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New Lemon writer
I'm new to Lemon writing,so please try not to call my work a piece of shit to soon,i have already sent in the first three parts,and am now working on the 4th part,this is what i have so far:Chapter one:back to gatomon,back to sex part one:.It has been one year sinch Omnimon Saved the Internet from infermon/Diaboromon.

Tai:(Man is it boreing here,Nothing to do,Sora's in france,

Mimi's in the U.S.A,Only Kari is here,And thier is Gatomon too,(Hmm...Yes,Hehehe)

Hey Kari can you come here,Now!

Kari ran into Tai's room.Kari:"Yeah tai,What is it?"

Tai:"Why don't you come with me to the Digital world!"Kari:"Ok,I have not seen Gatomon in awhile!And it would be nice

To go back!"Tai:"Ok,Come on"*A few minutes later*Gatomon:"KARI!!!"Kari:"GATOMON!!!Agumon:"TAI!!!"Tai:"AGUMON!!!"

A few minutes after that.Kari:"So how is life here Gatomon?"

Gatomon:"Not to bad,Hey agumon can you stay with Kari for a little while?Agumon:"Sure."

Gatomon:"Thank's Agumon"

Gatomon:"Tai,can you Come with me please!"Tai:"Ok?"

Gatomon took Tai to a cave not to far away.Gatomon:"Oh Tai, i want you so bad!"Tai:"What!?!?!

Gatomon:"Yes Tai i want you,NOW!

Gatomon jump's onto Tai Riping his cloth's off of him,she get's to his cock,which is now Hard.

Gatomon start's to Suck on tai cock's making the boy

Moan,Soon he came into her mouth,It was a little to much for her to take,She gagged on it,

Some of it came out of her mouth but she licked it off of the floor

,Now wanting to Please gatomon, Tai start's to lick her pussy,making her moan,

After a couple of minutes she came and he licked it up.Now was the moment

Tai and Gatomon had been wanting the most,She lowered herself on to Tai's cock and started to go up and down his cock,

Now they were both moaning from Pain and plessure,

Tai:"Ahhhh,Gatomon,thank you..*Gasp*..."Gatomon:"No tai *gasp*,thank you!*Gasp*..."Kari:"What'cha doing Tai?"

Tai:"*Gasp*,KARI!!!Um...Well*Gasp*..I'm,Er,we..Uh*Gasp*..Are playing a game!

Kari:"What type of game?"

Tai:"One you should not play *Gasp* intill your a little older."Gatomon:"That's right..."Kari"

:"Can i play this game with Agumon?"Agumon:"I don't mind!"Tai:"Uh*Look's at Gatomon,*Well,Um...Ok!"

Gatomon:"WHAT!She is to young*Gatomon finely Cums,and so does Tai*"Kari:"I am not,i even know how to do it!"

Gatomon:"WHAT!?!?!?TAI!!!"Tai:"What?it's not my falt she saw me and You having Sex that night!"

Gatomon:"That may be true...(Damn i can't think of what i can say to him)Tai:"Well?"Gatomon:"Oh shut up!"

Kari:"Come on guy's,calm down!"

Tai:"Er..Fine..."Agumon:"Come on kari,let's go have Sex!"Kari:"K,we will be back soon Tai,try not to get to mad!"

Tai:"Wha?Me get mad?Never,

hehehe,Try not to hurt her Agumon!!!"Agumon:"I will try not to"Kari and Agumon had now gone down to a lake not to far away,

Kari took off her cloths,and agumon started to stair at her.Kari:"Could you Please stop that,It makes me feel uncomfortable."


Kari,You just look HOT,with out your cloths on"Kari:"Hehehe,thank's,Now how did we do this again?"

Agumon:"Like this"Agumon got on his knee's

And started to lick kari's pussy.Kari:"Oh,Agumon,this feel's so GOOD,Please don't stop"Agumon:"So You like it Hunh,Good!"

He stoped licking her,

and put his claw's into her now Wet pussy,he started to Finger fuck her to fast,she Bled a little"

Agumon:"Oop's,Sorry kari!"Kari:"

What did you stop for?"Agumon:"I cut you with my claws!"Kari:"Oh,Well that's ok,Just please continue!"

Agumon did as he was told,

Soon she cumed,Agumon:"Ok kari,now for the best part!"agumon lifted kari up and put her down onto his

Hard 9 inch cock,He pulled her all the way done,making her moan and scream.

He slowly pulled her up and down,after a few more time's they came

Kari Climbed off of his cock and layed down next to him where she fell asleep,agumon fell asleep as well,

In another part of the Digital World,

Gatomon:"Oh Tai don't stop,"Tai:"I won't"

Tai had just started to Fuck Gatomon again,she was in heaven,his 10 inch cock was all the way in her,

making her moan and scream,Tai moaned as well.

Tai:"(I can't...Stop...Now)Tai:"I can't keep this going for to much longer Gatomon!"

Gatomon:"I can't keep this up ether*Gatomon Cums*"Tai:"Ahhh*Tai cums*"

Gatomon climbs off of Tai and lays down on his chest.Gatomon:"Thank you tai!"Tai:"Your so welcome,Gatomon!"

They go to sleep for the night.

The next day.Tai:"Yawn,(Hunh,Gatomon is still asleep on me,

Well maybe i should wake her up so i can go get us something to eat,

Then again she is a chapion level,And she does get mad easy,damn.),Um..hey gatomon,wake up*Tai shake's gatomon*

Come on wake up!"


,What do you want!?!?"Tai:"Could you get off me so i can get us some food!?"Gatomon:"No,But,i can give you this!"

Gatomon had pulled Tai into a long kiss.

Tai:"Whoa!"He started to kiss her back this time.She then stoped the kiss and started to suck his cock


Kari woke up before agumon,now thinking to her self,(man,that was GREAT,hmm...he's still asleep,maybe i can change that)

Kari:"Hey agumon,wake up!"Agumon:"Hunh?,what?Oh kari!What's on your mind?"

Kari:"Well agumon,i was thinking about that game we played!

And,Uh..well"Agumon:"Well what?"Kari:"Well,can we play it again?"Agumon:"Sure(I hope Tai does not kill me for this)"


Kari:"I think i remember what to do!"Agumon:"Good!"And with that said,Agumon started to lick kari's pussy again,

making her moan,not to

much longer after that she started to suck on agumon's cock,then he had an idea.Agumon:"Hey kari...

pant...why don't we do a 69!"Kari:"Whats that?"

Agumon:" A 69 is where i turn you arround and lick your cunt while you suck my cock!"Kari:"Sound's like fun"

Part two:Kari was now sucking on Agumon's cock at a fast rate,Agumon was also licking kari's cunt at a fast rate.

Kari:"Ahhh,Don't stop no matter what Agumon!"

Agumon:"I won't!"Some where in the Digi World.Ryo:"Hmm...Where the hell am i?"

Gatomon:"I'm hungry,i'll be back in a little while,Ok Tai?"Tai:"Sure,just don't have Sex with anyone else,Ok!"

Gatomon:"Hehehe,right Tai"

Gatomon had been looking for some food to eat and maybe give to Tai,Gatomon:"Now just where is that food i found a couple of

days ago?Oh yeah,their it is!"

Tai:"Man is she taking a long time,I wonder if?No,she would not!Or would she?

Gatomon:"Hey Tai,i'm back,and i have some food for us!"Tai:"Hmm...You took a lot longer then i thought you would!"

Gatomon:"What?Do you think that i had Sex with someone else?Tai:"Maybe,ah never mind,i'm sure you would not!

Gatomon:"Good, cause i would not!"They eat about 50% of the food Gatomon had got them.Then kari and Agumon got back.

Kari:"Hey Tai,Gatomon,what'cha got?"Tai:"Some food Gatomon found us!"Agumon:"Good,i'm starving!"Kari:"Me too"

After a small meal kari and tai were getting tired again as it was 8:00 PM in the Digiworld and Real worlds.

Tai:"Well it has been fun seeing you two again,but i think we should head home now"Kari:"Awww,come on Tai!

Let's stay here awhile longer!"

Tai:"Well,i better go back and tell Mom and Dad that we will be here over night then,i will be back"

Kari:"Ok tai,hurry back"Tai:"I will!"Gatomon:"So what Do you two want to do while Tai is gone?"

Agumon:(I'd like to Fuck Gatomon right about now but Tai would Kill Me if i did)Uh..How about a game of"Kari:"A game of Sex?"

Agumon:(Damn,all she has on her mind it Sex)Uh no,A game of..Uh..Well..Um..Uh..(Come on brain don't fail me now!)

Of..(Man tai IS going to kill me!)

Sex..."Kari:"Really?"Gatomon:"I don't think thats a good idea Agumon!"Agumon:"Well..Uh.."

Tai:"I'm back guy's,Er.I uh..Mean..Um.I'm back!

So what were you guy's talking about?"Agumon:"Oh..Nothing,Just thinking about Uh(No don't fail now)Um.."Kari:"Sex!"


Agumon:"Well you see Tai...Oh never mind!"Gatomon:"Hehehe,Just relax Tai,we did not do anything"Tai:"Uh,Well if you say so"

Kari:(Hmm...Tai sure does get calm when Gatomon tell's him too,Heh,if mom could do that life might be a LOT easyer)

Tai:"So..What would you G-Uh,Like to do?"Kari:(Having Sex with Agumon is fun,but i wonder if Tai would be better?)

Tai:"Well?Some one has to want to do something?Beside's Sex!"

Everyone Looked away.Tai:"Well i am going to go to sleep,it is already 9:00 PM,Good night Kari,Agumon,And Gatomon!!!"Kari:

Hey Tai,Can i sleep with you tonight?"Tai looks at gatomon and she nods her head.Tai:"Sure Kari

(Man,what does she want to sleep next to me for!?Oh well).

A little later that night.Kari:(Hmm..i think Tai is asleep,But if i do this,Gatomon might be mad with Tai,and Me...).

Kari start's to UnZip Tai's pant's,then she pull's his Underwhere down,Next she take's off her cloths,

Gatomon hereing the noise Kari was making went to see

What she was doing!"Gatomon:"Kari!?What are you doing!?"Kari:"Oh,gatomon...Well,Agumon is Good,

but i want to know if Tai is better when having Sex!"

Gatomon:"WHAT!?!?!?!"Tai:"Hunh?Whats going on?Kari?What are you doing!?!?"

Kari:"Oh,Tai,your awake!Well,Agumon is good whan we have Sex but i wanted to know if you were any better!"

Tai:"What!?!No way!Your my little sister!i can't have Sex with you!"Kari:"Come on Tai,Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"

Tai:"No!"Kari:"Ok then,i will just have to tell mom and dad that you have been having Sex with Gatomon for a while now!"

Tai:"Uh..(Darn, that little Bitch,She would do that too!)"Tai looks at Gatomon,then at Kari.Gatomon:"Kari,i really don't

want you to do this!"Kari:"But,Darn(Stupid Cat digimon,What am i thinking,she is my Digimon after all)Can't we

Do it this one time?!!??!!"Tai:"Well...*He looks down at the ground*(Mom and Dad will Kill me if i say Yes to this

But if i don't Mom and Dad will still kill me!Looks like Gatomon will kill me to if i say yes,DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT!!!)No

Kari i can't have Sex with you!"Kari:"FINE!I'M LEAVING!"Gatomon:"Kari dont leave!"Tai:Yeah don't go!"Kari:"FINE,But I'm tell

ing Mom and Dad when we get back!"Tai:NO!Please Kari don't do that,You might lose Gatomon if you do(Good thinking Brain!)

Kari:"WHAT,WHY?"Tai:"Mom and Dad will most likely ground the both us of for a long time,and make us both never enter the

Digital World again!!!!!"Kari:"Darn!"Gatomon:"(Wow,he is smart,and Strong,and Cute,Oh no,i can't want him now!!!)

Tai:"Maybe when your a little older kari we might(And most likely NOT!!!) have sex.Kari:"How much older?"

Tai:"About when your 16 or 20!"Kari:"What,thats to long Tai!"Tai:"Well,Um(DON'T SAY YES

OR OK,DON'T SAY YES OR OK,DON'T SAY YES OR OK!!!)Ok!"Kari:"YAY"Gatomon:"TAI!?!?!if you do this i will hurt you so bad

you will DIE!!!"Kari:"Please don't do that gatomon!"gatomon:"Wha..Uh..Damn,Fine go ahead and fuck her,but remember this

Tai kamiyaI will hurt you later on!"Tai:"Gulp,Um,Maybe we should not-"Tai was cut off by Kari

Kissing Him.

and part three:Kari cut off the kiss after a minute,Kari then moved down to Tai's cock,she started to suck on it making Tai

Moan.After a minute Tai came in her mouth,she Eat it all,Now tai Turned her around and started to lick her pussy making her moan,she came after a few minutes.

Tai:"Do you want to take it all the way?"Kari:"Yes Tai,lets go all the way!"Tai:"Ok(Please forgive me Gatomon)"

Tai now slowly pussed kari down onto his now Rock Hard Cock,now she was starting to hurt,it was to much for her to take.Kari:"TAI!!!I can't...Keep...Going!!!"

Tai:"Why?"Kari:"I am to tired,and the fact that it hurts!"Tai:"What hurts,this?"Kari:"Yes Tai,please can we stop!?"Tai:"(No way!Don't stop now)Well,You were

the one who wanted to do this!"Kari:"I gasp know Tai,I'm sorry gasp"Tai:"(I know i should stop,but i'm pissed off at her,first she wants me,Now she wants

Us to stop,no way)No,We are not going to stop,you wanted this and now you will get it!"Kari:"Please Tai!"Kari started to Bleed,and Cry.

Tai:(Wha?Now shes crying!and bleeding,damn it,well i guess i should stop then)Ok,we will stop"He takes his Cock out of her.Kari:"Thank you Tai!"she stops crying

Tai:"Your...Welcome...(Bitch)"Gatomon:(Atleast he stoped before they went all the way!)"Kari:"Good night Tai!"Tai:"..."Kari:Tai?"Tai:..."

Kari:"TAI!Are you okay?"Tai:"Yeah just fine!Night!"Kari:"Whats wrong tai?"Tai:I SAID GOOD NIGHT!"Kari:"But...but..."Tai:"No buts about it,just go to

sleep!"Kari:...ok Tai...good night!"kari gets up and walks away from Tai and finds a good Rock to sleep on!Tai:"Hunh?wheres kari?oh,over their...i guess i

should not have been so mean to her!Hey Kari!Will you please come over here!"Kari:"Why?"Tai:"Just please come here!"Kari:No!"

Tai:Ok then,i will just have to go over their to you then"Kari:"Just leave me alone tai*She starts to Cry again*"Tai:"I'm sorry,i was just...mad that you wanted us to

stop..."Kari:"Well you could have been more nice about it!"Tai:"I..I will you please come back and lie down with me?"Kari:"Well,OK!"

Tai:"Good,"Kari went back and layed down on top of Tai.Tai:"What are you doing kari?"Kari:"Well,i'm a little cold and i thought that our combined body

heat would help to keep me warm"Tai:"Uh hunh"Kari:"What?"she said this in a very interresting way.Tai:"I think your

up to something!"Kari:"ME!Never!how could you think that Tai!?"Tai:"Cause you have that look in your eye again,like when you want Sex!"Kari:'Well i do want Sex

a little,but...well..oh never mind"she moved down to Tai's Cock again and slowly pussed herself down on to his rock hard cock
Oh yeah,Gatomon>Just then Gatomon woke up,she thought they might be trying it again.She was pissed off to see Kari go up and down Tai's

Cock.Gatomon:"TAI!!!KARI!!!WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!!!!"Tai:"(Oh shit)"Kari:"(Just great)"Gatomon:"YOU TWO ARE SO DEAD

"She jumped at kari knocking her off of Tai's cockTai yelled:"WHA'D YOU DO THAT FOR!!??!?!?!"Gatomon:"Serves you right if its broking
!Again>Tai tryed to move his cock,it won't moveKari:"Get off me Gatomon!"Gatomon:"Fuck you whore!"Tai:"HEY,Watch it Gatomon"Gatomon:"


Kari & Gatomon



Kari & Gatomon:"NO,Tai don't go!we can work something out,we know it!"Tai:"To late,i'm leaving!"A being appears outside of the cave

that Gatomon,Tai,& Kari are in.Neo:"So these are two of the Legendary DD's,eh,hmm..."Gatomon:"Wait,i heard something outside"Tai:"What do you think it is?"

Kari:"I hope nothing bad!"Neo walks into the Cave.Neo:"You don't need to worry about me being anything bad."Gatomon:"How can we know?!"Neo:"

So you want proof eh,hmm...maybe this will work*Neo show's the others his D-Magna*Tai:"Whats that?"Kari:"Yeah,it does not look anything like ours!"

Gatomon:"I think i've seen a picture of that before,in some cave,when i was Myotismon's slave!"Neo:"So you have seen one of the 7 D-Magna's,mine has the

element of Time!"Tai:"SO who are you anyway?"Neo:"I am Neo;i am not of your time,my time is of 2035,Evil digimons of the past rule the Digi-world of then,

they had the Element of Time, as well as the other 6,i was lucky to get the Element of time,but it was not easy,that i will say,for i can say no more,

thats it so far,the 4th i proble won't post intill its done.

Messages In This Thread
New Lemon writer - by UnitedOmegaMon - 01-18-2004, 04:05 AM
[No subject] - by UnknownH - 01-18-2004, 05:10 AM
[No subject] - by Evil Summoner - 01-21-2004, 02:00 PM
[No subject] - by The Reclaimer - 01-24-2004, 04:47 AM