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Final part for PataGato for awhile!
Red and blue -Final part in D.I.G.I series.

The end for now.

Gatomon: "Guilmon...."
Guilmon: "Hello, remember me?"
Gatomon: "How could I forget. You were violating my body when I was a kid."
Guilmon: "Yes, of course. That's what I was paid for."
Gatomon: "Look, what the hell are you doing here?? And what makes you think I care anymore?"
Guilmon: "Nothing makes me think that way. However, I was asked to be messenger."
Gatomon: "What?"
Guilmon: "Go to HQ of D.I.G.I immediatly. Otherwise, the digimon you know will surely perish."


Ken walked into room with Renamon in it. She smiled at him.

Renamon: "Oh Ken... It's been horrible being alone..."
Ken: "Have you been taking care of the business?"
Renamon: "...................Yes...I have."
Ken: "Great. Then we will contact this lady for what I want."
Renamon: "Susie..."


Patamon: "Susie is her name?"
Deathromon: "Yeah, that's her human name. Observe as she is able to change herself."
Patamon: "What is that digimon?"
Deathromon: "Lady Devimon."
Patamon: "She has cursed my Gatomon?"
Deathromon: "Yes, it seems so."
Patamon: "I don't know what's her reason for it and I don't care. "
Deathromon: "Well, I hope you will find what you are looking for."
Patamon: "Wait a sec Deathromon? Don't tell me you are going to leave now when I need you?"
Deathromon: "Affraid so. There are some things that must be done."
Patamon: "Can't they wait?"
Deathromon: "I'm sorry."

Deathromon got up and began walking away, leaving Patamon hiding alone behind the small crate.

Patamon: "........I'm alone again..."


Gatomon gasped. She was in the train still. Was that a dream? But somehow...She just felt that she had to do it. Getting off the subway, she walked towards the D.I.G.I headquarters.

Gatomon: "I have a bad feeling about this...."

She kept on walking forward, when suddenly she saw Deathromon walk up to her.

Gatomon: "Deathromon? Where is Patamon?"
Deathromon: "He is over there. Glad that you heard my message."
Gatomon: "Was it you who talked to me?"
Deathromon: "Yes, but I don't like to do that very often. For it, you must see me as the very thing you despise.... I'm sorry if I brought up some bad memmories."
Gatomon: "Nothing really, as I said, it was long time ago."
Deathromon: "Take care of him, okay?"
Gatomon: "Ok..."

Gatomon looked back at Deathromon, who had disapeared. Giving a shrug, she went to join Patamon.

Gatomon: "Hi honey."
Patamon: "Gatomon?? What are you doing here?"
Gatomon: "Deathromon told me to."
Patamon: "So you are his back up? Well..."
Gatomon: "Don't you think this is a rather obvious place?"
Patamon: "Mmm, yeah."
Gatomon: "Hey, there are some closets there, maybe we could hide in one of them."
Patamon: "Yeah, that's true."

Sneaking, they hid into the closet, hoping Susie would not see them.


Suddenly, Renamon walked into room, where Lady Devimon was.

Renamon: "WHAT? Who the hell are you??"
Lady Devimon: "Mistress!"

Lady Devimon gave a bow.

Renamon: "NO, who are you?"
Lady Devimon. "It's me! Susie!"
Renamon: "Su...Susie?"

To prove her words to be correct, Susie returned to her human self.

Renamon: "Why are you in here alone?"
Susie: "Ken told me to stand by till he would come in."
Renamon: "Aren't you cold?"
Susie: "Not really."

Gatomon tries to climb on top of Patamon to hear bettter.

Gatomon: "I can't hear them."
Patamon: "Shhh, quiet."

Suddenly Ken arives holdin few glasses.

Ken: "Ah, we are all here."
Susie: "Ken chan!"

Susie jumped up and tried to huggle him, but Ken resisted.

Ken: "Veemon will also come shortly and bring in the wine. Finally, our final part in our plan will come off. "
Renamon: "Our daugher will be reborn. But...What is Susie doing here to celebrate with us then?"
Susie: "What? You don't....Like me??"

Susie suddenly begins crying and runs away.

Renamon: "I...I did not mean it that way."
Ken: "Save it. She is just a tool for our usage. Don't worry about her."
Renamon: "But Veemon....He is a total nutcase!"
Ken: "I know. But I also know that he has been our loyal servant for ages."
Renamon: "True..."
Ken: "He is also YOUR servant, so you should atleast apreciate the fact that he still obeys you after all these years."
Renamon: "........Okay. Maybe you are right."

Veemon suddenly rushes in carrying the bottle.

Veemon: "Woah, some chick just ran off crying. What the hell happened?"
Ken: "Ah, nothing too bad. She just had one of those... Nervous break downs."

Patamon moved his ear towards the door of closet.

Gatomon: "Who is it?"
Patamon: "I don't know, sounds like Veemon."
Gatomon: "VEEMON!"

Gatomon put her paw over her mouth but too late. Veemon had picked that sound with his ears.

Veemon: "There is someone here with us."
Renamon: "What? Who? I heard nothing."
Veemon: "I can tell."
Renamon: "What, don't tell me you are a psychic?"
Veemon: "No, it's just kinda the feeling I have. And it's usually right."
Ken: "Where did you hear the sound?"
Veemon: "From that closet."
Gatomon: "Aah!"
Patamon: "It seems we have to come out and shoot them with all our might, but I'm not sure if that's enough."

Renamon walked up at them and reached her hand to open the closet.

Ken: "HOLD IT! Open it sideways and jump to side. I will fire a volley immediatly after that and Veemon takes care if they survive."
Gatomon: "There goes that plan."
Patamon: "Umm, umm..."

Suddenly his eyes note a small sewer pipe taking water away from there.

Patamon: "Over here! We can get through here!"
Gatomon: "B-but... Do you know what's in there??!"
Patamon: "Don't think about it! If we want to survive, we need to go there!"

Gatomon closes her eyes and opens the sewer pipe completely. She takes hold of her nose and jumps into it.

Patamon: "Please oh God please, let me fit..."

Patamon jumps and managed to get through, just as Renamon opens the door.

Renamon: "There is no one."
Ken: "Look closer, they have escaped through that sewage pipe."
Veemon: "Eww, damn that's nasty."
Ken: "Veemon, follow them. We will get down stairs."
Veemon: "What?? Why do I have to go through all th-"
Ken: "Because I say so."
Veemon: "F-fine..."


Patamon: "Whew."
Gatomon: "Okay, now what?"
Patamon: "I don't know, I'm trying to figure out. Okay... We have the strongest human being in the world... And the highest ranking D.I.G.I officer...And their personal henchman all trying to kill us..."
Gatomon: "What can we do?"
Patamon: "It's useless to run. We did come here for something else anyway."
Gatomon: "Right."
Patamon: "But we have to take them one at the time, otherwise we won't stand a chance."

Suddenly Veemon lands right next to them.

Gatomon: "What, you still have not given up?"
Veemon: "Never. So, tell me. Wich one of you wants to die first?"


Renamon: "Shit, this is wearing me up. Running down all these stairs...Ugh..."
Ken: "Don't tell me you have not been exercising lately?"
Renamon: "I have, but seriously, I have never ever ran down these staircases. I don't even know how many floors we still have to run down."
Ken: "Don't worry. Even if Veemon wouldn't be able to stop them, he is able to hold them atleast untill we arive."

The two finally reach the bottom and see the three just stare each other.

Patamon: "Veemon, move away. There are two of us and you are alone."
Veemon: "You would really team up against me? Would you be so cowardly?"
Gatomon: ".........."
Patamon: "............."
Veemon: "Hah, you guys are so weak minded. Always getting change of heart when things go rough."

Veemon suddenly rises his claw.

Renamon: "Stop Veemon!"
Veemon: "B-but..."
Renamon: "I'll take care of this."
Veemon: "But, I..."
Renamon: "Didn't you hear? I said I'll take care of this."
Veemon: "Okay."

Renamon walks up at Gatomon and Patamon.

Renamon: "So wich one shall it be? Will it be you, kitty cat?"
Patamon: "Don't call her like that!"
Renamon: "Then what shall I call her? Pussy?"

Gatomon gave a small growl and leaped towards Renamon. Renamon however, was able to block the blow and delivered her own with her right palm. Gatomon did not give up as she suddenly slashed towards face of Renamon and then slashed at her stomach. The red blood was shining from his claws as Renamon held her wounds. Giving a small kick, Gatomon sent her flying against small tree nearby.

Renamon: "No...I'm the...Highest ranking...How?? To digimon with not even one star....Aaaaaaargh..."

Gatomon was about to power up her strongest blow, when suddenly she felt someone lifting her by her throat.

Ken: "Pathetic."

She tried to bite, but Ken held her tightly. Suddenly, there came a bright flash and Ken held someone hold his shoulder.

Seraphimon: "Ken. Leave her alone or this time I won't spare you."
Ken: "Oooh, look. If it isn't the angel himself."
Veemon: "I was waiting for this moment. See, while in jail, I learned something myself too......."

Veemon put his arms over his head and began moving them down towards his sides. Suddenly, a dark aura began surrounding him and small bits of purple shadows began surround him. Giving a humongous roar, he digivolved.

ExVeemon: "Like what you see?"
Seraphimon: "Oh sh......Wait a sec. You are just bluffing."
ExVeemon: "Huh?"
Seraphimon: "Yeah. It's obvious you are weaker, can't you tell yourself? This fight would be pointless."
ExVeemon: "SHUT UP!"

ExVeemon dived towards Seraphimon who winded up a punch at ExVeemons ear, making the digimon fell to it's back. But just then...

Lady Devimon: "EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!"

Suddenly someone jumped on back of Seraphimon, making him face first to ground.

Gatomon: "Patamon!"
Ken: "Everyone, meet Susie, my trophy card."
Lady Devimon: "Let's play a game!"

Seraphimon jumped up to his feet.

Seraphimon: "Some other time, perhabs."

Suddenly Lady Devimon blasted a purple energy at Seraphimon wich made him fall to ground and devolve back to Patamon.

Gatomon: "Patamon! Oh God, Oh God...."
Lady Devimon: "Wheee!"
Gatomon: "Stay...Stay away from him... Stay away from my Patamoooooooooooooooooooooooon!!!!!!!"

Suddenly something lit in heart of Gatomon. There was a bright flash coming from chest of Gatomon and suddenly, she was ripped apart. But, from the remains formed Angewomon, a beautiful angelic digimon.

Patamon: "G...Gatomon?"
Angewomon: "Leave him alone."
Lady Devimon: "Ooooo! A angel!"

Suddenly Susie returned to her normal self and huggled Angewomon purring.

Susie: "I luuuw you."
Angewomon: "Uhhhhh..."
Ken: "Keep her busy as I'll power up my attack."
Patamon: "But...Your wife is dying...Does destroying us mean more than her?"
Ken: "She is not weak. She will survive that and much more. Renamon? Can you walk?"
Renamon: "I...I guess..."
Ken: "Go into hospital section and request immediate care. I can do this without you or Veemon."

Suddenly Ken floated up to sky. Angewomon quickly followed with Susie following again as Lady Devimon.

Lady Devimon: "Let's play a house! Or let's have a tea party!"
Angewomon: "I'm busy!"

Suddenly Lady Devimon gave a roar and bit at Angewomon.

Angewomon: "Aiee! Hey, I'm getting really annoyed."
Lady Devimon: "Play!"

Suddenly, Seraphimon lunged up at sky once again and took hold of Lady Devimon trying to remove her, he however did not manage to do so.

Lady Devimon: "Ooo! Two angels!"

She huggled them both.

Lady Devimon: "I love you."

Ken gave a grin and put his hands together. Suddenly a hellish black and red aura began forming around as he began building his most powerful attack...


Stones crumbled and sky began turning black. Trees began rippped off ground as this humongous piece of energy was being gathered. Ken gave a grin and moved his hand a little gathering more energy, making the earth crackle.

Seraphimon: "That looks bad."
Angewomon: "I can't move!"
Lady Devimon: "I love you both!"
Seraphimon: "Damnit! She is holding me!"
Angewomon: "Good God! Patamon! Look at the sun! Look at the sun!!"

The sun looked like blood would have been splattered all over it. It began turning all red and mushy like a open wound. Suddenly, Ken began building all the energy into a humongous ball.

Ken: "Try and beat this!"

Saying this, he shot the ball of death towards the heroes and Lady Devimon.

Seraphimon: "Susie! Get away, you'll get hurt!"
Lady Devimon: "I won't with two angels protecting me."
Angewomon: "That looks so strong..."
Lady Devimon: "It's the strongest attack in the entire woooooooorld... "
Angewomon: "Damnit! Let me go!!"

Angewomon tried to struggle by Lady Devimon had them both under her grasb, huggling them furiously and rubbing her face at their cheeks.

Seraphimon: "Only one chance. Ready Gatomon?"
Angewomon: "Yes."
Seraphimon: "I... I love you. Remember that if we won't make it."
Angewomon: "I love you too."

Suddenly, both angels forced themselfs into right direction, making Lady Devimon turn around and get infront of them and the ball.

Lady Devimon: "Oh....Poop."

The explosion sent red waves all over the continet and made a humongous shockwave.


Suddenly, each window in house of Lopmon exploded making glass shatter everywhere.

Lopmon: "W-what the hell was that??"
Miwako: "I don't know! But look at the sky!!!!!"
Lopmon: "Oh my God! Is it the destruction of the World??"

The windows of the D.I.G.I hq exploded, making glass shatter into the humongous building.

Agumon: "Oh my God! Let me out!!"
Guilmon: "We are going to die..."


When the mist had finally landed Ken was there holding his palms reached still panting heavily. No sign of neither of angels or Susie. Giving a small grin, he knew he had done it.

Ken: "Now...Nothing can stop me anymore."

He floated down at the ground and leaned against the burning ashes of the former house.

Ken: "I did it."

Gatomon: "Patamon..."
Patamon: "Yeah?"
Gatomon: "Are we dead?"
Patamon: "I'm not sure...I can't feel any pain."

The two looked around. They were back at their home.

Patamon: "What?? How?"
Deathromon: "I can explain that."

The two jumped up.

Patamon: "Deathromon? Did you save us??"
Deathromon: "Yes, I certainly did. That is exactly why I left earlier so I could prepare if the worst would happen.

Deathromon pointed at uncouncious Susie.

Deathromon: "She will be fine too. "
Patamon: "Why did you save her?"
Deathromon: "She is not a bad person. She was just manipulated by Ken. And... When she gets around, can you please tell me? I'd want to talk to her about one thing."
Gatomon: "But what about untill then?"
Deathromon: "You take care of her, of course."
Both Patamon and Gatomon: "WHAT??"
Deathromon: "Also, you can't go outside. Ken and others think you are dead. You should let them think so for now."
Patamon: "Not even two of us were able to stop them..."
Deathromon: "Don't be so sure. You only failed since Susie was there today. "
Gatomon: "Yes..."

Deathromon was just about to leave when...

Patamon: "Thanks Deathromon. For everything you did today."

Deathromon gave a small shrug.

Deathromon: "Just tell me once she feels better, okay?"

Saying this, he left the house.

The End(For now.....)
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Lord Patamon Wrote:King of sadism alright, that's a perfect title for you

Messages In This Thread
Final part for PataGato for awhile! - by MISTER BIG T - 10-28-2003, 07:32 PM
[No subject] - by Lord Patamon - 10-29-2003, 05:17 AM
[No subject] - by Hikari Yagami Kamiya - 10-31-2003, 03:46 AM