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How did you discover you liked furries?
PaintUser Wrote:To tell the truth, I'm just as delighted to see a well-drawn picture as one involving sexual connotations nowadays.
See, you're an art pervert. An Artistic pervert. Like me.

MISTER BIG T Wrote:I drew people having sex as father's day card when I was 8-9...
That's because you are a huge freak.

Lover Mama Wrote:I found out on this site, I was readin through it with Kim, when suddenly I just felt like I needed to "take care of business"

So of course, I did. Drug her off into our room for a good romp, then came back to finish what we was doin.
And that is not weird to hear someone say. Although around here it is but not to me. I've heard a bunch of these stories on another board. Some were funny.

Messages In This Thread
RE: How did you discover you liked furries? - by UnknownH - 04-25-2007, 03:36 AM