endless tear in this betwixt-world would be much fun; looping through static fields of disarray. Though he did have to wonder, if it did occur; was there the possibility that he would come out of it?

The uncharted glitches that seemed to happen every so often kept him wondering. So he just figured there was the possibility. Ah... thoughts and questions. Well, in any case; thinking gave him something to do while he ran, subconsciously keeping his breath in check so he didn't tire as swiftly.

Minutes blurred past as the skies shimmered and twitched with color inverted fragments. Finally, after what seemed like eons he reached the first still-standing skeletons of the buildings. A cloud of dust eagerly worked itself into a frenzy as he skidded along, almost to a stop. Almost. If he hadn't of raised back onto his hind legs and kept himself moving forward.

He reached out as he progressed, sliding claws over an edge of ruined concrete and rusted metal, as if to make sure it was real. When he scraped along a solid surface he was reassured. He tread through streets of broken asphalt, head canting from side to side. He didn't smell anything out of the ordinary; no sign of movement or life for that matter. Was this all just one big dead pocket of space?

He hoped not.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Static Fields of Eccentricity - by Blackfangmon - 06-20-2007, 06:47 AM