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New translated lemon (Yaoi, Yuri)
Hello people, urban dream here, and I've got something for you -- a new (well, sort of, anyway) lemon!! The german original, which was written by Xzipet, was already posted here once. This is the english version, written by -- yep, you guessed it -- myself. This isn't just a translation but a whole new version, meaning, instead of simply taking the german diction and transferring into english, I rewrote it in my own words. This is because an exact translation would've sounded pretty stupid in many places, which, just to make things clear, has nothing to do with Xzipet's work but only with the nature of the german and the english language. The story is, however, identical with that of the original, so all credit for it must go to Xzipet and not to me. I merely made some slight improvements. I wrote this with permission of the author, BTW, just so you know.

This story is the third part of a series called "What's sex?". If you've missed the earlier two parts, which I have also translated, I recommend you read them first. They can be found here:
There are several translations on that page, as well as a lot of posts in german, which may make things a little confusing for many of you. But you'll find what you're looking for, don't worry ^^ Just scroll to the third or so post on the site, that should be it.
I don't know if any future parts have been written yet, BTW, but if they have, I'll see if I can write english versions of them as well.

So, anyway, enough talk. Just a couple more things: The following story contains yaoi (gay sex) and yuri (lesbian sex) between humans and digimons (crossbreeding). If you don't like that, what the hell are you doing on this board?! Furthermore, the law says you have to be an adult to read on.
Okay? Okay! Here's the story, and feel free to post a review after you've read it! ^^


Featuring the following couplings:
rika+renamon (yuri, crossbreading)
takato+guilmon (yaoi, crossbreeding)

At 7:30 AM the alarm clock went off. Takato woke up almost immediately and quickly switched it off. He then yawned, sat up and stared out of the window at the other end of the room for a couple of minutes to wake up completely. Finally, he got up and walked into the bathroom. Guilmon, who had been woken up by the alarm as well didn't force himself to leave bed yet, but when he saw that the girls were still asleep he decided to wake them up. He started with Rika. Saying her name and gently nudging her didn't have an effect, so he decided to take drastic measures and simply licked over Rika's face. That worked. She yelped in surprise and quickly opened her eyes, already wide awake. Only Renamon was still asleep now.
Rika looked at her digi-partner for a moment, then she grinned evilly. "I've got an idea," she said. "Hey, Takato! Are there any buckets in the bathroom?"
"Uhm, yeah," called back Takato. "One."
"Good. Fill it with water and bring it here. *Cold* water."
"'kay." The sound of running water could be heard, then Takato came out of the bathroom, carrying a small bucket. Still grinning, Rika took it and emptied its contents over Renamon's head without warning. The Digimon jumped up immediately, screaming, eyes wide open with shock. She then stared at the people around her in complete mystification, trying to find out what the hell was happening, water still dripping from her face. At this, they burst out laughing. Renamon, realising it was a joke, relaxed again.
When they had all calmed down again, Guilmon asked: "So what're we going to do today?"
"I think we ought to go home," suggested Takato. "Not much we can do here right now. Besides, we don't want to get our folks worried, do we now?"
The others agreed, so they paid the bill and left. Their ways then parted, since Rika and Renamon suddenly decided they still wanted to go shopping and headed for the large shopping center on the other side of town. Takato and Guilmon, on the other hand, took the bus homewards, knowing they would meet the girls again at school the next day.

They arrived at the bus stop in front of Takato's family's house after a ride which lasted about an hour. "Sure is great having a bus stop just outside your front door, eh?" smirked Takato as they went inside.
There didn't seem to be anybody home. The boy and his digimon went into the kitchen, where they found a note from Takato's parents on the table.
"Dear Takato and Guilmon! We're visiting grandmother for the next three days, please don't worry about us being gone. There's tons of stuff to eat in the fridge and some money on the table. Please don't get up to anything you're not supposed to, we'd like to find the house still in one piece when we return! Have fun. Mom"
"Hmm..." Takato put the note down again and grabbed the money. "Okay! Guilmon, you hungry?"
"I'll make us something to eat, then." Takato walked over to the fridge and peered inside. His parent's hadn't lied -- it was packed with stuff. After looking at everything for a couple of seconds, he grabbed two baguets and put them into the oven. Guilmon sat on a kitchen chair and waited impatiently. He still hadn't moved from the spot twenty minutes later, by when the baguets were finished. Takato took them out of the oven, cut them up and put some salad and some had on his own. His digimon, on the other hand, chose to put only meat into his. Bon appetit!

And now, back to Renamon and Rika:
"D'you think this suits me, Renamon?"
"Oh, it's just soooooooo pretty. But actually I prefer the one with the blue roses."
The two girls' shopping trip had lasted two hours so far, and it was far from over, although they couldn't resist the temptation to take a break when they suddenly found themselves walking past a cosy little street caf

Messages In This Thread
New translated lemon (Yaoi, Yuri) - by urban dream - 09-14-2003, 10:47 AM
[No subject] - by Red Mage Dragon Tiamat - 09-21-2003, 06:28 AM
[No subject] - by urban dream - 09-21-2003, 06:37 AM
[No subject] - by Red Mage Dragon Tiamat - 09-21-2003, 12:48 PM
[No subject] - by urban dream - 09-21-2003, 01:23 PM
[No subject] - by Ebolavirus - 12-28-2003, 12:45 PM