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UPDATED!! Kharon's August Contest - WITH SCORES!
We ended up with three judges, so scores averaged out higher than I was expecting. I'm listing the scores ordered as Semantics, Story, Lemon, Quality, with a Judge Total at the end of the line, and a Total Score as the fourth line. Anyhow, here they are, ranked from Last to First place:

Judge #1 - Me, Mr. Referee (aka: Kharon Alpua)
Judge #2 - Outlaw Torn
Judge #3 - Togashi

Story Number 1: Love Story by Mr. Big T

#1 - 12 | 00 | 05 | 10 = 27/100
#2 - 07 | 24 | 08 | 05 = 44/100
#3 - 12 | 35 | 10 | 10 = 65/100
Final: 31 | 59 | 23 | 25 = 136/300

This story was generally considered 'pretty bad' by all three judges. As the most critical of this story, I feel I can offer the best summary of how Mr. Big T can improve:
\\ Step 1: Learn to write non-erotic stories.
\\ Step 2: Learn how to write in a paragraph form
The final, averaged score for this story is 45.3%, a resounding mark of failure throughout the halls of academia. Luckily, there's always a place for failures in the art of erotica, so keep at it.

Story #2: Between Friends and Lovers by Fatpat60

#1 - 10 | 30 | 04 | 06 = 50/100
#2 - 11 | 35 | 09 | 08 = 63/100
#3 - 15 | 37 | 11 | 10 = 73/100
Final: 36 | 102 | 24 | 24 = 186/300

This story was voted "Most Qualified Newbie", as we all three agreed that it needs work, but with a new author, that work will, hopefully, happen readily. The final average puts this story at 62.0%, a near-failing grade, leaving a huge gap for improvement, but not bad for a new author.

Story #3: Inhibitions by Chibi Renamon

#1 - 18 | 45 | 13 | 15 = 91/100
#2 - 16 | 40 | 12 | 13 = 81/100
#3 - 18 | 40 | 13 | 12 = 83/100
Final: 52 | 125 | 38 | 40 = 255/300

A high rank from a skilled writer, Third Place goes to Chibi Renamon with the lesbian romance story 'Inhibitions'. This is a rather sweet Jogress-pairing of Kari and Yolei, and though it has its flaws, it earned every point of its 85.0% score.

Story #4: Mon in the Mirror: Legend of the Chronosphere by Notorious

#1 - 18 | 48 | 14 | 13 = 93/100
#2 - 11 | 39 | 12 | 14 = 76/100
#3 - 20 | 45 | 13 | 15 = 93/100
Final: 49 | 132 | 39 | 42 = 262

An epic story with a number of shortcomings, however some of these canbe attributed to the story being incomplete. A lack of backstory of the previous 20 years and the forcing of the Thunderground team (a Sentai-esque squadron of top secret US operatives) are the most dominant among the flaws. This story earned it's average score of 87.3%, and shouldn't be overlooked, if you don't mind the more crucial flaws involved in it.

Story #5: Complicate Me by Thunder Echoes

#1 - 17 | 50 | 15 | 10 = 92/100
#2 - 15 | 46 | 13 | 15 = 88/100
#3 - 16 | 40 | 15 | 13 = 84/100
Final: 48 | 136 | 43 | 38 = 264/300

A top-notch contest entry that perfectly fits the bill for a romance lemon, although there are flaws present in it. This is a well done TaiSora, and I feel that even YamaSora fans could appreciate the story-telling of this piece of work. It earned it's final score of 88.0%, the best final result out of all five of the stories.

We, the judges, are proud to award the first place score to Thunder Echoes, along with the prizes thus earned -- 2 months of top-billing on the Lemons page of the DigiArtists Domain (until the October Contest is finished), plus a request Romance of any pairing, from myself, Kharon Alpha. Keep up the good work everybody, we'll see you again to judge the October contest, and we'll be around until then too.

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by Thunder - 06-10-2003, 08:00 PM
[No subject] - by Nate Hunter - 06-11-2003, 03:29 AM
[No subject] - by Iceflame88 - 06-11-2003, 05:35 AM
[No subject] - by _agz_ - 07-06-2003, 03:21 PM
[No subject] - by Thunder - 07-06-2003, 09:28 PM
[No subject] - by Nate Hunter - 07-12-2003, 03:18 AM
[No subject] - by MISTER BIG T - 07-12-2003, 10:08 PM
[No subject] - by Nate Hunter - 07-13-2003, 01:58 PM
[No subject] - by Notorious - 07-19-2003, 03:15 PM
[No subject] - by Thunder - 07-20-2003, 08:01 AM
[No subject] - by MISTER BIG T - 07-20-2003, 07:59 PM
[No subject] - by Notorious - 07-22-2003, 07:01 AM
[No subject] - by Nate Hunter - 07-23-2003, 02:45 AM
[No subject] - by theveryfatman2003 - 07-24-2003, 07:20 AM
[No subject] - by fatpat60 - 08-16-2003, 12:13 AM
[No subject] - by Notorious - 08-16-2003, 12:40 PM
[No subject] - by Nate Hunter - 08-17-2003, 08:25 PM
[No subject] - by Nate Hunter - 08-22-2003, 12:28 PM
[No subject] - by Thunder - 08-23-2003, 02:16 AM
!!!August Contest Results!!! - by Nate Hunter - 09-02-2003, 06:48 AM
[No subject] - by Thunder - 09-02-2003, 07:37 AM
[No subject] - by Outlaw Torn44 - 09-02-2003, 04:51 PM
[No subject] - by Chibi Renamon - 09-03-2003, 09:34 PM
[No subject] - by Thunder - 09-05-2003, 06:31 AM
[No subject] - by MISTER BIG T - 09-07-2003, 06:38 PM
[No subject] - by Thunder - 09-08-2003, 03:12 AM
[No subject] - by MISTER BIG T - 09-09-2003, 06:14 AM
[No subject] - by Thunder - 09-09-2003, 09:55 AM
[No subject] - by Tazer - 09-09-2003, 03:21 PM
[No subject] - by fatpat60 - 09-14-2003, 12:36 PM