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Star Wars: Episode XIII, Beyond Good and Evil(furry-based starwars)
Suddenly, Altimas' dream shifted from combat practice to a realistic battle, in which he was fighting against a sith who had a black and red colored markings on his face. Apparently this sith had a staff saber just like his own. The sith quickly dashed towards Altima and struck towards the dragons' waist, but Altima quickly delfected the blow with his own saber, igniting it within that small time frame. The sith continued to land blow after blow against Altima, as Altima slowly began to give ground against the Siths' assault. I... I can't handle this alone....gah! I need someone else... Altima thought, as he narrowly evaded one slice.

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RE: Star Wars: Episode XIII, Beyond Good and Evil(furry-based starwars) - by Altima - 04-27-2007, 12:09 PM