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gay student expelled from x-tian school
Here's a fun loophole that allows sodomists into heaven (Yes, sodomists. There is nothing in the original gospels that goes specifically against homosexuality - only oral and anal copulation. )

Book of Thomas; 44: Jesus said: He who blasphemes against the Father will be forgiven, and he who blasphemes against the Son will be forgiven; but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either on earth or in heaven.

Ah, the holy trinity. An enigma of monotheism, because the trinity constitutes three god-figures: the father, the son, and the holy spirit.

Now, here's where the loophole comes in: A blasphemy can be action, not just words.

Second loop part is that each of the trinity stands for something.

The father stands for order and rule. The commandments, the Metatron's commands, et cetera... they are emmanations of the father. Therefore disobeying them with breaking the commandments is blasphemy.

The son stands for love and compassion. If you're being a jerkass all the time, you are blaspheming against the son.

The holy spirit stands for all that is good. The hope in humanity. If you go against what is good and let evil rule your heart you are blaspheming against the holy spirit.

Now, in essence since blaspheming the father and son are forgiveable offenses, you can be a gay jerkass and still be accepted into the kingdom so long as you keep what is good in your heart with you and reject evil from your heart and life.

Of course, what do I know? A few hundred years ago I'd have been burned for uttering heresy like this.

As for the Roman Catholic church, I believe it's corrupted to the core for various reasons ranging from hidng the true circumstances in regard to Jesus' life and death to burning the Knights Templar for not giving them the treasures they had obtained in the East (Including the Lance of Longinus, the spear that pierced Christ).

HOWEVER! I do believe that Roman Catholicism is one of the few branches of Christianity that was not based from corruption and ego. Protestants, Mormon, Urantians, Jehovas... I believe these branches to be false and the result of greedy men looking to make a buck and obtain some power (Or in the case of King James; just having his own way)

True Christianity lies with those who follow Christ and not a church.
I believe that all of humanity is fallible and especially suceptible to temptation. This is why I, a baptized Roman Catholic, could care less about what the pope says. His predecessors broke up families by disallowing priests to be married or lay with women, and then had the gusto to claim themselves infallible.

The only church I know of that is fairly liberal in everything is the Church of Satan founded by Anton LaVey. Of course, when dealing with a character like Satan, be it that it may Lucifer was a rebel with some justification, putting faith in someone like him is ludicris.

Now, don't get it wrong here. These satanists are those chicken sacrificing nuts you see in B-Rate Horror films. They have a credo of tolerance and whatnot that almost parallels with the rites of anarchism, except with the fact they say to live their life without going after anyone unless they go after you. They have other doctrines, but I am unfamiliar with them.

Anyway, I'm trailing off subject...

Messages In This Thread
gay student expelled from x-tian school - by milk me! - 11-22-2003, 07:52 AM
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