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Just makin' a new Story.
I'll just go with what works and give you my D and D form.

Name: Zarima
Race: Human/Demon
Sex: Male
Age: Lost count, looks 30+ but is much, MUCH older
Height: 6'8"

History: He always has and he always will, they say. Grandfathers of grandfathers heard tales of his monster slaying and demon fighting by their grandfathers. Known and feared throughout the lands as the most cutthrout creature by all mortal people. Nomadic by choice and friendless, he walks endlessly toward the raising moon in search of only he knows what.

Looks like: Very barbarian-like build. Thick all over except in the head.
Wares a suit of full plate armor that looks like it was made from blood red steel with a matching half-face plate over his cheeks, nose, ears and mouth and a black hooded cloak. His face is that of a young man still in his prime, but his sad, ageless brown eyes tell a different story. His hair could have a story of it's own, being the color of dead grass, thicker then bundled wheat and hanging down past his hips in a wavy sheet in the back and sharp curls over his forehead.

Fighting style: Blunt and fast with his beloved Warhammer (Think sledgehammer on seriods) and a two-handed, over-sized machete. Prefers to fight sword to sword even when outnumbered and delights in tearing his opponents to shreads with his bare hands.
Great swordsmen but most well known for his black art of Hemamancing in which he controls his own blood after it is spilled and uses it in every way, shape or form.

Personality: Not quite right in the head but in a funny way. Has the bad habit of mood swings and a short temper but all things considered, he has a great sense of humor. Drinks like a fish and curses like a sailor, he wastes most of his earned monster killing bounty in pubs before he moves on. Social and good-natured if he chooses to be but normally just keeps to himself in a corner.

Messages In This Thread
Just makin' a new Story. - by Cursedhand - 01-02-2004, 11:38 PM
[No subject] - by The Reclaimer - 01-06-2004, 01:10 PM
[No subject] - by RageTheBat - 01-06-2004, 04:20 PM
[No subject] - by zarima: angel of blood - 01-15-2004, 12:23 PM