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Crackdown: Furry Edition (Rawr. :P)
Jacob smiled as Flynn, Zebulun, and Levi filed into his office. "Well well, gentlemen. Seems like your work at the bank incident wasn't required." He pointed to the monitor, displaying a surveillance camera shot of Mitsuki standing off with the gang.

The trio murmured awkwardly, not liking the idea of their assistance being entirely un-needed.

"But I'm not here to berate you about the bank incident. The gang dispersed and Naphtali's sister is fine. I instead want to talk about..." The picture changed to a shot of Dominic. "Him." His dossier began to scroll up the side of the picture.

"The guy at the bank?" Levi asked.

Jacob nodded. "Yes. I had Simeon keep an eye on him to get the location for his syndicate." A new frame popped up: several gang members dragging something draped in a sheet into the trunk of a car. "His lack of performance at the bank didn't seem to impress his employers." The frame changed again, showing a map of part of the city. "Here is where he is now. Bring him in, patch him up and recruit him."

"Yes, Jacob." They filed out and got back into Flynn's car, loading up the GPS trace on Dominic's signal.

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RE: Crackdown: Furry Edition (Rawr. :P) - by senjuro - 04-21-2007, 08:35 AM