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Why do Bad Things Happen to People?
I've never had to deal with divorce but I imagine that it must suck. I can't even begin to tell you what the best thing to do to work through it is. I don't know if there's even a specific way that you should be approaching it. Most people that I know who've had parents that have divorced worked through it in a way that others might have seen as being "wrong" but in the end they turned out ok and their own relationship with their parents survived just fine. I guess that's all that you can work for in terms of your family. I don't really know what your relationship with your mother and father is but I would not give up hope that your relationship towards them as individuals has to change. But there is much I do not understand as well.

Yes, I know that feeling of getting "caught" doing something that you (an adult, I might add) know you have no reason to be ashamed of doing. I lived at home until I was 24 and my parents were constantly trying to play to role of the morality police when it came to the internet. They didn't and couldn't understand why I was doing it or that they really didn't have anything to worry about. But nevertheless they did and it resulted in some tension between us. I know what that's like and it sucks. Best to use the internet when you're assured of having some privacy (though not everyone is blessed with that). They also can't understand depression. They can try to listen and comfort you, but in my experience, it always ends in frustration for them. It's universal, and you're not alone if that's the case.

I misplace shit all the time. I lose my wallet or cell phone once every other week. I constantly lock my keys in my car, and by July of this year my parents were getting seriously pissed at me about it, because most of the time they'd have to come and bring me the spare keys. Losing a wallet is a serious matter though, and I feel for you, because that is a lot of stuff you'd have to replace and call people about. At least you're getting it worked out. If it affects your ability to sign up for the GED, don't fret. You're going to complete it soon. Don't worry. It's okay.

I know the stress of not having a job. It really eats at you, and makes you feel helpless. I've been looking for one for a few months now (something other than a paper route, yeah) and haven't had any success. Don't let yourself get sick over it though. Really, you've gotten this far. You'll find something. Have you tried holiday employment? Lots of stores hire workers just for the Christmas season. They're doing it right now though, so you might want to go apply really, really quickly if you think that's something you might want to do. It wouldn't be for long, just a few weeks, but you'd make some money and if you found that you liked it, there's a chance that maybe you could continue working there into the new year (though that depends on the store, and it's never gauranteed).

Surely there are people here who would help shoulder the burden of the Christmastime contest with you. I've recently gotten my muse back and am kind of returning to writing fanfics (it's been a prolific week in an extremely unprolific year) and I might just have to submit something to it, if it's held.

Anyway, try to relax. Do something like... like take a bath while eating twizzlers, or go to the library and get a book you've always wanted to read. Life is hard but you can get through it. If anything else comes up, let us know, okay? Wink

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