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Mythology story for fun made for a project originally
Nothing to do with digimon this was a mythology story I came up with for a science project about constellations a year ago. So I'm remaking now only because I want people to see it and let them know about my growing writing ability and really just for fun so it's short and uses the same methods of why things are and came into existence that actual mythology does.

The times were bad for people of ancient times. Usually there was an abundance of food for agriculture was incredibly important and valuable. Despite this a giant among crows came to be known as Famine was unleashed amongst the crops, devouring them with no interruptions. The people starved and deaths were ocurring at a high rate as Famine moved from one farming area to another. Ceres, the goddess of agriculture, complained to Zeus about the Famine that destroyed her creations given to the people. Zeus only saw this as a minor problem that would be over with soon, but it didn't. Famine moved stealthly across the country making its way to another domain for it to bring ruin to. Ceres was severely angered and came to Zeus again. He agreed for he had said, "Famine is destryoing all that was made to worship us, we can not let this go on any longer." He had sent a message to all other of the gods and servants to track down Famine.

Cygnus, the swan, overheard this and flew for three straight days, through perilous storms without rest. After those three days Famine was found in yet another crop field. Cygnus came down and tried taunting Famine, but the taunting was only ignored, what was it to care as long as it got a good meal.

Finally Cygnus threw several rocks at Famine angering it and gave chase. Cygnus flew as fast as possible but Famine never could be lost. Famine got close enough to attack several times, leaving a good wound each time. Cygnus flew over the territory of Ceres. Ceres saw the ever hated crow and made for the first time carnivorous plants to grow that devoured Famine sending it to the underworld. After the crows death Ceres replaced the destroyed crops with four times more than what was destroyed. For the ending of the Famine as a reward Zeus made a constellation for Cygnus to forever be remembered.

We had to write a story explaining the creation of the constellation that we chose to do our projects on so I said, "Why not let's go ahead and make it mythological" Any errors I apoligize there's no spell check here.

Messages In This Thread
Mythology story for fun made for a project originally - by Dvolve - 04-23-2007, 08:17 AM