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The Children (A Mascot Induced Rant)
The thing that pisses me off as my Character, Harry the Hawk, is not the irritable children. As most mascots will tell you they love children, and most children love them. Its the Teenagers, and College students.

This weekend from Friday until Monday at aroound noon I have been slaving away at mascot camp for my fourth year in a row. Nothing major to learn, just learning antics doing skits and interacting with people who know what it is like to be in character.(Run on!) So lets go back to our first preformance with no skits no holds bar just go interact with the crowd.

I had my tail pulled at least seven times, and you know what I never saw a single child under the age of 12. I know, I know cheerleaders, they don't know any better, but still they could at least not act like children. This was for an evaluation I got a blue ribbon and then later an award for most creative entrance.

The next day cheerleaders try out ofr all American, in the stadium again. This time I knew what I wanted to do. I went out got into full character and hit the stands. Going out waving to children, and high-fiving a few kids who I believe had down syndrome. It was alot of fun, hot, but the most fun I have had at camp. The children were nice all of them hugs or high fives but the teenagers would not leave me alone.

I had to have my instructor come scare em off for me. The reason why this whole rant is focused on them is not just because they did that but it reminded me the last time I was in the crowds at school, most teenagers attacked me. I can deal with children infact with my large feet I am afraid I might hurt them.

But Teenagers when I see them coming I usually look over my sholders to check out my exits, and escape routes. They are big and they just want you to talk or get your attention, in fact most highschoolers are worse then children. Mainly because of the "Advanced" Vocabulary they learned in their TAKS remediation class.

Well im about done with this rant, and if you are are a teenager and you see your school mascot make sure to give them a highfive dance with them, but please don't mess with us. Because one day we might be working at disney world and when your child comes up to sit on Tigger's Knee, for a picture you never know if that mascot will recognise you from high school but would you take the chance?

P.S. I got All-American Mascot
Gabumon Loverz

Messages In This Thread
The Children (A Mascot Induced Rant) - by PsychoticPorcupine - 06-05-2007, 11:43 AM