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The Blood of the Infidel Will Run Like a River
Anonmon Wrote:I now bring joyous tidings of what Americans call \"the holiday season\" and the rest of the world calls \"Christmas\", with the exception of a few guys in black coats and fedoras who call it \"The Green Terror\" for some reason.

Disclaimer: I honestly don't own Digimon or anything remotely related to it. They belong to Toei Animation.

Second Disclaimer: This story is not suitable for anyone, let alone those who have yet to pass the magical age of 18 and the NSA guy reading this since it had the word \"infidel\" in it.

Anyway... on to our festive story of winter holidays, digital monsters, and sexual intercourse. Please note that all dialogue has been translated from the Japanese, but idiosyncracies of the Japanese language may have survived. Like, for example, characters not hearing a difference between 'R' and 'L'. You have received fair warning.

The Blood of the Infidel Will Run Like a River - by Anonmon. See? Joyous tidings.

For a full month, now, Katou Juri had felt not even the slightest twinge of sexual excitement. Her normal cycle hummed onward, but she barely took any notice of boys. She even had to remind herself that she wanted Matsuda Takato to be more than a friend to her. Frankly, it felt downright scary.

Of course, it was not like Takato-chan noticed her or anything.

She had laid awake at night, every single night, trying desperately to feel the old, buzzing warmth in her loins. But when she allowed anything, so much as a fingernail, to touch her vagina it stung. She - a virgin - had never realized her libido composed such a large part of herself until she lost it.

And people always desperately want back what they lose.

Then had come, in her crazed ventures, onto the seedier parts of the internet. She visited every pornography site she could gain access to, purveyors of photographs, videos and erotic stories ranging in content from adult anime to hired floozies to gays and lesbians to even Still, nothing helped, especially not cleaning out her browser history after every "session", and especially not Goatse. Until she came upon a doujin of a Leomon making rough, sweet love to an Angewomon.

Juri couldn't help herself after that. She printed the doujin, stapled it and kept it hidden in her room. Every night she would peruse it and slowly reach down to pet her blissfully warm, wet pussy. She would use two fingers to rub the lips and even put one inside herself when she felt especially in need. Then she would return it safely to its hiding place.

Treatment, of course, does not cure the disease.


Katou Juri slowly plodded along the sidewalk, making her way to the subway station where she would take the train to school. A cold breeze whipped at her hair from behind her and took playful nips at her nose as it passed. The middle-school girl desperately tried to nestle deeper into her bright-orange winter coat.

December had arrived.

The crimson-eyed girl turned a corner, and her house slowly left sight. Juri couldn't wait to reach the warm indoors. She walked briskly now, only two buildings down from the station.


A blast engulfed the entire building that was the only place Katou Juri could call home. But she didn't know that until she ran back around the corner. After that, she fell to the earth and wept.

"SHIT! That's what I was supposed to do after lunch! Disable the bomb!" cried a voice from the somber, pale-blue heavens. The voice went on to collect his rightful $466.09 in bribe money ten minutes afterward. I just made a cool $466.09. Wait a second, this is chocolate gelt. That bitch.

Juri's tears stained her clothes and made the cold winds bite her face harder as she cried. Did her father still live? Where would she go? The girl sobbed and sputtered, curled into a tiny ball of warmth in a cold world. No answers came to her, though a small shower of chocolate coins narrowly missed her. Random transcontinental portals can be cruel sometimes.

Later on Juri would never recall correctly how long she lay crying, but after a time she felt a pair of hands on her shoulders and heard a soft voice. The actual time was about 13 minutes and 24 seconds.

"Is... was that your building?" it questioned curiously. Juri looked up into the turquoise eyes of a girl about her age.
"Yes," she stuttered, "It was." The girl smacked her waist-length mantle of black hair behind her head again.
"Do you need a place to stay?"
"I don't know if my dad's alive..." Juri began sobbing anew, but a wallet laying open on the rubble's edge caught her eye. She ran down to it, picked it up, and opened it. Her father's ID card stared out at her, an epitaph in laminated, government-issued paper. Juri howled with grief and rage.

"Come on," beckoned the other girl, "You can come inside with me until the police have to talk to you." Juri rubbed her eyes a few times and looked at her would-be hostess in full. The girl had pale skin, deathly pale. Juri could see that because the girl wore a shirt which ended at her elbows and an inch below her breasts. The girl also wore loose-fitting (for women's clothing, anyway!) pants-legs that snapped onto something like a bikini bottom. Everything was in camouflage. This girl obviously enjoyed the frigid cold, and recognition began to dawn on Juri.

"Aren't you that new girl, Durden Juli?" she asked. The penguin-girl, as Juri thought of her, looked brusquely satisfied.
"Yep, I am. My mother Marla just moved us into the area. Now come on, before you catch a flu." Juli began half-dragging Juri down several blocks to her own apartment. "Oh, and why not have some of the randomly chocolate money?"

The pair soon reached Juli's apartment. The hostess turned her key, opened the door, and proudly displayed everything to her charge.
"Now you can make yourself at home under one condition," she warned, but Juri had already walked inside. She looked meekly askance at the black-haired girl.
"And wha... what would that be?" July walked in, closed the door, and smirked.
"I want you to hug me as hard as you can. It'll make you feel better." The embrace did make Juri feel better, even slightly safe, but a nagging voice in her head protested that the original line was more violent. She told that voice the last thing she needed now was a fight.
This was originally intended as my entry into the December Contest, hence it will actually work in Christmas near the end. Of course, I haven't had much spare time recently.

I'll try to work on it more starting this week, but until then I'm going to post it scene/chapter by scene/chapter. I've already written a bunch, so that should last the serial format for a while.

Since the first scene only barely sets up the plot, I'm posting a double-feature of the first two scenes. You should be able to tell that I write this as a humorous story rather than a serious one. I intend it as a sort of film parody in Digimon-lemon form.

Oh, and that first scene has absolutely nothing to do with "Children of Men". I wrote the scene 3 weeks before I ever even saw a preview for that film. The film I *am* parodying should be fairly obvious.

Messages In This Thread
The Blood of the Infidel Will Run Like a River - by Anonmon - 03-12-2007, 12:45 PM
[No subject] - by Wisemon - 03-13-2007, 10:04 AM
[No subject] - by Anonmon - 03-14-2007, 12:12 PM