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Final part in PATAGATO series??????
Love to death -Digimon lemon by MISTER BIG T Final part in D.I.G.I7 series
And then, it all came to end. And people sheered and I had to sign autographs till dusk.

Ken snapped his finger. Immediatly infront of him was lined Patamon, Gatamon, Veemon and Renamon.

Ken: "All four of these, tied together by fate. What is what made you become what you are today?"



Patamon walked down the road, alongside with the road. It was getting dark, when suddenly he heard a small cry nearby. Looking at directions of voice, he saw a small window with bars on it's front.

Gatomon: "Help me, please."
Patamon: "What? What are you doing there?"
Gatomon: "Daddy locked me in here… I know he is gonna come to beat me soon. Please, help me."
Patamon: "Umm, ok."

Saying this, he moved his hands over the bars and ripped them off.

Patamon: "There."
Gatomon: "Thank you, umm… I don't know your name."
Patamon: "It's Patamon."
Gatomon: "I'm Gatomon, pleased to meet you."


Ken: "And so… The two met. Wonder of wonders. Is it coincidence, that both had lost their real parents as child?"


Doctor: "The trauma of finding her mother out like that must have been the most important factor in her not wanting to talk."
Man: "What a irony. During her life, her mother wanted nothing but best for her child. But what she did to herself is what may have caused the deepest and hardest trauma any digimon can ever get."
Doctor: "Does she have any relatives?"
Man: "Father was lost in the Great Digiwar."
Doctor: "Back when people and Digimon were in war… That was horrified age."
Man: "Let's get back to the matter. This case is much similiar than the other case, wich took place. You know, the case where the kid was abandoned."
Doctor: "What are you suggesting?"
Man: "We could kill two birds with one stone by doing this newkind of therapy."
Doctor: "And who would be the psychiatrist?"
Man: "The best one of them. Ken himself."


Ken: "Aah, yes. Those were times when I was still too young to realize whatkind of world we were living in. And the they were brought before me. Patamon and Gatomon… With no one else to turn towards to. Such… Is life. And such is also life of my beautiful Renamon…"


Renamon goughed alittle and fell back to her bed.

Renamon: "Why was I born with this weak fragile body? I wish I could go outside, play and live, other than stay here everyday…"

She goughed a little and tried to cover it by her hand, some blood landing on her fur.

Renamon: "And what's worse, my days are numbered. It's only a matter of time, till I won't wake up anymore… Mother… Father… I know they are doing all they can, but… Nothing will save me. Nothing will cure me. I will die… Without ever even experiencing love or life…"

Renamon closed her eyes and began drifting away into her own dream world.



TK and Kari finally stopped running.

TK: "What the hell was that thing??"
Kari: "I don't know, but it said it wanted to eat my leg!"
TK: "I think we finally lost it."
Kari: "TK, can we go back home? Please?"
TK: "But I need to go and sign up for working. Otherwise they think I have changed my mind."
Kari: "Oh, very well then. But I have bad feeling about this."
TK: "Hey, I think I'm beginning to feel better now."
Kari: "Good. You don't want to look bad on first day, do you?"
TK: "Of course not, but it was just that I have not seen that guy in ages and he wanted us to go and have a few drinks."
Kari: "Yeah, well. Drinking is ok, unless you overdo it."
TK: "Sorry."

Suddenly, the two saw Miwako and Lopmon walking down the street towards D.I.G.I hq too.

TK: "Look, those must be new ones aswell."
Kari: "How come?"
TK: "Well, it's pretty obvious, the way they are walking towards the place."

Miwako: "Mistress, I don't think this is a good idea."
Lopmon: "I know what you mean, but I'm getting tired of all this shit. I'm gonna go and say what I think of Ken and his actions straight at his face."

Saying this, the two entered into the HQ shortly followed by TK and Kari.


Ken looked up at the hole as he heard the doors open.

Ken: "Hm? Who are the mortals coming to interupt my research?"

Saying this, he materialized back on normal level, facing Lopmon and Miwako.

Lopmon: "Ken, I have had enough about all this crap. Because of you Terriermon died."
Ken: "So… You oppose me."

Ken gave a small chuggle and looked at his hand. Suddenly, the hand began glowing bright green and small ball of energy rised from his palm.

Miwako: "Lopmon, watch out!"

Everything seemed to move in slow motion, but in the end, the result was the same. Miwako, jumped in front of the ball and Lopmon, making it her with all it's might, sending the poor bird digimon flying againt wall.

Lopmon: "Miwako!!!"
Miwako: "Mistress…"

Just then, Kari and TK walks in.

TK: "What…"
Kari: "Ken?"
Ken: "Ah, yes. You must be my newest officer, TK. How are you, boy?"
TK: "I have been better. So, what is happening?"
Ken: "These miserable ants are oposing me. I am showing them who is the boss."
Kari: "What?"

Ken laughed and combed some of his hair with his fingers.

Ken: "Ok. Your first task TK, is to kill these intruders."
TK: "What? I have never killed anyone!"
Ken: "Well, it's good time to learn now boy."

TK looked at the two digimons, Lopmon shaking from anger and holding the injured Miwako gently in her hands.

Miwako: "It feels so cold…"
Lopmon: "Don't worry, you won't die. I won't let you."

Lopmon had few tears in her eyes and brushed them away, looking at Ken with expression mixing both disgust and anger.

Ken: "Well, what are you waiting for?"
Voice: "That you leave them alone."

Everyone, including Ken looked at direction of voice. It was Deathromon!

Ken: "What? You are still alive?"
Deathromon: "You stole something from me. I want it back."
Kari: "Aaaaaaah! It's the monster that wanted to eat me!"
Deathromon: "Actually, I just needed some blood to regenerate back to atleast 50%. I need back my Elixir of Life, if I don't want to do this all the time."
Ken: "Nice speech. Die now!"

Saying this, Ken threw a small red beam towards Deathromon, who just raised his hand, making the beam stop before even touching him.

Deathromon: "You are a strong warior, but you do lack the knowledge of using your powers."
Ken: "All talk. You are no match for a true God!"
Deatromon: "You are stronger than a human, yes. You are stronger than most digimons, yes. But you are NOT a God."
Ken: "Lies, you just try to get me back away. Well, I will never forgive the world. It took my daughter…. My only daughter…."
Deathromon: "I know what happened to your daughter. I read all about it. And I'm sorry, I really am. But that does not justify anything you have done today."
Ken: "Enough! Come and face me or do you want to talk me to death?"


Patamon: "Gatomon… Are you… Allright? Honey?"
Gatomon: "It hurts…"
Patamon: "That… Bastard…. KEN….."

Suddenly, earth grumbled. Was it work of Ken? No, Ken was suprised too. Suddenly, through 30 layers of fortified armor, Patamon did jump. He was glowing in bright yellow aura, wich surrounded half of his body.

Patamon: "You…..Have….Gone…Too….Faar…."

Patamon gave a humongous shout, with light emiting from his body and tears falling from his eyes. When the mist had cleared, there was no Patamon in sight. Infact, Patamon had evolved into Seraphimon.

Ken: "Impossible… What??"
Seraphimon: "Ken… THIS IS IT!!!!!!!"


Ken: "Impossible… No one can digivolve…."
Seraphimon: "Well, apearatenly, I can."
Ken: "Doesn't matter. I'm still stronger than what you can ever even dream to be."

Suddenly, both Deathromon and Seraphimon dived and pummeled Ken with all their might. Ken shook a little and gough up some blood.

Ken: "Ah…. How dare you??"

Saying this, Ken raised both of his arms up and thunder began striking against his body.

Ken: "How dare you spill the blood of a immortal!"
Seraphimon: "Oh boy…"

Seraphimon was able to cover himself, just when Ken unleashed a massive amount of energy, wich made every window in the building break. Suddenly, the floor crumbbled and smashed to bits, everyone falling down to where rest of the women and digimon were.

TK: "Oh my God! We are gonna die!!"

But, the mattress was still there and so everyone landed on it, unharmed. Ken resumed normal standing position and looked around. Suddenly, Seraphimon dived in and lunged his spear straight through the chest of Ken.

Ken: "I……H-how can this be…"

Seraphimon pushed more further, some bones cracking and Ken goughing some blood over his own face.

Ken: "How dare you do this? I am the one who made you what you are today. "
Patamon: "You were like a father to me. You helpt me and Gatomon, when we had the worst times. However… Nothing, and I mean nothing will make me forgive what you have done to everyone here today. Because of you, hundreds of kids now don't have a mother."

Saying this, Seraphimon lunged the spear all they way through his back, making Ken drop his hands over Seraphimons shoulders.

Deathromon: "That's enough Patamon."
Seraphimon: "Ken, you… You hurt the woman I love… You hurt my best friend… You hurt everyone, including me. I should kill you…."

A moment of silence.

Seraphimon: "But no. I'm not like you."

Saying this, he pulled the spear out and backed a little. Deathromon jumped over body of Ken and lunged his claw inside Kens body, with his own body glowing with purple and bright red.

Deathromon: "That's it. I am back to normal."

Ken goughed a little. He was becoming smaller before their eyes.
Seraphimon: "I guess… We have done it. Ken is dying."
Renamon: "No!"

Suddenly, Renamon jumped and took hold of the dying man.

Seraphimon: "Renamon, get away from him!"
Renamon: "You can't kill him! I owe everything to him…"
Seraphimon: "What do you mean?"
Renamon: "He… He saved my life…He saved me and showed me love…"
TK: "Whoa, whoa, whoa… You… Love Ken??"
Renamon: "Please… Don't kill him. He lost his powers, he is no threat to you anymore…"
Kari: "What about his daughter?"
Renamon: "My… Daughter."


Seraphimon reverted back to Patamon. He could not believe his ears. Ken and Renamon had a child?? Nothing would make him suprised anymore in his entire life.

Ken groaned and raised up to his feet, holding his bloody wound.

Ken: "Well? Are you gonna kill me or what?"
Patamon: "………. You have to live."
Ken: "What?"
Patamon: "That's it. Death is not a punishment. It's a merciful release. "
TK: "Ahem… I have had a awful bad day here, could someone please tell me what is going on??"

Suddenly Gatomon walked back to crowd.

Gatomon: "Everything is control now. Ken will be arrested for his actions."
Veemon: "………"
Patamon: "Veemon, you were his crime partner. You'll be going to jail too."
Veemon: "Please spare me! It was Ken and him manipulating me all along!"
Patamon: "Do you think I'm a fool? You are just trying to save your sorry ass."
Veemon: "Ok, ok. I guess it's useless anymore."
Gatomon: "What will now become of D.I.G.I?"
Patamon: "That is something only future can tell…"

The end.


Should I continue this series?

Only answer to these questions if you answer yes.

Should Ken be arrested?
Should Pata and Gato have a baby? (Awww...)
Will D.I.G.I be quit now that Ken is gone?

Only answer to this if you answered no to previous one.

Will Lopmon become new leader in there?
[Image: Seethsig.jpg]

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Lord Patamon Wrote:King of sadism alright, that's a perfect title for you

Messages In This Thread
Final part in PATAGATO series?????? - by MISTER BIG T - 09-28-2003, 11:52 PM
[No subject] - by Hikari Yagami Kamiya - 09-28-2003, 11:56 PM
[No subject] - by Chibi Biyomon - 09-29-2003, 12:07 AM
[No subject] - by MISTER BIG T - 09-29-2003, 12:33 AM
[No subject] - by Lord Patamon - 09-29-2003, 06:11 AM
[No subject] - by urban dream - 09-29-2003, 06:40 AM
[No subject] - by MISTER BIG T - 10-07-2003, 06:01 PM