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Star Wars: Episode XIII, Beyond Good and Evil(furry-based starwars)
Psyrixia bows her head again, "I cannot lie to you...the one who saved my life...I am endebted to you. I am...or was...a member of the Sith. I was a spy, a saboteur, and an assassin all in the name of the Emporer and the Dark Side. Ever since I was child, that's all I've ever known - deceipt, death and destruction what price? The lives of my family. I can never go back to my home world...or even near that quadrant of the galaxy." Raising her head, she looked at Altima and admitted, "Alt, even in my weakened condition I can sense that you're a Jedi...a powerful one, at that. I...have heard...that you have a code you must follow...a duty you must perform against creatures, such as myself. I'm ashamed for what I am and what I've life, my young Jedi, is in your hands." She hangs her head and begins to sob.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

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RE: Star Wars: Episode XIII, Beyond Good and Evil(furry-based starwars) - by Kalyx - 04-01-2007, 04:32 AM