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Need Help Plotting a Card Captors Sakura fict:
While dealing with a half-dozen or so Digimon ficts, I like having one decidedly non-digimon fict going as an outlet to not bog myself down and burn myself out on all things Digimon.

As such I've already begun plotting out a series to follow my current digimon distraction, Medabots: Impossible.

The next fict will be:

Card Captors Sakura: Darkly Coming

One of the endearing parts of Card Captors Sakura was that the secondary characters weren't just there. They had their own special motivations. Some of which were completely unknown to Sakura and didn't affect her at all, showing that she wasn't the center of the universe. I would like to continue that trend with this series. The only problem being that Darkly Coming is to be set during Sakura's final year at junior high (anime continuity). As such the problems her friends faced when they were ten are not the same they face now as fourteen/fifteen year olds.

For each side character I'm looking for at least one minor and one major secret they keep from others. Some sort of behind the scenes character motivation that will be given detail when the story doesn't focus entirely on Sakura.


Sakura's mature and maternal friend with more than a little crush on her gym teacher. I'm probably going to stick with the manga's extra background for her and her beloved, Terada-sensei. That he gave her an egagement ring. The question is how to address the relationship they're in currently.

1) Rika has been Terada's lover since the fourth grade. She knows she can never say anything about it as while she did consent to it out of love, Terada would still be guilty of statutory rape. She takes excessive care in using protection to prevent pregnancy and is longing for her sixteenth birthday so she can legally marry him.

2) Rika and Terada may have been engaged since she was a fourth grader, but they have so far kept themselves mostly chaste. They may have done minor sex acts, the furthest being oral sex, but never were they both nude at the same time. Terada being the one to insist on Rika remaining virginal as he doesn't want their relationship to be fully sexual until after they're married, not to mention not wanting to be guilty of statutory rape. He wants to prove his relationship with Rika is about love and having sex with her too soon would deny that, and make it more of lust and child abuse.

3) Terada loves children... FAR too much. He suffers from pedophillia and Rika was but one of his 'favorite students.' Rika would still care deeply for him, but seriously questions trust and love as she would not be the one to file charges of statutory rape on him. The girl who had Terada arrested would now be a first year student at the junior high and Rika would not like her at all.

4) Ignore the manga and it was all but a childhood crush that Terada-sensei mishandled, making it last longer than it should've. Rika has moved her feelings towards guys her own age, but will always remember Terada-sensei as her first love, much as Sakura does toward Yukito.

5) Other ideas?


Sakura's pigtailed friend who has always kept Yamazaki in line since kindergarten. At least in her mind Yamazaki is her beloved boyfriend. While the manga has strong indications that they are an actual couple, the anime could take a lesser stand point and have Yamazaki feel Chiharu is more like a sister.

It should go without saying that her current life situation would be affected by Yamazaki, the question is how. If they were a couple dating at ten, then by the time they're fourteen-- it is highly possible to have started sexual relations. Though if they had not gone into physical displays of love, it's likely that they've started viewing each other as siblings and have lost any romantic feelings for each other.

While I don't want to have too many sexual relations going at start, that of Sakura and her four friends, that two of the five aren't virgins is possible. It becomes more likely for Chiharu to have engaged in sex if Rika ever talked to her about it (assuming Rika has been with Terada). Though for Chiharu protection wouldn't be her greatest concern as the worst that would happen if Yamazaki got her pregnant and everyone found out would be her getting expelled from school. However, if she were to become pregnant her thoughts on the trouble this would cause her, Yamazaki and their families could lead her to have an abortion and not tell anyone about it.

Now if Chiharu and Yamazaki went the route of sibling love, she would be reluctant to admitt that to her friends after being considered a couple for so long. This would especially be true if Yamazaki has yet to see another girl while she has been on a date or two with guys outside of Tomoeda. She would be seen as the one to break up the 'longest couple of Tomoeda junior high.' The biggest problem with this would be having to create a boyfriend for Chiharu.


Sakura's bookworm friend. Naoka had no obvious situations in her life during the series. She loved reading and writing, but hated gym.

She would not have a boyfriend at start of Darkly Coming as her being a wall flower has so far prevented her from being noticed by boys.

Naoka would have a secret she keeps. That she is a published writer who works for a professional magazine and sends in a monthly installment of a fantasy novel chapter. There's just one tiny little problem with that, Tomoeda Academy does not allow junior high students to work ANY type of job. And even the senior high students need the school's permission. Naoka has no such permission to be a contracted writer. It is uncertain what kind of punishment the school would give her, but they could expell her for having a job.

Another thought for her is that her parents are workaholics. That they are constantly at work and spend very little time with her, which has led her to finding books for companionship when her friends aren't around.

Wouldn't mind adding more to her as one of the least developed characters in the series.

I already figured out how I want to play around with Touya, Yukito and Tomoyo, while Meilin and Shaoran will appear and have their own set of issues-- and all of them affect Sakura in one way or another.

I'll read over any ideas for these secondary characters or any other characters (besides Kaho and Eriol, who will not be appearing in anything more than maybe a cameo or two).

Messages In This Thread
Need Help Plotting a Card Captors Sakura fict: - by Lord Archive - 03-16-2004, 02:24 PM
[No subject] - by UnknownH - 03-16-2004, 03:24 PM
[No subject] - by Lord Archive - 03-16-2004, 03:34 PM
[No subject] - by UnknownH - 03-17-2004, 03:13 PM