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digimon survivor ^^ *updated*
Disclaimer: I do not own digimon or survivor, I do not make money off of this so plz don?t sew me.


Last time on survivor: digimon/amazon
The two tribes got the teams picked,
And they both got to there campsites safely,
Guilmon and terriermon made an alliance,
And gomamon has some ideas for a strategy, camp rotu,
Renamon and impmon made an alliance,
Renamon says I think I know how I can change your mind!
And armadillomon tries to keep patamon in,
But in the immunity challenge it proves to be futile, as patamon can?t cut the ropes!
Marumu wins immunity,
And patamon was voted out at tribal council!
Who will be next!
(Survivor music starts to play)
Episode 2 day 1
Camp rotu
Renamon was out looking for food and impmon was collecting firewood, while gabumon was cooking, and biyomon and hawkmon were trying to build the permanent shelter, armadillomon was talking with agumon so do u think we have a better chance if we first get rid of hawkmon and/or biyomon since they are obviously in a alliance. Yes and we should include gabumon in this 2. Yes. Agreed armadillomon. But not right now it?s 2 critacal. Yes I agree.
And then agumon says he will go fishing and gets the fishing poll and heads for the boat. And armadillomon says he will help them build the permanent shelter.
Meanwhile at marumu.
Everyone is feasting on fish that gomamon caught the other day. And drinking water and talking. When tentomon says we wouldn?t have won if it wasn?t for guilmon and gatomon, yeah says wormon. But then gatomon says no we won with teamwork. And it goes on and on. For 9 min and afterward the tribe feels more united.
And they all give a group hug before they did some chores guilmon decides to get the shelter going. And gatomon joins him and veemon joins them! While gomamon goes fishing and tentomon joins him. Wormmon tends to the fire. Palmon goes gathering for fruit, and terriermon joins her.
On the boat tentomon asks gomamon a question. Can I ask u a question before u dive-in he asks yes says gomamon? Who do u thinks is the weakest 1 on our team that would be wormmon duh. I saw him struggling with the ropes.
Meanwhile at rotu
Armadillomon and gabumon check the treemail and there is a bottle in it with a piece of paper in it. Gabumon takes the piece of paper out and reads you?re stuck on a boat. Send one out to go for help if he doesn?t make it. Then u doesn?t cut it.
10 min later. 5 miles away. Both teams arrive at the spot it is a huge lake. And there are 2 boats. Well a new tribe Jeff says looking at rotu. With 1 less member, maramumu as u can see 1 of the members are gone and its patamon, well what your going to be playing for is this, jeff pulls a cloth off a box and inside is a bowl full of fruit and bread. Citrus fruit and Italian bread. Not to mention apples and orangs. Guilmon was almost drooling at the sight of the bread.
And here's what u have to do u will be pulled out into the middle of the lake. Where win I say go u will choose 2 people to go out and swim to shore to get the 4 paddles when they get back to the boat the other 4 will each get a paddle and paddle back to shore where you will all cross the finish line wins. U must have all your tribe mates on the other side of the line to win. Marumu since u have 1 extra member someone has to sit out remember the same person can?t sit out in back to back challenges. Wormmon raises his hand and he squirms over to Jeff prost and sits beside him, 3 min later there all out in the middle of the lack survivors ready go!
Gomamon jumps into the water, along with veemon. And start swimming toward the shore, on the other team, renamon and gabumon start swimming out. Gomamon is now ahead of the others. And is followed by renamon and in third is gabumon and last is veemon, gomamon reaches the shore and nabs 2 paddles and starts going for the boat and then veemon gets ahead of gabumon while renamon gets to shore and gets the paddles. And starts swimming back to the boat. Gabumon and veemon go to shore at the same time and got the paddles and started swimming back to the boat and were neck and neck. Gomamon got to the boat and gave the paddles to guilmon and gatomon, who postinted there paddles to be ready to row like hell,
Then renamon go to her boat and gave her paddles to agumon and impmon, and they did the same with their paddles. Gabumon and veemon were still neck and neck when they got to their boats, and immediately the others started to paddel. They paddled and paddled. Then rotu took the lead. Then neck and neck then rotu in the lead again. They both land on the shore together. Renamon and gatomon were the first to cross the line on both teams. Terriermon and gomamon hitched a ride on guilmon's back and got there. Impmon and biyomon and hawkmon. Got there all together. Veemon and gabumon ran over the line at the same time, that left agumon and palmon and tentomon, tentomon fly?s over the line and agumon and palmon runs over but agumon runs faster than palmon cause palmon has roots for legs! And agumon crosses first and Jeff announces rotu wins the reward! And the whole team of rotu gives a big cheer. And marumu just looks at each other.
Back at camp
Mararmu confessional
Guilmon says in the confessional, I can?t belive we lost, I wanted that bread, and it?s all because of palmon, well me and terriermon will just vote her out! Veemon in the confessional, man gabumon?s stronger than I thought I would just have to make an alliance with him when I make it to the merge. Gomamon in the confessional, will the third time I proved myself useful I think I am one of the weaker people in the tribe so I don?t have to worry?
Well says renamon we got the reward all we needed was to get rid of patamon and we would be a good team, lets save the rest of this stuff says agumon chewing on a orange. They put the rest of the food in the create,
(They ate half of it already!)
Renamon walks near the permanent shelter its not done yet but the floors done and they are working on the poles that are going to be holding up the roof.
And then looked up to the sky and say rain clouds coming their way. And she knew 2 people were going to have to be out in the rain.
Then she thought of an idea,
Guys a rain cloud is coming I will need 2 people for keeping the fire alive, agumon said he will try 2, then gabumon said he would. 10 min later everyone but agumon and gabumon was in the shelter and they both made a lil tike over the fire to keep it form going out.
There is only a shelter for 2 people!
Guilmon and gatomon are in it. Everyone else is trying to keep everything form blowing away!
In the shelter.
So gatomon what are u like,
What do u mean what is I like?
Well uh what I mean to say is?.
But gatomon cut him off!
You want to do it with me don?t you? Um yes! Blurts out guilmon. Gatomon says well okay only if you?ll be in an alliance with me.
Gatomon begins by getting on top of him. Then starts licking his chest guilmon starts to moan a lil, then gatomon looks down and starts to rub guilmon pouch, then guilmon starts to get a erection guilmon starts to finger gatomon so that she?ll be ready for him, then he slowly pushes it in gatomon and she moans quietly not to attract the others of there moment. Especially veemon! Then he starts to pump in and out of her for 5 min and then blows his load! Gatomon gets off of guilmon cleans her pussy and his cock and his cock going back in his pouch then they both go back to sleep. Secretly unknoun to them veemon was watching!
O I?ll get u guilmon I?ll get u he says.
Episode 2 day 2
Everyone gets up; some people are soaking wet, all but 2 tentomon and wormmon they were helping with the fire. Gatomon and guilmon came out of the shelter, veemon stares at them and says had a good sleep they both look at each other and says yes! Veemon says well. Then u won?t mind helping us with the shelter.
Okay says guilmon and gatomon.
Gabumon is sleeping next to agumon near the fire. And agumon is watching over the fire. Renamon and impmon come out and start looking for firewood.
While hawkmon and biyomon went to get the treemail,
Bronze is good but brains are best can u best the rest and pass the test. Biyomon read.
Hmmm sounds like a brain test. (No kidding)
Thinks hawkmon.10 min later 5 miles away from both camps. Both tribes arrive.
Okay guys u will answer 14 questions bout the Amazonian hut behind me study it when I tell u two then u will have to answer questions bout it. The best out of 14 wins okay. Marumu since u has 1 extra person someone has to sit out. And the same person can?t sit out in back to back challenges. Guilmon you?re sitting out okay.
2 min passes as the teams study the hut then they go back. Okay gatomon you?re up first for this tribe and renamon your first for this tribe okay
Survivors ready go.
How many corn meal pancakes are on the frying pan. Gatomon writes down 4 renamon writes down 5.
Let?s see your awnsers. The correct awnsers is 5. Rotu 1 point next up is wormmon and biyomon. How many chairs are there? Let?s see your anwsers. Biyomon correct 7. Wormmon wrong 4.
2 min later rotu 9 marumu 7
11th question marumu u have to get all 3 questions right to win. But if rotu gets another point. They automatically win. Next question.
How many beds are on the second story?
Hawkmon writes down something and veemon writes down something.
Let?s see your awnsers. Your both right the awnsers 3 and rotu wins immunity!
Rotu gives a big group hug.
Sorry marumu you?re going to tribal council.
That night at tribal council.
Everyone grabs a torch and lights it on fire then sits down.
Jeff asks guilmon guilmon what do u think of this team.
We are very very strong together. This is a good team.
Then Jeff asks wormmon who do u thinks is leaving tonight. That would be me cause I am so weak look at me I am a caterpillar. Tentomon gives him a pat on the back. For being modest. Then Jeff asks, gatomon who do u think is the leader we don?t have a leader if we are going to have a leader it would have to be me or guilmon. Ok time to vote guilmon your up first.
Walks up to the voting spot and writes palmon, palmon its cause of u why I didn?t get my bread u got to go.
Then terrieriermon writes down palmon and says u is one of the strongest builders but u has no speed.
Palmon votes for wormmon. And tentomon votes for wormmon and veemon votes for guilmon. The rest are secret.
Let?s read the votes. Takes out a valet
Another palmon
Another palmon.
That?s 2 palmon 1 guilmon
Another wormmon and another palmon,
That?s 3 palmon 1 wormmon and 1 guilmon.
Another vote which has wormon on it
Then another which has wormmon on that to. That 3 wormmon and 3 palmon and 1 guilmon. Last vote!
The second person voted out of the amazon.
Palmon. Palmon gives her torch to Jeff who snuffs it out. Then palmon walks down the path to the boat!
U guys can go back to camp.

Whew I am so glad to get that 1 done.
Have eney prediction ideas or comments. Plz e-mail me at

Messages In This Thread
digimon survivor ^^ *updated* - by billy2 - 08-22-2003, 07:19 AM
[No subject] - by Red Mage Dragon Tiamat - 08-22-2003, 07:24 AM
[No subject] - by Chibi Biyomon - 08-22-2003, 10:28 PM
[No subject] - by billy2 - 08-23-2003, 04:16 AM
[No subject] - by Red Mage Dragon Tiamat - 08-23-2003, 07:09 AM
[No subject] - by urban dream - 08-23-2003, 07:45 AM
[No subject] - by billy2 - 08-23-2003, 10:48 AM
[No subject] - by Red Mage Dragon Tiamat - 08-23-2003, 05:54 PM
[No subject] - by Chibi Biyomon - 08-23-2003, 05:55 PM
[No subject] - by Red Mage Dragon Tiamat - 08-23-2003, 07:29 PM
[No subject] - by billy2 - 08-24-2003, 02:37 AM
[No subject] - by Red Mage Dragon Tiamat - 08-24-2003, 03:30 AM
[No subject] - by billy2 - 08-24-2003, 09:04 AM
[No subject] - by Chibi Biyomon - 08-24-2003, 10:06 AM
[No subject] - by billy2 - 08-24-2003, 11:03 AM
[No subject] - by Chibi Biyomon - 08-24-2003, 11:04 AM
[No subject] - by Chibi Biyomon - 08-24-2003, 11:17 AM
[No subject] - by billy2 - 08-24-2003, 11:55 PM
[No subject] - by Chibi Biyomon - 08-25-2003, 12:06 AM
[No subject] - by billy2 - 08-25-2003, 12:12 AM
[No subject] - by Chibi Biyomon - 08-25-2003, 12:24 AM
[No subject] - by Red Mage Dragon Tiamat - 08-25-2003, 12:37 AM
[No subject] - by Chibi Biyomon - 08-25-2003, 12:43 AM
[No subject] - by billy2 - 08-25-2003, 12:45 AM
[No subject] - by Chibi Biyomon - 08-25-2003, 12:49 AM