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New part in the series... Questions revealed and... End?
The day the innocenece was lost -Digimon lemon by MISTER BIG T
Is this the final part in the series? Maybe, maybe… But I wouldn't mind to continue it. This will take a huge leaps from between characters to show off their motives and actions. It has absolutely no sex at all too, wich I'm sorry about, but if you read it you'll understand why there couldn't be any.

The red sunlight went between Terriermon and Patamon. It was time. Both of the old friends and todays nemesis sprinted into a run. The clash of titans had begun.



Lopmon was browsing through the files consisting about the injury of Terriermon. But she knew he wouldn't stop working, so she was gonna force him to have a small vacation untill he would be perfectly normal again. Rising the cell phone, he called Ken about the injury. "I'm sorry Terriermon… You can't make yourself get too exhausted, it could be lethal." She thought to herself.


Renamon was walking in the prison section, untill she reached the cell where Deathromon was.

Renamon: "You do know why I'm here, don't you?"
Deathromon: "Yes, you are here to kill me."
Renamon: "Not really, just make you see things like we want."
Deathromon: "And so, you will kill the real me and banguish it into eternal darkness."
Renamon: "…….I'll just wake you up from a long time sleep."
Deathromon: "It doesn't have to be a dream. The Gondolan one project does not have to go on. You know it."
Renamon: "Deathromon…. You were my idol. You are the reason I did become a Digi Assasin… But still… I will just do my job."
Deathromon: "Like a machine, who does not questions his or her superiors?"
Renamon: "It's the only way…"


Deathromon: "I see. Well, if fate so wills it."



Gatomon was wiggling her tail. It was getting late and still no word from Patomon. She was starting to get nervous and tried to call Ken with the public number. It was busy. Slamming the phone down, she fell back to bed and gave a heavy sigh. Suddenly, the gust opened the window. As Gatomon raised up to close it, the wounded Biyomon flied from it at her with full speed, hitting her to ground. Looking back, Gatomon was able to see the bandages covering nearly half of the Misatos head. Revealing her sharp claws, Gatomon slashed towards the wound. Misato screamed in pain and backed away, blood cushioning away from the opened wound.

Misato: "How dare you!"
Gatomon: "Leave now or I'll make do the same to other side of your head."

Rubbing the bloody wound, the Biyomon looked at Gatomon with her healthy eye. It was only one eye looking towards her, but Gatomon could felt like she would have been stabbed with thousand knifes.

Misato: "I challenge you to a fight to the death."
Gatomon: "So be it."


Terriermon gasbed, as his left side felt like it was in flames. It hurt even when he did breath. Despite this, he continued to run. Patomon suddenly noticed this.

Patomon: "Are you ok?"
Terriermon: "In good enough shape to defeat you… Uuurgh…"

Not even a second after saying this, Terriermon stopped for a second and goughed up some blood. But after the was done goughing, he continued to run, even though slower than before.

Patamon: "Terriermon…"
Terriermon: "Don't stop. Put everything you have into this contest!"
Patamon: "But at this rate, you will not make it even into halfway."
Terriermon: "Even so, I'd rather choose that than life rest of my life without knowing who is truly better…"
Patamon: "Stop that! This is not about us or anything we went through!"
Terriermon: "Oh, you are wrong. This has EVERYTHING to do with us."

Above the two, Lopmon had just taken a sip of the coffee and relaxed in her chair, when she had seen Terriermon and Patamon running.

Lopmon: "Terriermon! What is he doing??"

Putting over her coat, she ran downstairs. There was no time to lose, otherwise the results could be disastrous.


Ken was in his office, looking at pieces of ice in his drink. Suddenly the door opened and Renamon came, carrying a container filled with purpler liquid.

Ken: "I take it, there were no problems in the gaining this?"
Renamon: "No, he did not resist at all. Wich is very odd, considering how painful it must have been."
Ken: "Well, all is good."

Holding the container in his hand, Ken gently caressed it.

Ken: "The elixir of life… This will help us in Gondolan one project."
Renamon: "Will we use it in DNA and see if the results are positive?"
Ken: "We have been doing those things for ages. It's time we move to phase 3."
Renamon: "As you want, I'll go inform the developement unit about your decision."

Renamon reached her hand for the container, but Ken rejected.

Ken: "No, I'll keep it to myself untill the final moments."
Renamon: "Are you sure? You are not thinking of drinking it, are you?"
Ken: "Of course not, I do know about it's mutilating effects on human body."
Renamon: "Ah, of course. Forgive me for asking."
Ken: "It's ok. You are dismissed, Major Renamon."
Renamon: "Thank you."

Walking away from the room, Renamon looked kinda down. She was now a major. But what had she done to get that rank?

Renamon: "May God be merciful on my soul."


Moving her right leg a little in front, Gatomon took a fighting stance. Misato did the same. The two looked at each other, not moving even a muscle. Suddenly, Misato dashed towards Gatomon, kicking her with her knee. Giving a loud ooof, Gatomon flied against wall. She quickly however recovered from the blow and took hold of the nearby chair, smashing it against the head of Misato, wich made the splinters go inside her wound. Groaning in pain, she fell to her back. Gatomon, seeing a position used it and leaped over Misato, slicing her face with one of her claws. She brough the other claw up and slashed again. And again. And again…

It wasn't long, before the dead body of the once beautiful Biyomon was lying in her own blood.


Terriermon jumped over the open manhole. Even with his injury, he was still on the lead. Patomon tried to pick up the pace by beginning to slap his wings in synchronized movement, a move wich gave him enough power to win Terriermon back when they were kids. Soon, he had gotten to same point as Terriermon and the two were again in other ones sides.

Patamon: "Terriermon!!!"

The sudden scream of the worried secretary of Terriermon made both of the contestants turn their heads towards her.

Patamon: "Terriermon, stop! You can't take this kind of thing with your injury! Do you want to spend the rest of the life in some hospital?"
Terriermon: "Stay out of this Lopmon, you will never understand what I went through."
Lopmon: "Yes, I do know."

Terriermon gagged as he finally was able to remember correctly from behind the booze and frustration.

Announcer: "And the contestants have began their run! It's a beautiful morning today and it's predicted that this will be a duel between the two high class atheletes, Terriermon and Patamon."
Gatomon: "Go Patamon! You can beat him!"
Lopmon: "Please… Be safe Terriermon."

Both of the kids were running as fast as they could. Patamon used his wings to cool off his body as they were running.

Announcer: "The two are getting into first district, where they need to cross the first obstacle."

Terriermon jumped over the small mudhole, but Patamon fell into it.

Announcer: "Oh no! Patamon has fell into the mudhole and lost his momentum! He can kiss farewell to the victory."

Terriremon looked behind and gave a small laugh. But when he looked before him again, he noticed the Klap Trap in front of him. It was too late, his leg was stuck into the small hole. Terriermon screamed and tried to get his leg off, but the hole didn't open. Finally, Patamon was able to get to his feet and came to aid his friend, opening the hole enough for him to be able to get free.


Terriermon: "Patamon… You helpt me?"
Patamon: "Yes…"
Terriermon: "That means… You did not cheat… Never…"

Saying this, Terriermon collapsed.

Lopmon: "Terriermon!"

Running towards him, she hugged her with teary eyes.

Terriermon: "Patomon… Forgive me. I have been blind all my life. And I was stuck into past so long, I did not understand the future I could have."

Looking at Lopmon, he gave a smile.

Terriermon: "Patamon… You and Gatomon belong together… Go… And live like you want, when you want. Do not look back and live your life like I did… You have future… Not me. And Lopmon…"
Lopmon: "Y-yes?"
Terriermon: "I truly did lo…lov…"
Lopmon: "Terriermon?"
Terriermon: "………."
Lopmon: "Terriermon! Noooooo!!!"

The mist blew over the two griefing digimons, with their heart filled with sadness.

Patamon: "Lopmon… "
Lopmon: "I loved him…All my life… I never… I was too shy to say it out loud… But…"
Patamon: "Lopmon… I'm sorry… So sorry…"



Patamon walked into home. He was tired, he was angry and he was sad. Gatomon came from upstairs.

Both: "You can't believe whatkind of day today was."

The beginning of smile formed over both of the lovers faces. They had went through a lot, but their trial had just begun…

To be continued?

Theres only one question this time. But it's more important than before.

Shall I continue making these series?
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Lord Patamon Wrote:King of sadism alright, that's a perfect title for you

Messages In This Thread
New part in the series... Questions revealed and... End? - by MISTER BIG T - 08-09-2003, 02:13 AM
[No subject] - by Lord Patamon - 08-09-2003, 05:02 AM
[No subject] - by urban dream - 08-09-2003, 08:54 AM
[No subject] - by Chibi Biyomon - 08-09-2003, 08:55 AM