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How did you discover you liked furries?
i found the DaTorrents gallery, and they had a "Furry" Section. it was awesome and i was hooked on it immediately. they had hundreds of pages of yiffy furry art, and i just wanted it all! ^_^ but then one day i go there to find that the "Furry" Section is MISSING?! WTF?! i searched and searched, but still found nothing on why they had removed it. it was like, my main source of hentai and furry art, gone just like that. so i started searching for this one fur i had seen a LOT in the "Furry" section, soon finding out it was "Renamon". i google image search'd it, and damn did i find a lot on it. i found her paired with at least 5 other digimon, quite a few with a red and black dinosaur, which i soon found out was "Guilmon". so one day in november '06, i decided to google "Digimon Hentai" and i found the DHZ. man i fell in love with that place, but sadly it was already long dead. i still read a lot of the lemons, and looked at a lot of the pics, and that inspired me to write my own lemon, "Sex Ed Class". in January '07 i attempted to send it in, but just got an auto-response email telling me to go to the DaD. so i went there, and submitted my lemon to the DaD. i waited and waited with no update until january 26, and i saw that my lemon didnt get in, but Big T said it was a huge update and he would do the rest later...which never came(i think. please correct me if im wrong). so i got fed up with waiting, and had already written 3 more lemons, and decided to sign up for the forum, and posted my Vee/Gato lemon there "The First Day", on January 28. and after that, i just got to know the DaD forum better, and learned more about RPG's and their characters, and decided to create one myself. and since then, i've been a 100% furry fan. :D

oh and if anyone's wondering, the DaTorrents DOES have their "Furry" section back up. it was because people were posting "SexyFur" images on it that were copyrighted or something. they said that sexyfur has big issues with people posting their work on places other than their website, and thats why they had to close the furry gallery for a while.
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RE: How did you discover you liked furries? - by Erethzium - 04-23-2007, 09:20 PM