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A new part of Patagato! RENAMON GONE WILD!!!!!!!
Horrifying fate -Digimon lemon by MISTER BIG T

Oh my what a title! I'm all scared now!

Deathromon: "So here we are."
Patamon: "Yeah, okay. So where is the new member?"
Deathromon: "She is that woman."
Patamon: "Who wom........ NO! Impossible!!!!!"


Brother of Renamon: "So, you are saying this woman has ability to manipulate time?"
Renamon: "Yes... "
Brother of Renamon: "................You want her to prevent the death of your daughter?"
Renamon: "Yes, if that would never had happened, Ken would have not ever been going into jail, since he would not want to start the whole D.I.G.I"
Brother of Renamon: "But what if something goes wrong? Who knows what may happen?"
Renamon: "So.... You won't be wanting to help me?"
Brother of Renamon: "I'm sorry, but it's too risky."

Renamon gave a sigh.

Brother of Renamon: "I must go now. I must meet up with my girlfriend soon."

But as he had nearly exited, a fireball struct against his back.

Brother of Renamon: "S-sister??"
Renamon: "It's because of you, you little shit that my little Ann is not alive and you don't even want her to be that way!"
Brother of Renamon: "I'm...Your brother...."

But it was too late. Renamon shot another fireball, wich made through the chest of her brother.


Gatomon was in train and she gave a loud yawn. She looked outside of window. Suddenly she noticed it. Odd looking scenery, nothing even close to resembling her home area.

Gatomon: "W-what is going on??"


Ken: "Ah, Renamon honey. She is playing her part well."
Veemon: "You are manipulating even your wife to your own will?"
Ken: "You mean you just noticed? Every single thing has gone acoarding to my plan, including the fact that we were captured. Expect one thing I did not expect to happen. But soon, the circle will be complete and then none of this matters."

A guard opened the celldoor.

Guard: "Ken, Renamon wants to talk to you."
Ken: "As you see, EVERYTHING is going acoarding the plan."
Veemon: "But boss, what about me?"
Ken: "You will be released soon too. "


Gatomon focused in listening to her surroundings. Suddenly, she heard a crumble under her feet and saw something coming through the floor.

Gatomon: "Y-you!"


Patamon: "That.... That woman knows how to digivolve??"
Deathromon: "Unfortunately, yes. And that's disturbance in the balance. No one should be able to digivolve."
Patamon: "But how does SHE know how to digivolve? And how come is that affecting Gatomon from getting pregnant?"
Deathromon: "She has done somekind of curse over Gatomon and you."
Patamon: "But I see her for the first time in my entire life! What have I done to her??"
Deathromon: "Nothing, but you did something to Ken."
Patamon: "So Ken is behind all this afterall..."
Deathromon: "Kens plan was perfect, expect he did not count the fact that you could digivolve. That was a factor he did not suspect. He was also affraid that since you knew how to digivolve, your kids would inherit the trait."
Patamon: "Son of a...."
Deathromon: "But not even I do know what Ken truly desires."
Patamon: "I think he made it pretty clear. He wants to be a God."
Deathromon: ".........That fool...."

To be continued.


Will Renamons plan succeed?
Will someone else be able to digivolve other than Patamon and this mysterious lady?
Has Renamon done something to TK's family?
Will we see more of Miwako and Lopmon in next issue?
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Lord Patamon Wrote:King of sadism alright, that's a perfect title for you

Messages In This Thread
A new part of Patagato! RENAMON GONE WILD!!!!!!! - by MISTER BIG T - 10-21-2003, 09:02 PM
[No subject] - by Lord Patamon - 10-22-2003, 07:35 AM
[No subject] - by Hikari Yagami Kamiya - 10-22-2003, 08:02 AM
[No subject] - by MISTER BIG T - 10-23-2003, 06:48 PM