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The newest part in my original lemon series.
Return of past horrors - part 1 in Rebirth saga in Digimon series by MISTER BIG T
After longtime, I come up at you with one lemon from my original lemon series.

It's been ages since last time world was threatened by forces of evil. MISTER BIG T had retired to be with Akiama. Nuke was trying to raise Ben and be with Renamon. However… There is someone who has been observing all of this all the time from beyond the abyss and he is not happy about it.

Tank Cop: "That bastard has stolen my wife! And my best friend killed my own daughter!"
Jeanine: "It's ok, daddy. You know he had no choice."

Jeanine had returned to her little kid version, maybe showing that she was good again?

Tank Cop: "Well, I'm not so angry at my buddy, but Nuke… And Renamon, how could she!"
Jeanine: "Our time shall rise again daddy. We are coming back."
Tank Cop: "But we are both dead."
Jeanine: "Not for long."


MISTER BIG T gave a yawn and jumped off the bed. Akiama was still sleeping next to him. She looked cute as she was sleeping and it was making him smile. Suddenly, the whole house was shook by a sudden explosion. Quickly throwing clothes over himself, MISTER BIG T ran outside, only to find a guy wearing black suit float above his house.

MISTER BIG T: "Who the hell are you?"
Man: "I'm one you can refer as Tranceduo. I have come here to challenge you to a duel… I have trained long and hard to get my name known as the ultimate warrior!"
MISTER BIG T: "I'm no longer fighter, go away."
Tranceduo: "Fine, if you don't fight me willingly, I shall make it so you want to fight me."

Saying this, he shot a small beam towards the house. MISTER BIG T turned around and saw his whole house explode, alongside with his sleeping lover.

Tranceduo: "I can kill everyone around ten kilometres just to get to fight you, if I must. It makes no diffrence to me."
MISTER BIG T: "You want to fight me? Fine! Let's fight then you bastard!"

Saying this, MISTER BIG T jumped into air and threw Trance high in air, then apeared over his head hitting him and sending him fly towards earth at great speed. While he was still falling, MISTER BIG T apeared under him and punched him into guts with rage fueled by loss of his dear one. Despite all this damage, Tranceduo turned a little and kicked MISTER BIG T into head, making him fly straight through the firy debris of his former home.

Tranceduo: "Don't hold back! I know you are stronger than that. You won't win me if you won't be using your TZEN BASATRA attack."
MISTER BIG T: "Fine! I'll make you pay for what you did!"

Saying this, MISTER BIG T crossed his hands and began to summon TZEN BASATRA.

Tranceduo: "Hah, you are not even using master level of it. How pitiful."

MISTER BIG T rushed at Trance, shooting punches faster than light, hitting Trance against face, body and finally kicking him into air and shooting three purple beams at his body. Body of Trance dropped right next to him. Without giving Trance even second of pause, MISTER BIG T jumped on his back with his knees first, making a crushing sound come out. After this, he jumped back.

MISTER BIG T: "Why the hell did you fight me anyway??"
Tranceduo: "Hahahaha…. I'm not your worst threat. I think I was able to hold you off, just long enough for the spell to take effect."
MISTER BIG T: "What spell?"

Just then, MISTER BIG T was hit by HUMONGOUS hand. It was two times bigger than his head. This made him go all dizzy for awhile, but when he regained his mind, he saw a man who could not be there. It was Jaberdon.

MISTER BIG T: "Impossible! Jaberdon, Tank Cop killed you years ago!"
Jaberdon: "Ever heard of spell of revival?"
MISTER BIG T: "Wait… I do remember. It was the spell that saved Jeanines life once, when you killed her!"
Jaberdon: "Exactly. One can be brought to life two times with the spell. Then, it's too hard to catch the soul from abyss. Then, it will be up to DIGI God to choose whatever or not are you worthy of coming back to life."
MISTER BIG T: "Well, it's ok even if you came back, I can still kill you."

Saying this, MISTER BIG T rushed to punch and kick at Jaberdon, who seemingly was able to block many of the blows. He was even stronger than before.

MISTER BIG T: "H-how??"

Just then, a fireball struct against his side. Looking right, he saw yet another old nemesis, Lord Faint.

MISTER BIG T: "All three of you against old me? It's something I'd not call a fair fight."

Just then, Jaberdon slammed his hands at MISTER BIG T's ears, making him fall to ground and spit blood.

MISTER BIG T: "Even under Tzen Basatra… I can't beat all of them. I must go get the others."

Saying this, he shot a small ray at face of Jaberdon. It wasn't meant to hurt, just buy sometime. And it was enough for MISTER BIG T to blast off to the city.

Tranceduo: "Lord Faint… Help me…"
Lord Faint: "Shakin!"

Casting the minor heal spell, made Trance get enough strength so he could get up to his feet.

Tranceduo: "This wasn't what we planned."
Lord Faint: "It's ok. Even if they team up against us, they won't be able to win all three of us."
Jaberdon: "Yeah… Nobody is stronger than us!"



Ben was masturbating, thinking about the girl in his class.

Ben: "Oh Ann… I wish you could notice me…"

He began panting and rubbing his dick harder, thinking how he was sliding his arms between her tits, carefully caressing them.

Ben: "Oh… I need to get laid…"

He groaned as he reached his orgasm, making his sperm splatter across his legs and on floor. Just then, he heard a knock from door. Putting his undies and shorts back on, he went to see who it was. It was MISTER BIG T and he seemed to be little injured.

Ben: "Master T! What happened to you?"
MISTER BIG T: "Ben… Two of our worst enemies have returned. And Akiama is dead."
Ben: "Oh no!"
MISTER BIG T: "This calls in for some desperate actions. Go wake your mom up. Also, where the hell is Nuke?"
Ben: "He went out town to buy some snacks for today. We were gonna watch one anime coming from tv."
MISTER BIG T: "Well, this is more important matter."
Ben: "Right. I'll go wake mom up."


Tank Cop: "Can they revive us?"
Jeanine: "Well, I can sense that Ben atleast should be able to do it. But he needs to train a little more before he is able to."
Tank Cop: "We should train too, considering the threat they are facing."
Jeanine: "Yeah. I just hope they realize to revive us, before it's too late."

Both of them began walking down the road to small hill.

Jeanine: "Shall we spar Dad?"
Tank Cop: "I'd rather not want to fight with you, not even as a spar."
Jeanine: "Oh."

Just then, two lesser demons apeared before them.

Demon1: "Give me your souls!"
Demon 2: "Nyahahah! Yea! What he said!"
Tank Cop: "You want them?"
Jeanine: "They are all yours."
Tank Cop: "Why thank you."

Saying this, Tank Cop threw his cloak aside and stretched his neck a little.

Tank Cop: "Be gentle. This is my first fight in years."
Demon 1: "Let's kill him!!"

Tank Cop smiled as the Demons tried to attack him with hammer and a spear. With a ease, Tank Cop dodged the swing of hammer and jumped on top of spear, making it break. Kicking the end with blade in it, Tank Cop changed it direction towards the demon and punched it once, making it fly through both of the demons.

Jeanine: "Amazing. Your power level has raised humongously."
Tank Cop: "Yeah well, theres not much anything to do here other than train."



NukeMayhem was carrying humongous amounts of candy and snacks, so much that he could hardly see in front of himself. Carefully however, he was able to step forward.

Nuke: "Shit, I wonder how Renamon can eat this much and not get fat?"

With shaking feet, he was able to get to car and drop all stuff inthere, making the car lean to right a little.

Nuke: "Woah, even car gets weight problems faster than she does."

Suddenly, he saw how Terriermon and Lopmon flied over him.

Nuke: "Hey? Where are those two going? YO TERRIERMON!"

Hearing his voice, Terriermon suddenly came to halt and gazed down.

Nuke: "Where are you going?"
Terriermon: "Ben contacted us, he said theres something bad going on and we need to stop it."
Nuke: "Whoa, whoa, whoa… We are retired from all that stuff, remember?"
Terriermon: "Obviously, the fate does not allow us to change."
Nuke: "…….."
Terriermon: "Look, come and I'm sure T will explain everything to us."
Nuke: "Ok… It's kinda sad though, these weren't very cheap."
Lopmon: "Well, you can always eat them after we are done."
Nuke: "Yeah, I guess you are right."


Renamon: "So why did you call all of us together all of a sudden?"
MISTER BIG T: "We have a problem. First of all, I'm sad to say that Akiama is dead."
Nuke: "What? No way!"
Terriermon: "I…I'm sorry to hear that…"
MISTER BIG T: "Anyway… I was attacked by a mysterious man calling himself 'Tranceduo', he destroyed my home and Akiama with it. This would already be bad enough, but…"
Renamon: "What?"
MISTER BIG T: "He has obviously also revived Lord Faint and Jaberdon."
Terriermon: "NO WAY! Lord faint and Jaberdon??"
Renamon: "But if Trance knows the spell of revival, that means…"
MISTER BIG T: "Yes. He could revive any of our old nemesis."
Nuke: "This is deffinetly not good news! What can we do?"
MISTER BIG T: "First of all, if Trance is bringing our old villains back, we must counter by bringing one of our friends back."
Terriermon: "You mean…."
MISTER BIG T: "Yes. Tank Cop and Jeanine."
Nuke: "Woah? But wasn't Jeanine…"
MISTER BIG T: "I know, but she wasn't really herself. It's gamble to bring her back as we do not know whatever is she against or with us."
Ben: "But how can we bring them back?"
MISTER BIG T: "You can Ben. You know the skill to do it."
Ben: "B-but I have never used any ki skills before!"
MISTER BIG T: "Well, it's time for you to do so. Ungggh…."

Suddenly, MISTER BIG T falls to his knees, goughing alittle blood.

Nuke: "Master T! Are you allright?"
MISTER BIG T: "No, I am not. I think… I need to sit by for awhile."
Renamon: "What? Oh no!"
Terriermon: "You can't leave us against those guys!"
MISTER BIG T: "Relax, I just need sometime to regenerate my powers. Then, I'll come back stronger than before."
Renamon: "In meantime, we could revive Tank Cop and Jeanine!"
MISTER BIG T: "If and I mean only if, she is evil, come get me."
Terriermon: "But how can you find us?"
MISTER BIG T: "I'm sure I'll find you by following your powerlevels. Don't worry."

Saying this, MISTER BIG T walked into bedroom and fell to bed, looking at ceiling, sweating much.

Lopmon: "I don't care even if every single of Three Figures would come back, I won't let Tranceduo get away from what he did to our master."
Terriermon: "Yes, she is right. Ben, you go begin the revival progress. Me and the others, let's try to concentrate enough to find them."
Ben: "But… I have never done it before."

To be continued…
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Lord Patamon Wrote:King of sadism alright, that's a perfect title for you

Messages In This Thread
The newest part in my original lemon series. - by MISTER BIG T - 09-06-2003, 08:17 PM
[No subject] - by Lord Patamon - 09-06-2003, 08:21 PM